Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Gmail - President Obama's latest attack on religious freedom demands your response -

Gmail - President Obama's latest attack on religious freedom demands your response -

President Obama's latest attack on religious freedom demands your response

Concerned Women for America to me
show details 8:26 PM (15 hours ago)

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Penny Nance, Chief Executive Officer and President
Concerned Women for America


President Obama is said to be teetering on the edge of forcing people of faith to pay for and promote birth-control, sterilization and early-term “Morning After” abortions through a proposed regulation in his ObamaCare plan.

Concerned Women for America is moving rapidly to amass at least 50,000 petitions that will be immediately hand-delivered to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius who proposed what could become another massive government handout paid for by you and me!

Don’t allow President Obama to force you to go against your moral compass. Click here now to be included in this important petition initiative.

+ + Brief 72 Hour Window May Be the Time We Have to Act is reporting that the president has yet to make his decision about the regulation, and that delay has triggered fear in the anti-life community that Pro-Life organizations (including CWA) may be impacting the president’s decision making process.

Let’s all pray that is the case!

Meanwhile, our contacts on Capitol Hill suggest that we may have only 72 hours to impact this critical Pro-Life issue. That’s why we are moving rapidly to amass an additional 10,000-15,000 citizens who are standing for their religious rights and the unborn by opposing Obama’s Abortion Mandate.

Having already signed our petition opposing Obama's Abortion Mandate, we are asking that you do two very important things leading to CWA's petition delivery.

+ + Alert Your Pro-Life Friends and Family

Click here to ensure that you are included in this important upcoming delivery.

Forward this message to 25-30 like-minded friends and family members encouraging them to join with you by signing our national petition OBJECTING and REJECTING Obama's Abortion Mandate and his unconscionable attack on our religious liberties!

Urge them to move quickly to add their names so that CWA can represent their voice in this upcoming petition delivery.

Have them click here to be included in this important petition delivery opposing Obama's Abortion mandate.

+ + Contact the HHS and the White House

After alerting your friends, please also call both HHS Secretary Sebelius and President Obama and let them know how you feel about their violating the conscience of millions of Americans who have deep moral objections to his Abortion Mandate.

Here are the numbers you need:

• Health and Human Services Dept: 1-877-696-6775 or 202-690-7000
• The White House Comments Line: 202-456-1414

As a key member of our online team, I urge you to use these next hours to help CWA maximize their petition impact by rallying friends and family urging them to stand against Obama’s Abortion Mandate.

Thank you in advance for your partnership.

Encourage your friends to sign CWA's Petition Opposing The New Abortion Mandate!


Penny Nance
Chief Executive Officer and President

P.S. I am depending on our outstanding grassroots team to help rally the critically needed extra support to push back against Obama’s abortion mandate. Please forward this message to your friends and share our effort on Facebook.

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