Thursday, December 8, 2011

Gmail - Sensenbrenner: Impeachment is an option -

Gmail - Sensenbrenner: Impeachment is an option -

Sensenbrenner: Impeachment is an option

GOPUSA Mid-Day Report
12:53 PM (8 minutes ago)
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Sensenbrenner: Impeachment is an option

WASHINGTON (AP) Republican lawmakers told Attorney General Eric Holder on Thursday to fire some Justice Department subordinates over the flawed arms-trafficking investigation called Operation Fast and Furious. At a House Judiciary Committee hearing, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin said impeachment is an option if Holder does not "clean up this mess" quickly.

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Tim Tebow and the Culture of Pseudo Political Correctness

Despite the fact that in America, 60 to 70 percent of people identify themselves as "Christian" to one degree or another, Christian-bashing seems to be just about as popular a pastime as watching football these days. And when a national football player commits the unpardonable sins of being both pro-life and vociferously, pro-Jesus, you end up with Monday morning pundits who cast ridiculous judgments from on top of their lofty thrones, much like the old Muppet Show characters Statler and Waldorf.

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Democrat Corzine blames others, doesn't know what happened to $1.2b

WASHINGTON (AP) Jon Corzine told a congressional panel Thursday that he never intended to break rules requiring failed securities firm MF Global to safeguard client funds. He also said he doesn't know what happened to an estimated $1.2 billion that went missing.

Read more at GOPUSA... How do you say Bull S8!t in English?

US household wealth takes big hit

WASHINGTON (AP) Americans' wealth last summer suffered its biggest quarterly loss in more than two years as stocks, pension funds and home values lost value.

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Newt Is Right On Work Ethics

Tom Brokaw has written a book about the Greatest Generation, a generation that grew up with fathers in the home who saw it as their duty to instill in their sons a work ethic. The Greatest Generation went on to win World War II. Newt Gingrich is right when he warns that the newest generation does not understand or appreciate the value of good, hard work.

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