Friday, December 2, 2011

Obama: I’ve Done More for Israel’s Security Than Any Other Administration

Part #2 of 2

President Barack Obama said Wednesday he has done more for Israel’s security than any other administration, and vowed no ally is more important to the U.S. than the Jewish state.
“I try not to pat myself too much on the back, but this administration has done more for the security of the state of Israel than any previous administration,” Obama said.

“Whether it’s making sure that our intelligence cooperation is effective, to making sure that we’re able to construct something like an iron dome so that we don’t have missiles raining down on Tel Aviv, we have been consistent in insisting that we don’t compromise when it comes to Israel’s security,” Obama said.

  1. Southern Bell says:
    Arrogance is the Complementary opposite of the Self Deprecation Feature. Arrogant people lack +Humility and -Abasement. Rarely do they feel sorry for themselves. They are not apologetic about anything. In fact, they may be pitiless toward the suffering of others, because they are not attuned to their own suffering like Lowly people. Where Self-Deprecating people express their mediocrity and disgrace, Arrogant people brag on their great accomplishments. Their world is in their own mind. I think he needs to be committed and put into a padded cell to keep him all safe and quite until the election is OVER!!!
  2. Gemeral Mayhem says:
    Sad state of affairs. POTUS Obama or his advisors seem to have never read a History Book. Their policy on the Mideast has been one that will cause untold suffering for both Israel and the USA. Obama has allowed The Muslim Brotherhood to circle Israel. Iran is on the verge of getting atomic weapons. Iran wants to restore the old Persian empire as a Caliphte. Iran controls the major oil route from the Mideast. The same Arab Muslim tribe that controls Iran now controls Iraq. China and Russia have rattled their swords and said for us not to mess with Iran or it will be the start of WWIII. This puts the USA between the rock and the hard place, and with no pipeline from Canada. Let us thank our brilliant Commander in Chief for protecting our country just like a community planner would.
  3. James R Maxwell says:
    2012 Elections are comming fast and obama knows the Jewish community is not as solid in the democrat camp as in the past. This is all due to his throwing them under the buss numerous times since he has been elected. While the Jewish community has blindly voted
    for the democrats in the past this time they may actuall wake up and realize that they do not
    have suport for Israel in the White House. What they have is a “Manchurian Candidate” who
    will flip the switch on them without warning. He showed his true colors when he bowed to the Saudi King and kissed his ring, that was admitting who his master was.
    • LEGION says:
      he can kiss my arse,clinton trained this marxist lap dog well.he will get in again the repub licans have assured this ,look who they put up in 08/now.RON PAUL/ALAN KEYES 2012.
  4. MacsSquirrel says:
    He is such a liar. Problem is, when he lies, he forgets what he said and steps deeper in crap. HE NEEDS TO BE GONE!
  5. Sharon says:
    Well I will say one thing….he is consistent with his lying!
    Israel is our only friend in the middle east and should be respected including when their leader comes to the White House…..oh I forgot Obama has to answer to no one!!
  6. John says:
    Hmmm… This sounds similar to his recent rant about how he has “cut ” our taxes. Obama needs a lesson in basic grammar. Instead of using the preposition ” for ” in his statement, he should substitute the preposition ” to ” instead. Lying seems to be in the guy’s DNA. Remember these whoppers ?
    “I promise 100% transparency in my administration.”
    “I promise NO NEW TAXES on a family making less than $250K a year.”
    “I will allow 5 days of public comment before I sign any bills.”
    “I will remove earmarks for PORK projects before I sign any bill.”
    “I will end Income Tax for seniors making less than $50K a year.”
    “I’ll put the Health Care negotiations on CSPAN so everyone can see who is at the table!”
    “I’ll have no lobbyists in my administration.”
    If bull$hit were gold bricks, Obama would be the richest man in the universe !
  7. Dennis says:
    People, people…BHO is correct! He has done more for Israel’s security than anyone else…he just left out one little part of that phrase…He has UNDERMINED it more than anyone else. Time for this LFN to exit!
  8. jim says:
    More campaign rhetoric. Problem is that most of our dummy or leftist populice will buy it. This traitor is going to get elected again. The GOP field is so weak that they should be ashamed. They have had 3 years to prepare for this and the best of the field is Romney and Gingrich ?
  9. Abe Lincoln says:
    Dear Sharon: Israel is our “ONLY” friend in the Middle East! Why do you think he is trying to screw that relationship up?
  10. Old Vet says:
    What is so sad is that Obumbler really, truely thinks that MOST Americans are completely stupid. Over the last three years he’ gone to and fro on so much. Two years, the first of his time in Office, He and the Demons of “Congress” passed the “HELL-th Kare” law, NOT KNOWING WHAT WAS IN IT. How in the hell can a LAW be written, then passed by congress and NOT ONE THEM Knew what was in it………..duh?……..who wrote it then? I’ll put my money on Ronald McDonald with “Wendy” and “Burger King” did. For JUST ONE YEAR the GOP controls the house, they’ve PASSED MANY BILLS, during that time, BUT THE SENATE, CONTROLLED BY DEMON REID HAS NOT! All those bills are sitting in the SENATE, yet Obumbler KEEPS saying “That Do-nothing congress”, knowing the people will JUST THINK ABOUT THE HOUSE………….wait a sec…………maybe Obumbler is right………maybe the American people are stupid………..THEY DID ELECT Obumbler to office, it’s not like O won by having his “ticket” pulled from a bowl. Yeah, that’s it……the American people are stupid………….
  11. haroldson says:
    Obama has not only lied so much he don’t know the truth from a lie, Now he is delusional and suffering from illusions of grandeur ,Next he will be frothing at the mouth, and hopefully he will bite himself in the as- and get rabies and some one will put the fool in chief out of his misery, Or maybe he will come to his senses and figure out what a sorry pres. he has been and still is and be to ashamed to show his face in America and swim back to kenya,
  12. spxz says:
    Narcissism: — Symptoms of this disorder include, but are not limited to:
    Reacts to criticism with anger, shame, or humiliation
    May take advantage of others to reach their own goal
    Tend to exaggerate their own importance, achievements, and talents
    Imagines unrealistic fantasies of success, beauty, power, intelligence, or romance
    Requires constant attention and positive reinforcement from others
    Easily becomes jealous
    Lacks empathy and disregards the feelings of others
    Obsessed with oneself
    Mainly pursues selfish goals
    Narcissists also tend to be physically attractive on first impression, giving them advantages when first meeting people.
    sociopath [( soh -see-uh-path, soh -shee-uh-path)]
    Someone whose social behavior is extremely abnormal. Sociopaths are interested only in their personal needs and desires, without concern for the effects of their behavior on others.
  13. Mike says:
    So, when is that lying kenyan going to start abiding by some of the election promises He made to Israel’s Colony?
  14. Senior Viking says:
    What a lying p.o.s.
    0′s only pandering for votes by fabricating this fairy tale.
    God’s wrath will eventually come down on this piss poor excuse for human waste.
    0′s postition on Israel is well known and God will not be mocked.
    One day we’ll all wake up and read o is gone. He has joined sadam, bin ladin, kadafy, and michael jackson.
    No doubt.
  15. John Wayne says:
    He’s on crack!
  16. jb80538 says:
    This man is dilusional!
    Maybe done more to harm Israel than any other administration…I would believe that.
  17. old1 says:
    Lips move, out pour lies! I’ve never seen a human lie as easily as this thing does. It has no proven history! It’s past is just what it has told us, from those lying lips. Maybe it is not one of US. What could it be? Where did it come from? How can We The People get rid of it? It’s killing US! I’m not religious, but some of my friends that are, think it is that Antichrist they have read about. He does fit the description, and the world is following that old ancient legendary path toward destruction. This is starting to feel like a “B” sci-fi movie. Makes me feel uncomfortable, nervous, apprehensive. Kind of like a thick evil fog has rolled in over America in a Stephen King novel. Things just don’t feel right. I don’t trust anybody anymore. People look in my direction with hate in their eyes and they don’t even know me. I wonder if they see that in my eyes? What is happening to US? What Evil this way comes?
  18. T. Jefferson says:
    Shenanigans!!! Get your brooms!!!
  19. ALLAN K says:
    O likes busing. In fact he’ll throw you under it like he did Isreal and then tell how much he’s done for you like he did with Isreal. 2012 elections can’t get here fast and furious enough.
  20. Florida Jim says:
    Charles Krauthammer said Obama was delusional about his help to Israel! Obama says so many things that are untrue, half-true or outright lies known by him while saying them. He has been able to get away with this subterfuge because the lamestream media never calls him out on any of his lies.
    A good example of the bias in the lamestream media is to compare the coverage of John Edwards meeting his mistress time and time again while his wife was dying of cancer with the coverage of Herrman Cain. Goria Alred searched the sewer and found David Axelrod who has many such women he has used for Obama in past campaigns[see Coulter's recent documentation of same].
  21. Friend of John Wayne says:
    You mister are a perpetual lying piece of human garbage.
    I would not believe this bast*rd for all the money in the world.
    We used to get a back hand across the mouth for lying.
    This guy would get one so hard he would fly across the room.
  22. John M says:
    Imagine being in combat with him…and he has you back…..waaaaaayyyyyback!
  23. Friend of John Wayne says:
    PS get out.
  24. buddy9210 says:
    Barry, Barry, Barry, you hitting that crack pipe again???? Cubbies, lets not forget that this clown said to Isreal that they need to give away the present boarder and go back to the 50′s boarder!!! Now, Barry Soetoro your days are numbered as potus, and if you do get another 4 more yrs(God Forbid), you will be a lame duck potus!!! So, Barry, you need to spend some time packing instead of going around speacking about make believe stuff you and your ilk come up with on Wed. night parties at the WH!!!! God Help US!!!!
  25. cbond01 says:
    Obama did more to ( he left out the word damage ) Israel’s security than any other president.
  26. niki levine says:
    all of these comments are great but, no one is reading them other than conservatives. Liberals and Independents are NOT subscribing to the If you want your voice heard, get on some liberal blogs, Obama fan pages on Facebook, a Rachel Madcow blog etc. is a good one.
    • Fredsworld says:
      Good suggestion, come on Patriots lets give it back to them for a change! Let the liberal scum feel the sting of our words!
  27. Bigfoot says:
    Liar, Liar…Pants on FIRE…..
  28. Fredsworld says:
    Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rotteness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the Law of the Lord of hosts, and despised the word of the holy One of Israel. Isaiah 5:25 Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20 God bless America and her Patriots!
  29. Michael says:
    OK! Have I missed something here? Obama has done more for Israel than any other President on the security of Israel?? Ok, I give up, when has he done that for Israel? Ahhh, he did it under the frame work of stealth, and he just didn’t want anyone else to know that he is a secret friend of Israel, especially his muslim friends, that he considers his bestis friends in the whole wide world. I reckon he has done more for Israel than President Nixon has done, when Nixon sent over all the equipment that Israel needed to protect thier Homeland, to include Tanks, Planes, Ammunition, weapons ETC… Name it and Nixon sent it, then Nixon stood by Israels side, and even told their PM that if needed or called upon, The United States would be there in a heartbeat. I wonder, did Obama do that for Israel? I guess that I can assume that when Obama said what he did about Israel, that Obama was having a LSD Flashback, or he came to the fund raiser under the influence of LSD, and at the moment he said he had done more, he started to hallucinate, must have been Timothy Leary’s Only, LSD 25, that must have been some goood stuff. As soon as Obama comes down off his Trip, he’ll realize what he said, then I can imagine him saying, “WOW!! I need to do more of that just so I can get things done”.
  30. Larry says:
    His only accomplishment is further aiding the muslims in their quest to kill all who don’t believe in their cult.
  31. Bernie says:
    There must be a mental condition that describes Obama’s delusional thoughts and opinions……
  32. Tom says:
    Obama has a way of “buttering” up people, but beware, he is getting ready to fry each and every one of us if re-elected. He is a very dangerous person, not to be trusted. Wake Up America!
  33. You too says:
    If this is not proof that Obama really thinks that we are all completely stupid, I don’t what would be.
    In a way, he is correct, Obama has done more for the security of Israel than any other president – he just isn’t saying that it was more HARM.
    It’s just like his “fundamental change”, he didn’t say “how” it would be fundamentally changed.
    And, like the economy, he has done more for the US economy than anyone else, again, it was more HARM.
    He really believes himself and thinks that he is above it all – like with the proven fraudulent birth certificate.
    Obama is not the real problem – the real problem is a Congress that WILL NOT OBEY THE LAW. Congress has the power to remove Obama for failure to provide identification. Congress has the power to arrest Obama for Felony Fraud concerning his supposed birth certificate.
    If Congress will not do their job, abide by their Oaths and the Constitution, then it is time for WE THE PEOPLE to heed the words of Thomas Jefferson and remove them by whatever means is required and re-institute the type of government and guarantees of our Natural Rights that we are supposed to have.
  34. L.E. Liesner says:
    There are none so blind as those that will not see, and none so deaf as those that will not listen. Obama has been lying since his first day in office and will continue to lie to the end. As soon as a few more bordering countries are taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood, Israel will be attacked and the Obama administration is instrumental in this takeover. Any Jewish person that donates to the Obama re-election are for all practical purposes committing suicide.
  35. I have not seen him do one thing to protect Israel. He even turned his back on Benji when he was in D.C.. He’s done much to help our enemies in that area than he has done to protect us. He is a Two faced liar. Show us the proof Mr. Obama.
  36. David says:
    Obama’s statement proves one thing , he really, really thinks we are stupid.
  37. rowley says:
    More for undermining Israel security is accurate. No other Prez has ever done that.
  38. Jack Hotchkiss says:
    I’m not sure if the word or words stupid, ignorant, liar, aloofness or Mr. more equal apply to that (all the above words) SOB.
    I do know that you can judge a man by the company he keeps. One can determine the type of tree by the fruit it bares.
    What he is not, is easier to explain (by his own words) as in; not an American, not a child of God, not a protector of the un-born, not a friend and partner to Israel, not a leader not the President of these United States and not my President.
    A note to that dirt clod that inhabits my White House.
    You have long attempted to anger the American population to the point of rebellion so that you could proclaim Martial Law and thereby remain in the office of the President as Dictator in chief for ever. The foregoing, again was not fully thought through by you. Think about it.

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