Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Obama, UN to Tax US Citizens for Green Climate Fund | Vision to America

Obama, UN to Tax US Citizens for Green Climate Fund | Vision to America

Obama, UN to Tax US Citizens for Green Climate Fund

global tax

President Obama’s team of negotiators at the United Nations Climate Change Conference may agree to a tax on foreign currency transactions, designed to pay for a “Green Climate Fund,” that would fall disproportionately on American travellers and businesses, according to a group attending the conference that is skeptical of the UN position on global warming.

Negotiators at the conference are considering “a new tax on every foreign currency transaction in the world,” according to the Center for a Constructive Alternative (CFACT). “Every time you travel abroad, you’ll have to pay a climate tax,” explains CFACT, the group that released the “Climategate” emails. “More importantly, every time we import goods, every time we export our fine products (think jobs) we will do so with a climate tax skimming off the top.”

European countries would evade much of the tax burden, however, because “transactions within the Eurozone won’t have to pay this new tax.”

Post Continues on campaign2012.washingtonexaminer.com

YouGottaBeKidding's avatar

YouGottaBeKidding· 21 hours ago

Maybe we should make foreign organizations travel to the US instead of the other way around, bring jobs back to the US, and stop importing goods from the countries sending poorly made products (especially those from China). Raise the prices on goods exported to cover this "tax".
3 replies · active 6 hours ago
Dennis's avatar

Dennis· 7 hours ago

This president is a idot
4 replies · active 7 minutes ago
Marc Jeric's avatar

Marc Jeric· 7 hours ago

This criminal conspiracy by government-paid drones seemingly goes on, despite all the fakeries performed; I am talking about the globaloney warming conspiracy.
Juan's avatar

Juan· 7 hours ago

Why should US citizens and businesses be taxed anyway? It will further degrade the economy and incite anger of the masses. Cost of everything have gone up since Obama took office and he supports the increases. He feels we should pay as much for gasoline and utilities as european countries and no one questions his "wisdom." No one questions whether or not he has communism leanings or has the intelligence to make a correct decision that affects millions of americans.
1 reply · active 1 hour ago
E.J.'s avatar

E.J.· 7 hours ago

this president is a real kook if he does this besides he is not Legal anyway he is a man of 2 country's Kenya father
U S A Mother in 1875 the Supreme Court ruled that to be a citizen had to be born of 2 Citizen's of a country
enough said
1 reply · active 7 hours ago
Don's avatar

Don· 7 hours ago

Will somebody pull the plug on the UN. We don't want to pay taxes to the rest of the world. Our taxes are for the U.S. Tell the rest of the world to "Stuff it". They are in trouble and so are we, exporting our shrinking dollars si not going to help anybody. Don't they know there is a war on spending?
Fredro's avatar

Fredro· 7 hours ago

O'Buckwheat has just drank the Kool-Aid. He is putting the world on our welfare roles and willing to support any and every left wing idea he and his corrupt band of idiots can find.
Most of the funds will probably go to building a wonderful palace in Kenya because that's the only place that he will be able to hide after the 2012 election.
No money to anything the UN is behind or in front of or in favor of. Nothing.
2 replies · active 2 hours ago
Randy131's avatar

Randy131· 6 hours ago

But didn't Obama say to all Americans that he and his administration is seeing that our taxes are cut more than any other President and their administrations. This would be a huge tax increase for Americans and their products, so does this make Obama a LIAR? Obama says one thing and always does another, I guess I should be use to it by now, and not astouded by his bald faced lies.

OBAMAHATER4SURE· 6 hours ago

I don't think anyone really understand, this tax will just be added to the total cost of the product being shipped over seas, and will be paid by the shipper. So therefore the % of tax will vary based on the cost of the product.
IE. a tube of tooth paste might only be a few cents tax, but an American made car will be several hundred or thousands of dollars tacked on to the MSRP of the vehicle.
OBUMMER has figured out another way to destroy the business production of this country and the GNP will go down, if this tax is approved. Congress will not have to approve it or anything, because it will be looked at like a treaty. OBUMMER at his best is what your going to get. Bend over, insert, and get it from behind again. I sure hope that OBUMMER goes to prison someday because then he will find out what it's like to be a tax payer.

Dean's avatar

Dean· 6 hours ago

Obama, stick your green crap where the brown comes out.
fish's avatar

fish· 6 hours ago

Lets see this Marxist collected foreign student aid while attending college in the USA. He traveled to Pakistan in the 60s , when Americans were not allowed to go there with and American passport. So he either had an Indonesian or Birtish passport. And there is a record of his birth in the library of Austriala # 4667 as born in provence of Kenya ,Coast hospital. Were his birth is resgistered as muslin. Only one parent , his mother was of USA birth. And congress still has not impeach him?And now he wants the same idiot voters who elected this Marxist Facist to pay for the worlds wellfare.Now you know the rest of the story! Zeig Heil Obama!
Frankie's avatar

Frankie· 6 hours ago

Please, someone, get us out of the United Nations. The United States pays more to the U.N. than several other countries combines. Why is that? Because our legislators are stupid and our government is corrupt. GET US OUT OF THE UNITED NATIONS, please.
TNSteve's avatar

TNSteve· 6 hours ago

Obama can't get cap and trade passed, so he will work through the UN to redistribute even more of our money to others. We already pay 24% of the UN budget, we borrow money to give away foriegn aid by the billions, he has signed the UN small arms treaty, that if ratified by the Senate would kill the Second Amendment, he blocks the Keystone pipeline that would flow 700,000 barrels of North American oil worth 65 billions dollars a DAY to keep money flowing overseas mostly to our enemies. The UN is just one group he uses to weaken the US.

Again, Congress does nothing to protect America from a President who hates the American way.
betty's avatar

betty· 6 hours ago

how i look at this is obama his administration cazs too have done everything to sabatoge the USA AND ITS CONSTITION.

they have sued 22 states turned over them to the UN have openly stand letting mexicos president scold americans on its immigration laws on our own soil and agreed with him

they have nearly bankrupped our country choked the ecomomy with bills against jobs abused the power of excutive orders put in place a so called healthcare bill forcefully against the majority of the voters and much more

i say stop suporting the UN remove them from our soil no more fees ect band any and all dealings with them .force this administration to step down disk any bills /laws ect they had created find a temparary president like after nixon came ford .ensure voter fraud is crushed make sure our constition is aherd to as all the bills of rights and its laws enforced encluding immigration the need to restore the USA and its constition is a MUST now before these people totaly destroy our nation
Wyatt's avatar

Wyatt· 5 hours ago

This is total BS from a do nothing Horse Crap Organization . The UN already occupies a building , built for them at America's expense rent free and have since its inception . They listen to what ever third world country that whines and disregard any suggestion or request from its host country . As for Green Projects , I suspect the only Green Project is the Green they want to line their pockets . Its time to kick this pack of communist losers out of America and end our association with this pack of leftist losers
ccfonten's avatar

ccfonten· 5 hours ago

This is nothing more than a method of scaming the American people to "make" us pay the rest of the world for our ingenuity, prosperity and productivity. All the while the rest of the world will get to skate free, cause we are so "mean" and "unfair' to be as free and productive as we are! It ain't fair, mommy!!! They gots more than us!!! We want what they have!! I want that ball!! They can't have it!!
Bunch of crooks, whiners, charlatans. Marxist methods. Man, they really tick me off!
1 reply · active 4 hours ago
dntmkmecomoverther's avatar

dntmkmecomoverther· 5 hours ago

The only thing 'green' in this is the dollars being vacuumed out of our paychecks. This whole ideas is so absurd that I hope in November 2012 we are smart enough to vote this insane people out of DC...and into 'greener' pastures...like an insane asylum.
Bill 's avatar

Bill· 5 hours ago

Tax, tax, tax, That is all this administration knows, and Spend, spend, spend. We need a leader in the white house, not a golfer and an attorney.
Big Ugly's avatar

Big Ugly· 5 hours ago

What, exactly, does a 'currency exchange' have to do with the FRAUDULENT 'climate change'?

Oh, I see now.

They both have the word "change" in them ..... Just like all the 'hope' and "change" that the Usurper Obama wanted.
Hope you like your "change" because that's all you've got left.
Dan Clamage's avatar

Dan Clamage· 5 hours ago

The dubious science underpinning this idiotic policy has already been disproven. The policy should also be invalidated. All politicians spouting this nonsense should be jettisoned into space for a one-way ride to the Sun.
Heyoka's avatar

Heyoka· 4 hours ago

Last time I checked all money bills were to originate in the House of Representatives. Treaties can only be made that those making or ratifying a treaty has the power to do in the first placve. They cannot lawfully expand their power or give it away by making pledges or agreements outside the Constitution. That would circumvent the Constituition and since it is the Supreme law of the land, all judges, courts and legislators are bound by it.

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Lincoln

So stop whining and grow a pair. Hammer the hell out of the phone lines, emails and letters to the congressmen and women, along with the senate. Tell them to fix it or we will. Grow some backbone for God sake.
Nikita63's avatar

Nikita63· 4 hours ago

This flatulent bag of gas needs to be deflated and sent packing as soon as possibe, like in 2008! Who the hell does he think he is committing us to as Tax by the UN? We are NOT ansewrable to the UN and if any of those in Congress vote to pass this piece of Crap legislation, or if the Emperor with his feet still covered in oil from the Deep Horizen, disaster, blood from the Fast and Furious Fiasco and increased debt from the Solynda silliness, thy shoud ALL be impeached or Imprisoned and tried for Treason under the Patriot Act they so love fo violating U.S. SOVREIGNTY! Every mother's somn in Congress should be tried and removed and a whole new set of Constittuionally abiding solons selected in a n immediate general nbational election. How much longer are we fifth calss citizens in our own country going to take this eternal abuse of our civil liberties and quality of life from this Marxist megalomaniac and his progressive fellow travellers? WEHAVE MET THE ENEMY AND THEY OCCUPY WASHINGTON!
There he goes again, no congressional approval and he is giving away our money and burning "your" candle at both ends. So how do we make this uncredentialed jerk pay for his own golf and vacations? OH Yeah, Kick his unvalidated butt out of the Oval Office.......do they have a golf course in Fed prisons?
Old Veteran's avatar

Old Veteran· 3 hours ago

As usual the U.S.A. will be paying the bulk of this tax.....export AND import. Europe, OF COURSE will NOT HAVE TO PAY, because it will be in the "euro" zone. So if I travel to Europe I will pay the tax. But if I travel inside the "euro zone" I won't. Seems like ANOTHER scheme to RAKE MORE MONEY FROM "Uncle Sugar"...............Time to "un-ass" the U.N. Kick it the hell out of our country. Go find another dumb ass country to LEECH off. Since 1946, international tensions have been INCREASING, there is NO REAL PEACE on any continent in the world. But the MONEY sucking U.N. keeps just sitting and doing NOTHING to DECREASE the tension.......total useless organization, waste of money (mostly ours).

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