Friday, December 2, 2011

Pastors charged after telling 'gays' about sin

Part #1 of 2

Pastors charged after telling 'gays' about sin
Two veteran street preachers in Houston are facing a bench trial before a lesbian judge for spreading the biblical message about homosexuality - and other sins - on one of their favorite corners for preaching in Houston.
Read the latest now on


Posting as Jack Hotchkiss (Not you?)
  • Thomas Lowe ·  Top Commenter · Tulsa, Oklahoma
    I bet if they were muslims saying that homosexuals should be tossed from the highest point on top of a mountain it would protected by free speech
  • Joel Weymouth ·  Top Commenter
    Does anyone know what prompted Patrick Henry to make the speech - give me liberty or give me death? He witnessed a street preacher in Williamsburg beaten to death for preaching against the Church of England (it was a Baptist preacher). Strange that we have come full circle.

    A homosexual calls me wrong for calling him a sinner and what he does sin. I continue because I KNOW my conscience is clear and that I am not wrong. The homosexual is so twisted with guilt that he can't stand to be called a sinner. Notice then the homosexual then uses physical violence to "convert" me to his way.

    They know they are guilty and wrong - otherwise they wouldn't be bothered by what a couple of "fanatics" on a street corner in Houston say.

    They are actually being very stupid. How many homosexuals exist in a Marxist State? Very few, they don't put up with them. Homosexuality is encouraged by leftist activists to cause upheaval in a society. Once the Marxists get what they want, they will kill the homosexuals and all of the other trouble makers.
    • Glenn Cook ·  Top Commenter · Oregon Institute of Technology
      I agree strongly with everything you said until the point of killing the homosexuals. Muslims will. But many, many Marxists are gays. Both.know they stand against God. And Nazi Germany, the ussr and other socialist states had gays running around in them. If I were those cops, I would get repentant quick and release that preacher pronto.
    • Jill Walker ·  Top Commenter
      Perry Stone has preached that "things always end the way they begin," and of course there's nothing new under the sun. Start at the middle of the Bible and to backward and forward and watch how things line up. 
    • Saul St. John · Grinnell
      Glenn Cook - yeah, nazi germany had so many gays running around they had to build special camps to concentrate them in. That totally makes sense.
  • Darryl Robbins ·  Top Commenter · Owner at Self employed
    The Progressive ( I hate that word; it is pure deception) Left has been working feverishly for years to silence basic Bible preaching as "hate speech". When government entities start dictating what can and cannot be preached and proclaimed in public or in the pulpits of our churches, then all I've got to say is this: We are in real trouble as a free Nation. We a so close to a godless dictatorship it's pitiful. And people just seem content to keep running to the voting booths and hastening their own servitude by electing and re-electing radical leftist who promise more government "goodies" from a non-existent socialist Utopia that can only exist and be successful in the dead recesses of brainwashed minds. When God is removed from the conscience of this Nation, the god of next resort is the new god of State. Nothing would make the left more happy.
    • Chris Levels ·  Top Commenter · Works at Radio and Internet Talk Show Host
      Well done Darryl! A man who speaks the truth in a clear concise manner.
    • Beverly Lance ·  Top Commenter · Roanoke, Virginia
      SO TRUE Darryl. These people who are rebelling against freedom will also have ALL their freedom to rebel stripped from them & will NOT be allowed ANY FREEDOM then. A KGB officer has a youtube video out talking of this.. He says the rebels will be the FIRST to be eliminated & then the people who disagree with the dictatorship.. THAT IS the legacy of the dictatorships of the past & those that still exist!! LOVE OUR FREEDOM..SAVE IT. Remember Patrick Henry's speech.. "Give me LIBERTY or give me death"!!
    • Marty Foster · Searcy High School
      Every stinking one of us are but filthy rags before our Father.... Your sins and my sins leave us just as condemned without the MERCY of God as any of the above sins that are singled out! I am a Christian, but I happen to believe that anyone standing up ANYWHERE screaming condemnation at people is hate speech! It is NOT the gospel.... the gospel is GOOD news.... not condemnation. This is why the church is dying... the churches have condemned themselves to death! When you condemn anyone for one particular sin, then you must condemn yourself for your own.... But thankfully, our Heavenly Father poured out his vengeance on Christ on the cross, so that he wouldn't have to destroy all his creation. That means he took the penalty of sin upon himself.... but "christians" just love to receive mercy (undeserved forgiveness), but withhold it from others!
  • Star Kerry ·  · Parksville, British Columbia
    Funny how they will tolerate a gay parade but not this!!!
  • Steven Blackledge ·  Top Commenter
    The definition of repentence is not only being forgiven, and shown mercy, but to make a conserted effort to overcome the sin or sins with the help of the Holy Spirit of God.
    Jesus Christ did not die in order for us to continue in sin. He did so that we may be reconciled to God and for us to overcome. It is true we receive salvation as a gift, but we are to work "out" our salvation which means growing into the type of person our Father in heaven wants us to be. Jesus Himself told the woman at the well her sins, and then instructed her to "go and sin no more." He did not tell her to continue in sin, or to half-heartedly come out of her sinful ways.
    Sin is defined by God and His commandments have always been the law required for us humans to keep. Why do you think He destroyed the inhabitants of the earth with a flood during Noah...See More
    • Ray Perry · Harverd by the Trinity (TCJC)
      'Go and sin no more'. Yes, that nails it. All these non-Christians who are so quick to tell us what Jesus would do and did do always leave that little part out.
    • Mark Hillyard ·  Top Commenter · Head Wood cutter at This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent
      I've been reading the Law and to understand the Law and the punishments for disobedience is pretty amazing when compared to the Grace we have at this time.
      In part, I think, that this Grace period is given for us in order to "Study to show ourselves approved..." since the deception in the world is so great.

      It's also amazing that so many Christians celebrate Pagan Festivals and think nothing of it. Christians dressing up as witches on Sanhein or Halloween Day. Study Occult Holidays and see for yourself. This is easily tied in with all forms of fornication as worshipping false gods is spiritual fornication and adultery.

      It's an interesting study and something to think hard about.
    • John Fagan
      The 'Law' is required so we can know what sin is, for without the law there is no sin......we should remind them of the 'Laws' without condemnation, that's the hard part! Jesus did it that way...
  • Aidan MacKenzie
    this is sad, but are we really surprised considering this within just a few months of a Greek man being criminally charged for sharing his (Christian) faith? And within a year of two German families being thrown in prison for objecting to the state's permissive sex-ed policies in the classroom? Or that up here in Canada a woman was let off the hook after she killed her newborn child, the court deeming it as simply a late term abortion? This is terrible and I pray God has mercy on our nations.
  • Travis Busbar ·  Top Commenter
    Hell awaits us all, as we are all born into sin, whether it is greed, lust, covetousness, homosexuality, murder, etc., etc. Left to ourselves, we all turn from God. Yes, homosexuality is SIN. Read God's Word. The good news is that Jesus has paid the penalty for your sin. All you need to do is to accept Him as your Lord and Savior and turn from your old sinful ways.
    • Jim Smith ·  ·  Top Commenter · Works at Braider
      Yep, every body wants to throw the first stone.
      God is God regardless of language, race or continent. We are all human, same wants and needs. The creator made us in his image. He was not talking about the nose either. It's a power inside of us that each and every one of us possesses.
      Adam Smith wrote the biggest book I've ever read called "powers of mind. He traveled the world not only researching but living the different religions. One sentence in that book sums up his whole experience; "the mind is a drunken monkey and it has to be trained".
      Meditation is the listening part of prayer and if it is practiced diligently then the Lord of your heart will give you all the answers you need. Believe me, the father truly knows what you need before you ask. Be still and know that God is in your heart from conception.
      It is a shame that most people do not discover their gift. Everybody has one.
    • Vicky Fisher ·  ·  Top Commenter · Lassen Community College
      Travis that almost counts everyone out cause everyone must get rid of all all resentment and hidden judgement playing God many folks talk about gays and other outward sins but are hypocrites and hold on to those.
    • Sylvia Carter ·  Top Commenter
      The Bible clearly and plainly teaches that it is very easy to be saved. Salvation is NOT a process, costs you nothing, can be received immediately, and there are no strings attached.
  • John Postel · Senior Pastor/Founder at God and Country Church Fellowship
    I began my ministry in the late 70's preaching on the streets of Houston while attending Houston Baptist University. I was always welcomed and the police officers on the beat enjoyed the peace that the spoken Word of God brings. This is a grand opportunity for hundreds of preachers with Bible in hand to show support for the religious freedom that is given to us by our Creator and protected by the first amendment of the Constitution of our nation. Pastors all across the Houston and surrounding area. Let's not let them show up to court without us. Church members pray for and encourage your Pastor's to come with you to court.
    • Joe Doll ·  Top Commenter
      John, I don't want to discourage you, but in Colorado, they won't let us in the court room most of the time.
  • Ron A. Harms ·  Top Commenter · Whatsamatta U
    "For many walk, of whom I told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: whose end is destruction . . ." - Phil. 3:18
    Even people who claim to be Christians shame His name by intentionally continuing in sin rather than seeking repentance. The latest sin craze being normalized is alternative lifestyles. God still calls it sin! Jesus said go and sin no more. Those who offer cheap alternatives to knowing Christ become His enemies. As Christians, we must strive to be obedient rather than excusing our sins. . . . the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing. We must never offer a half baked gospel by blending tolerance and political correctness, but instead include all sins, otherwise it's really no gospel at all ( Galations 1).
    • Mark Hillyard ·  Top Commenter · Head Wood cutter at This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent
      And 'worshipping' God via Christianized, Pagan Holidays is what God calls "abomination".
    • Ray Perry · Harverd by the Trinity (TCJC)
      Right you are Ron. In my lifetime our entertainment media has completely redefined what constitutes reasonable and normal human conduct. People including Christians now routinely engage in sinful practices because they have been accepted and normalized by their (our) entertainment media idols. I remember when Elvis Presley first was becoming popular. Some spoke out against him but were scorned into silence pretty quickly. But he was an ice breaker. Maybe he was not 'so bad' as many said then. But look what we have now. He and the acceptance he gained paved the way for what has happened since and it will worsen.
    • Mary Nevling
      Hear Hear !!!!! 
  • William Tyrone Jackson II ·  · The Elijah Anointing at Yahweh, Yeshua, and The Holy Spirit
  • Rachel Darden · 
    Ok, I watched this, and I personally think that whole scene was uncalled for on Everyone's behavior! The " preacher's" totally did that with the intention of that happening by the fact they had "permits' and knew people.... NOT a Good Way To Demonstrate the Very Things Christ Called His Children to DO!! I am very sad and disappointed that those.... "preachers" would choose to be such a BAD Witness for Christ..... He didn't stand out on corners with HATE SIGNS....... but with OPEN ARMS AND LOVE......
    • Keith Winterowd
      Rachel your comment here is about the most sensible one here. Jesus didn't argue with people though he did and does demand repentance from the things that aren't good for us anyway. When we try to fight spiritual battles with intellectual arguments we don't have any power. The early church was a church of power and yes they did run into some trouble because darkness can't stand being exposed for what it is. There are many many believers hitting the streets these days who are really bringing hope and the love of Jesus to people. The difference is this new breed of Christian is coming in power to set people free and heal the sick rather than engage in arguing about their rights to be there.
    • C Rowan Hawthorn · Works at Self employed writer, editor, and fist shaker
      1) I agree these guys willfully violated the ordinance to bait the police.
      2) I think city ordinances are largely meant to stifle speech/expression
      3)These guys have a First amendment right to be lame
      4)I agree there are better ways to be a witness for Christ.
    • C Rowan Hawthorn · Works at Self employed writer, editor, and fist shaker
      I also resent the article's implication that a homosexual working in a municipal capacity will be unfair-- didn't you get that vibe? Maybe it was just me.
  • Stephen Black ·  · Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
    This is just another indication of how depraved our culture is getting when the police are harassing street preachers and throwing them in jail. Like the comment below, if they were Muslims, they would never do it.
  • Marty Foster · Searcy High School
    There was more going on here on this day than meets the eye... Cops overstepping their boundaries, and so-called "christians" out of line for screaming condemnation at people for their sins! Yes... you should have the right to your speech! However... if I had to walk that street corner every day to get to work, and I had some idiot condemner on the corner singling out homosexuals, and condemning them to hell, I would be highly upset as well! ALL have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God, and just because you call yourself a Christian, does not mean that you suddenly live UP to the glory of God! How about standing on the street corners and spreading the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ! That is GOOD news... only about His love and MERCY...not condemnation! THAT is what Christ said to preach! He never said ANYTHING about going in to all the world and condemning anyone!
  • Nancy Kvapil · Edinburg, Texas
    But on Wall Street they can disrupt and interfere with sit ins and protests and filth for weeks on end.... 
    • Felicia Petro
      I'm a journalist and a Christian who doesn't believe in homosexuality; however, this article is a bit sensationalistic. It highlights the issue of homosexuality as "the reason" for why these guys were picked on by the cops and throws in this tidbid about the lesbian judge (The local news article also puts "anti-gay message" in it's lead which is bothersome. The message is anti a lot of things, not just gay, so that's sensationalistic and poor journalism as well). If the judge knows the law and the Constitution and is good at her job, I can't imagine these guys are going to be fined for anything regarding the words "homosexual" on their sign. The video footage also mainly shows one side of the altercation. I don't agree the cops should grab the guys camera or cuff them over a couple of signs. That was pretty lame and bordered on...See More
      • David L Lamon ·  Top Commenter
        I hope this case helps all to understand why I have been telling you not to put people of sexual deviancy into high positions of authority. This is the kind of result we can expect in 99% of the cases that will be brought. This thing I hear repeatedly of I know this homosexual and he/she is a wonderful person that would do anything to help someone out. That's well and good and I know more people that are this way that aren't given over to this evil spirit. That's right, there is a spirit behind everything that happens and when push comes to shove we have to assume people given over to this abomination as God calls it have already dealt with the spiritual ramifications and found a way to justify it meaning they believe what they are doing is alright.
        Caution: 1 Timothy 4:1-2 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the lat...See More
      • Chad Miller ·  ·  Top Commenter
        I don't claim to be a biblical scholar, but if I recall from what I've read, it states that God's word is the same yesterday, today, & tomorrow. That it will never change & in its pages it also states that a man will not lay with another man & the same pretty much goes for women. It's obvious in this present age that we have deviants aplenty in our Country trying diligently to warp the natural order of our Creators designs for the sake of their perverted proclivities & indulgences. They mock, ridicule, & attack anything which represents adversity & opposition to their degeneracy. They attack our Faith as they strive to erode & rot the moral foundations of our Nation through their insinuation of the entertainment industry, media, public education, & politics. They target our children in our taxpayer funded public schools with the chilling Hallmarks that, if living in more sane times, we'd attribute to child predators. It's just insane the breakdown of reasoning & sensibilities these creeps have achieved just for the purpose of forcing others to accept an unnatural biological aberration & defect as being anything remotely natural. It's no mystery why then that the Bible poses such a threat to these Progressives & their digressive ideology. The truth hurts, especially when everything you believe in you have to wrap in lies & deceit to promote!
        • Tom Berry ·  Top Commenter
          The church people that were arrested should request a different judge on the basis that the lesbian judge will be in conflict of interest and have a definite bias. This badgering and different types of abuse and harassment of anyone who dares speak out against homosexuals is getting pretty old and over the top. The Bible says what it says about it. In Leviticus it says that a man shall not lie with a man as a woman, that it's an abomination, and they shall surely die and their blood shall be upon them. Now does some cop that reads this want to harass me and WND for me saying that? Bring it. I think it's time Christians and others of a like mind get behind people preaching the word and show our support. I always hear that 85% of Americans claim to be Christian, then I think it's high time we let the minority know we're about done being pushed around, and we're also sick of this double standard when it comes to muslims.
          • Michael Konkel · Northern Virginia Community College
            Upside down world...where evil rules...Satan knows his time is short and afterall, this is his world. 50 million abortions since Roe V Wade in 1973 when mom's womb used to be a safe place to be nourished and grow.... A government which decides which laws to back and which not (DOMA)... a government using tax dollars to spread automatic weapons and 50 cal sniper rifles to cartels in Mexico/Colombia to prove to the world that U.S. gun manufacturers should be put out of business...a government who wants the right to dictate from among American citizens who has the right to speak and who must be locked up for their stances against such atrocities....sad world...I pity those who would take that mark as a sign of loyalty to one who would imprison veterans, Christians and anti-abortionists.
            • William Price ·  · Founder/Evangelist at Commandments and Judgment Ministries
              We cannot get cops to investigate properly home invasions and hit and run accidents, but they will work with this corrupt administration under a lesbian mayor to stifle freedom of speech. They will do all they can to silence street preachers. And then we wonder why in our city we are living in a hot mess. The police are either lazy or corrupt, or in some cases both. I have lost trust in this city, and have chosen to stand upon the Bible and my granted Constitutional rights, cause I cannot trust this city to do it's job.

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