Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Trump: Media Protecting Obama’s ‘Ineligibility’ | Front Porch Politics

Trump: Media Protecting Obama’s ‘Ineligibility’ | Front Porch Politics

Trump: Media Protecting Obama’s ‘Ineligibility’


‘How come there are no records his mother ever was in hospital?’

The mainstream media are “protecting” Barack Obama’s “unconstitutional” tenure in the White House, refusing to investigate allegations that he fails to meet the Constitution’s requirement that a president be a “natural born citizen,” according to flamboyant billionaire Donald Trump.

In a conference call today with reporters, WND asked Trump why, if he believes defeating Obama is so significant in 2012, doesn’t he use his influence to mount a formal investigation into Obama’s eligibility.

There have been allegations since long before Obama’s election in 2008 that he is not a “natural-born citizen,” a requirement imposed on no other official.

Obama’s critics believe that at the time the Constitution was written, the Founders understood “natural-born citizen” to mean the offspring of two citizens.

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    • Chester Arthur

      So just reading an article makes people ‘nuts’?The tolerance of the left is only exceeded by their grasp of the issues.

    • Davis

      Garfunkle, Sounds to me like, from your post, Is that you are one of Obumblers Supporters. If So , Some advise, Get a Life! If not , I withdraw my inference! As soon as we true Americans can get this DIC (Doofus-In-Charge, the better we will be in thios Once Great Nation that so many died for on this date 70 years ago!!

    • Mountaine

      I guess you can’t read or is it you can’t understand the English language !??!?!
      Natural born citizen” means you are born to two people who are U.S. citizen’s.

      • Scott

        I have been screaming that since before he was placed into office. The C
        onstitution is clean on that and we are paying the price for not following the Constitution.

    • M. C. Callahan

      You Sir, will not be the first lamb, led to slaughter. Wake up, Stop watching main stream media, do some research, study history, and most of all don’t speak unless you know what your talking about. People will know, your nutts.

    • Enubus

      Gee, I guess you not only are an ostrich but don’t have any nuts either!

    • Tjz

      We’re nuts? Why were you so willing to accept Herman Cain’s guilt when there was no evidence when at the same time thousands of pages of evidence against Obama are ignored. The reason Obama got into office is the courts have declared the people have no standing? We are the damn country and this man is not. Wake up!

    • Markey

      I don’t believe Obama’s parents were ever married either.

      In the early 60s, during the inception of the Change of All Things Normal in the US, morals were declining, the Sexual Revolution was beginning and interracial relationships among Liberals were seen more frequently, I.e. Sammy Davis Jr./Mai Britt, black GIs dating and bringing back German girlfriends, etc.

      What is the chance that a radical white girl from Kansas, who “took up with” a black African/Kenyan Communist would actually marry?

      Wouldn’t that be just too bourgeois for such Left-thinkers?

      I think so.

      Obviously, permanently- committed relationships with traditional marriage was not in the senior Obama’s plans…..he walked out on both Obama’s mother and Obama. Both abandoned Obama Jr.

      Does this sound like a sound, traditional family to you?

      Obama’s maternal grand-parents raised him while his mother went off to work on furthering her education and so did Obama Sr. By relocating to London UK!

      No, there’s much more to this birth certificate issue than is known and if anyone can find out the truth, Donald Trump can. The lid can’t be kept on such controversial issues such as this.

      Sooner or later, we will learn that Obama was a “love child” between two radical Communists, we will learn about his marks at Occidental and Harvard, both he would not have been accepted in without the benefit of Affirmative Action.

      Obama has been extremely lucky in his attempts in being successful. He has also been supported by so many anti-American factions with an inexhaustible supply of money. It is doubtful to myself and obviously others that, perhaps, NOTHING about Obama is “legit”- birth included!

      • Sally

        You are so right…and I will bet he’s getting money from his Islamic friends too! I can’t believe we can’t find his visa and passports from england and Kenya ?

      • Steve

        I agree with you with one exception ……in 1961 A man from Africa was refered to as a Negro as race not African…….Most forms
        asking Race in America the box to check would have said Negro
        A slight discrepencey on Bummers Birth Cert.

        • Kit

          I think Obama was born in HI and has a real birth cert but we are not being allowed to see it because of something that is on it; we can only speculate on what that may be. On the certificate released by his office I believe the race is listed as “black.” The term that would have been more likely in 1961 was “negro.” But it is actually more likely to say “white” since he came from a white woman, especially if his father did not attend the birth. Since his bread and butter is being the “first black president” this can’t be released. It could also indicate that he is mixed. (There had to be children born into mixed marriages betwn whites and native Hawaiians at the time, are they listed as white, pacific islander, or mixed? What was the normal way to indicate mixed heritage?) It’s also possible that on the real birth cert his father is listed as “unknown” or indicates that his parents were not married. My birth cert has a place for religion; his might say Muslim since his mother was a 60′s radical who dabbled in that. Anyone out there born in HI in the 50s or 60s? Does your birth cert have a place for religion? We can only guess that his real birth certificate would damage him in the election, but so far I’ve seen no credible evidence that he was not born in HI.


            Email: Obama Citizenship Case Reaches Supreme Court, College Transcript Revealed
            Netlore Archive
            By David Emery, Guide
            Urban Legends Ads
            • Is Barack Obama a Muslim
            • Barack Obama Video
            • Obama
            • Michelle Obama Pictures
            • Obama Birth Certificate
            Dec 7, 2011
            Purported AP news story claims Occidental College transcripts reveal thatBarack Obama received aFulbright Scholarship under the name “Barry Soetoro” usually only awarded to foreign-born students.
            Description: Email hoax
            Circulating since: April 2009
            Status: False (see details on next page)

            Example #1:
            Email contributed by Jackie B., Dec. 6, 2009:

            Released copies of PresidentObama’s college transcripts from Occidental College. Released today, the transcript indicates thatObama, under the name Barry Soetoro, receivedfinancial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate at the school. The transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the Superior Court of California.
            The transcript shows thatObama (Soetoro) applied forfinancial aid and was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program. To qualify, for the scholarship, a student must claim foreign citizenship. This document would seem to provide the smoking gun that many of Obama’s detractors have been seeking. Along with the evidence that he was first born in Kenya and there is no record of him ever applying for US citizenship, this is looking pretty grim. The news has created a firestorm at the White House as the release casts increasing doubt about Obama’s legitimacy and qualification to serve as president. When reached for comment in London , where he has been in meetings with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Obama smiled but refused comment on the issue. Britain ‘s Daily Mail has also carried the story in a front-page article titled, “Obama Eligibility Questioned,” leading some to speculate that the story may overshadow economic issues on Obama’s first official visit to the U.K. In a related matter, under growing pressure from several groups, Justice Antonin Scaliaannounced that the Supreme Court agreed on Tuesday to hear arguments concerningObama’s legal eligibility to serve as President in a case brought by Leo Donofrio of New Jersey. This lawsuit claims Obama’s dual citizenship disqualified him from serving as president.
            Donofrio’s case is just one of 18 suits brought by citizens demanding proof of Obama’s citizenship or qualification to serve as president. Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation has released the results of their investigation of Obama’s campaign spending. This study estimates that Obamahas spent upwards of $950,000 in campaign funds in the past year with eleven law firms in 12 states for legal resources to block disclosure of any of his personal records. Mr. Kreep indicated that the investigation is still ongoing but that the final report will be provided to the U.S. attorney general, Eric Holder. Mr. Holder has refused to comment on the matter.
            AP – WASHINGTON D.C. – In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama’s qualifications for the presidency, the group “Americans for Freedom of Information” has released copies of President Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College.
            Released today, the transcript indicates thatObama, under the name Barry Soetoro, receivedfinancial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate at the school. The transcript was released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit brought by the group in the Superior Court of California. The transcript shows that Obama (Soetoro) applied for financial aid and was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from theFulbright FoundationScholarship program. To qualify, for the scholarship, a student must claim foreign citizenship. This document would seem to provide the smoking gun that many ofObama’s detractors have been seeking.

            The news has created a firestorm at the White House as the release casts increasing doubt about Obama’s legitimacy and qualification to serve as president. When reached for comment in London, where he has been in meetings with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown,Obama smiled but refused comment on the issue. Meanwhile, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs scoffed at the report stating that this was obviously another attempt by a right-wing conservative group to discredit the president and undermine the administration’s efforts to move the country in a new direction.
            Britain’s Daily Mail has also carried the story in a front-page article titled, “ObamaEligibility Questioned”, leading some to speculate that the story may overshadow economic issues on Obama’s first official visit to the U.K.
            In a related matter, under growing pressure from several groups, JusticeAntonin Scalia announced that the Supreme Court agreed on Tuesday to hear arguments concerningObama’s legal eligibility to serve as President in a case brought by Leo Donofrio of New Jersey. This lawsuit claims Obama’s dual citizenship disqualified him from serving as president. Donofrio’s case is just one of 18 suits brought by citizens demanding proof of Obama’s citizenship or qualification to serve as president.
            Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation has released the results of their investigation of Obama’s campaign spending. This study estimates that Obamahas spent upwards of $950,000 in campaign funds in the past year with eleven law firms in 12 states for legal resources to block disclosure of any of his personal records. Mr. Kreep indicated that the investigation is still ongoing but that the final report will be provided to the U.S. attorney general, Eric Holder. Mr. Holder has refused to comment on the matter.

            Analysis: Hoax. The original April 1, 2009 posting date suggests it may have been intended as an April Fools prank, but given that the text does little else but parrot actual tenets of the so-called “Birther” movement (those who claim Barack Obama is ineligible for the presidency due to a forged or invalid birth certificate, etc.), it barely qualifies as satire.
            • Is it really an AP news story?

            No. The Associated Press (“AP”) never published such a story. It didn’t run in any real newspaper, nor on any real wire service. It can, however, be found posted and reposted on hundreds of anti-Obama blogs and websites.
            • Is it true that the Supreme Court has agreed to hear arguments on Obama’s citizenship and eligibility?

            No. The Supreme Court has refused to hear the Donofrio case, not to mention every other Obama citizenship case submitted to date.
            • Did a group called “Americans for Freedom of Information” releaseObama’s Occidental College transcripts?

            No. The organization doesn’t exist — or didn’t at the time the above message first began circulating, at any rate. A similarly-named website went up after the fact, but there is no evident connection between that website and the fake news story.
            • Has anyone releasedObama’s Occidental College transcripts?

            No, the transcripts haven’t been released (federal privacy laws forbid it), nor has any court of law “ordered” them released. (Source: Occidental College)
            • Did Obama attend Occidental under the name “Barry Soetoro”?

            No. Soetoro was the surname of his stepfather, but there’s no evidence Barack Obamaused it when he attended college. Fellow alumni quoted in the press remember him as “Barry Obama.” According to an Occidental spokesperson quoted on, the college has no records showingObama used his stepfather’s last name.
            • Did Obama attend Occidental under a Fulbright Scholarship for Foreign Students?

            No. Obama did attend on a scholarship, according to various news sources, but it wasn’t a Fulbright scholarship, let alone aFulbright scholarship meant for foreign students. The Fulbright Foreign Student Program accepts Master’s Degree and Ph.D. candidates only. Obama was neither. He couldn’t have been awarded aFulbright scholarship for foreign students even if he had been born outside the U.S. (Source: Fulbright Program)
            • Did the Daily Mail discuss these revelations in a news story entitled “ObamaEligibility Questioned”?

            No. No such story turns up in a search of the London newspaper’s archive.
            • Did Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation release research showing Obama has spent $950,000 or more to fight litigation over his legitimacy?

            I’ve found no record of any such study being published. The U,S. Justice Foundation does exist and its Executive Director is indeed a man named Gary Kreep, but he is on record saying the above story is a hoax.

        • Markey

          I stand corrected. Negro is the acceptable term then as well as n///r! You are absolutely right.

      • Jan Dinkins

        It’s quite possible that Obama Sr. was not the father of BHO; however, he was adopted by Sotero, thusly, becoming an Indonesian citizen in order to attend Muslim/Islamic schools. When did he relinquish his Indonesian citizenship if at all? Also, the question looms about the validity of his Soc. Sec. # which is possibly fraudulant, all of which make him ineligible to be President. During the campaign Obama stated that a particular hospital was the one of his birth but within a year(after the election) he proclaimed that Queen’s Med. Center was his birth hospital…two birth hospitals at the same time. But, then again, to his adoring groupies that could be possible. Maybe being lauded as a genius he is “allowed” to be forgetful about such things as birth places, the number of states in the U.S., or corpsemen vs. corpsmen or the “Austrian” language. He has proven that “anybody” can be a United States President!

        • Lisa

          All known facts about his SSN clearly indicate fraud – one of the sets of numbers denotes the state of issuance, which is always where you reside at the time of application. The numbers being used by Obama would have been issued in Connecticut – a place he has never lived, even in his vivid imagination.

    • Knowledge Is Power

      Do some research before you comment. Opinions are like (you know what) and everyone has one. The Constitution has served us well for over 200 hundred years. Should we disregard it now?

    • What this country should be doing (before it is too late) is getting back to basics. Common sense are a couple of words thrown around frequently by the media but no one seems to be using it! Read the book, Common Sense Handbook for America, get a firm grip on life as it should be here in this great country, the United States of America, and plan to “clean house in Washington” next November starting with the White House.

    • Capt Gene

      Okay, let’s assume you’re right and we are all nuts. I am curious about one thing: Why would someone spend over $2,000,000 to NOT show his birth certificate when the whole controversy could have been settled with just one 30 second phone call? That makes no sense. Maybe you have an answer? I’m certain we’d all love hearing it.

  1. ProudAmerican

    The media protecting obama is what got him elected. Where have you been??? this is not news.


    • HMart

      Come on. I don’ wish for Obama to serve another term, but I would be happy to have he and his family as my neighbor and friend. You should be ashamed of yourself for this “go back to Africa” racist comment.

      • Hmart anyone that would want a muslim for a neighbor is insane.

      • Joey

        Let them live next to you…NOT ME!

        • Bullrider

          I don’t want him living next to me either. Of course, I work and pay taxes and am not on any programs, so I am not one of his chosen constituents anyhow.

      • Judith A. Smith

        This has NOTHING to do with “racist” comments. This has to do with the Constitution of the United States of America. I would NOT like any people (of any color) living next to me who have done to America what both these usurpers have done to MY beloved country.

      • Catfish

        I hope you get your wish.

      • Skyknight

        I would say let you move to Kenya with Obama and his whole family including his uncles and cousins that are here illegaly too.

      • Robin, Arcadia, IN

        HMart… I dislike racist comments or name calling, which I try very hard to refrain from, but I don’t want him living near me either. I am not racist (I wanted Herman Cain to get the Republican nomination!), but he is an elitist and he doesn’t even like America or white people. He is the racist. He simply cannot serve another term, or our country isn’t going to survive. I want me and my family to be surrounded by people who love this country. I come from a long line of military people, and I am proud of it!

    • Davis

      Thomas, You can have him!

      • Davis

        OOPs, I Meant This comment for HMART ! Sorry for the mix-up! These old 75 year old fingers don’t coordinate with the brain every once in a while. My apologies!

    • You should be sent to a psycho ward. Don’t you remember VE Day, that was when we defeated the Nazis all over Europe. Didn’t you hear the news? You therefore should.surrender. You are an un-American who should also be deported to the land of your forefathers, if you knew your father, and immediately. Its kind of talk like that which fed the KKK and the other crazies. Who but another nut would take you seriously. Go back to your beer and wallow in it.

      • Markey

        And you are playing the same kind of “reverse racist” game that the Progressive Liberals play, thinking that if they say someone is a racist, that person will shut up and back off.

        Wrong, buck-o! That dog is just about done hunting. People are now savvier enough to know now, in this country, how they’ve been baited with crying racist.

        Obama loves to play the race card but it’s not working. People have his number now. He was given the opportunity to do a lot of good for the country. He had a golden opportunity and instead of doing what is right, he took the selfish, self-centered path.

        And it is already starting to be his undoing.

      • Lisa

        Mr. Garfunkel – the KKK was a pet of the southern Democratic party, who staunchly OPPOSED desegregation. Robert Byrd, beloved senator from WV and Democratic denizen of Congress was an unashamed member. Had his very own white sheet and pointy cap with eyeholes. Go back and study history. PLEASE.

  3. Mayflower Decendent

    He isn’t eligible to be President. In 1865 the Supreme Court ruled that a Natural Born Citizen was one who has both parents born in this Country! He has never been eligible from the start. Even before we knew his Birth Certificate was phoney. Even before we knew hisSocial Security# was issued from Conneticut and therefore phoney also! He needs to be arrested, tried and found guilty of the treason and tyranny he has committed! AND SENTENCED!

    • Southerner

      So true! But we need to fix the voter registration/citizenship verification before the election! Otherwise we will be just allowing the Illegals and welfare recipients to decide for us again!

    • I agree to all the replies. Obhama should not be allowed to run again in 2012. As a baby he wouln’t know where he was born. Blame the parents.

    • Amen to this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Georg Von Starkermann

      If all what you say is true then why haven’t the Republicans been all over this case? The fact of the matter is that they are afraid of upsetting the African American and Colored Community in the USA. If there was really some truth to all of these allegations, they would have come out in the public’s eye. So far it still is a deep dark secret. What a bunch of wimps the Repukes really are.

    • Bione

      I am another Mayflower decendent who loves this country. It is a total disgrace that this Obama is the president of the U.S.A. He was born in Kenya of 2 communist parents, and only his mother was a U.S. citizen. And using a dead Connecticut man’s S.S. number – how crooked is that? A Saudi prince living in New Orleans paid for Obama’s Harvard education. What – - – did Obama sell his soul to the devil? His plan is to destroy this country. The Mayflower pilgrims would not have allowed such an imposter in their ranks!

  4. BGinTN

    “lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.”
    Obama is a flea?

    Google and read
    The Story of Obama: All in The Company (In Three Parts)
    Wayne Madsen August 18, 2010

  5. Southerner

    OMG!!!! You mean the Media would really try to deceive us???? Everything coming across the screen or printed is nothing but lies! Just Like Obamination!!! Liar Obama, Racist Michelle and Jihadist Hilary have done nothing but lie from the first moment until now! They why Obamination needs to use the prompt screen and memory cards they have lied so much they don’t even remember what they said and what the truth is!!!
    But more than this we need a different Voting system to give back a voice to the Rural vote by counties so that the worthless welfare city dwellers don’t decide who is President along with some 30,000,000 illegal aliens!
    If I was a congressman or a senator I would be raising hell day and night for a voter registration and citizenship verification system and return power to the rural vote by going back county voting credit. Their is no excuse for not using modern technology to do so we do not need illegals and welfare recipients deciding who the next President is going to be !!!!

  6. Pookie

    I am surprised that only the citizens of the USA, knew he was not a citizen, and yet the republicans and democrats in Congress – still think he is a citizen. Did they crawl under a rock when he became President in 2008? I have consistently emailed the congress people who represent my state – and all I ever get is “its a non issue” form letter back. His bc is fake, he applied for foreign aide to attend school. If he was a citizen – he would not applied for foreign aide to attend school in the USA. He also would of had to sign up for selective service if he was a citizen of the USA, its the law. He did neither – as we all know. His kin from Africa are coming here illegally, and he is giving them free rein to run amuck in our services, thats why he won’t seal our borders, he must have a slew more over there that want to come over – he just has to hide it under the wire – to do so.. We are on to him, and his declarences to other countries that 1) we aren’t a christian country, 2) Muslims were here when the new world was founded, 3) there are 57 states in the USA. Personally, what country is he president of – he is more in protecting other countries and ignoring whats going on here – until it becomes “re-election” status – then he is almost gagging us to death in his speeches that will get no where – just like his “change” speech in 2008. Do you see good change or bad change? HELLO?????

  7. Clarence E. DeBarrows

    America today! “We’re still talkin’ and he ain’t walkin!”

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