Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Appeals court says Texas can enforce abortion law | Vision to America

Appeals court says Texas can enforce abortion law | Vision to America

Appeals court says Texas can enforce abortion law


A Texas abortion law passed last year that requires doctors to show sonograms to patients can be enforced while opponents challenge the measure in court, a federal appeals court said Tuesday in a ruling that signaled the judges believe the law is constitutional.

When the state will begin enforcing the law was not immediately clear. The group that brought the case, the Center for Reproductive Rights, is weighing how to proceed and has 14 days to ask for a rehearing of the case. If there are no appeals by then, the court would likely allow the state to begin enforcing the law.

The three-judge panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a temporary order against enforcing the law and went further to advise U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks how he should ultimately rule in the case. Chief Judge Edith H. Jones used her opinion to systematically dismantle the argument that the Texas law infringes on the free speech rights of doctors and patients, the key argument against the law.

Post Continues on www.foxnews.com

roger's avatar

roger· 2 hours ago

I think that is a bad law.
8 replies · active 30 minutes ago
Mead Carlson's avatar

Mead Carlson· 2 hours ago

The government is minding your business instead of keeping out of a private decision.
4 replies · active 1 hour ago
jflinn's avatar

jflinn· 2 hours ago

I say if people are against abortion and they want the gov. to step in then the child will be sponsered by who ever wants to adopt the child. That means the sponser will pay all the bills until the child is born. If there are no sponsers then the family or families involved will pay for the abotion if that is what they decide. I don't have a problem with people trying to change there minds against abotion, but that is the desicion of the families involved only.
5 replies · active 4 minutes ago
Barbie's avatar

Barbie· 2 hours ago

Do you know why opponents don't want this law......because when women see that they are carrying a bably and ot a fetus, they will opt out of the abortion and bye, bye money to the docs and PPH.
Julia's avatar

Julia· 2 hours ago

@ Roger: why is it a bad law? It's bad for women to know ALL the facts and know exactly WHAT or better yet WHO is being ripped apart limb from limb?

@ Mead Carlson: was it "a private decision" for Hitler and the rest of the Nazis to kill Jews? Was it "a private decision" for slave owners to beat, rape, and sometimes kill their slaves? You don't "own" a human being with a soul in the sense that you own an inanimate object. You cannot just do whatever you please if it affects another person. The right to swing your own fist stops at another person's nose.
5 replies · active 13 minutes ago
Aardvark's avatar

Aardvark· 2 hours ago

Its not a fetus,a choice. Its a human being. Abortion is murder•. If it wasn't alive it wouldn't grow into a human baby.
3 replies · active 1 hour ago
Moe's avatar

Moe· 2 hours ago

Roger are you saying you believe in abortion. Do you think you should have been aborted ?
Julia's avatar

Julia· 2 hours ago

@Jflinn: saying that people who oppose abortion are "obligated" to adopt is as nonsensical as saying that if a person opposes a person shooting their 2 year old child in the head they are "obligated" to adopt that child.
Considering how This technology is being used in India I would be wanting to make sure People were not using the technology for this reason if they were in economic hardship . the Idea that with all the Open ended Parts of the Obamacare bill which have not been wrote yet, and how this along with the NDAA Indefinite Detention Bill which eliminates peoples right to due process my worry here is that in the event that people become unable to pay for and given the fact that these same people who write these bills are ANTI free market growth Ideologues the possibility that people could be forced too or act out in desperation like I am going to show you how people in India are acting out of Financial desperation could be what we the people in the USA end up doing if we do not see a Pro growth FREE Enterprise Government bureaucracy return to the Policy writing halls of our US Government before this Obama care mandate becomes active . This is a Travesty and capable of being Legislated from a economic standpoint to overcome this failure to up hold human rights , http://abcnews.go.com/Health/women-pregnant-girls...
Jane's avatar

Jane· 2 hours ago

Our world is crumbling because of the evil in this world. Let God be the judge of the ones that want to abort these living fetuses.... God help us all!!!
Why are some here against this law? If a woman wants to mu rder her child why should she not see who it is that she is ki lling?
2 replies · active 46 minutes ago
Robert M's avatar

Robert M· 2 hours ago

This law has been in effect with zero controversy or lawsuits in Missouri since late 2010. We require by state law that an abortion seeking mother view a sonogram, listen to the baby's heartbeat, and be informed by a medical professional that the procedure WILL result in the death of a human life, and the patient is required to wait minimum 24 hours after these notices/viewings before the procedure can be performed.

There is a term for all this protocol: Informed Consent. Informed Consent is required for the simple reason that most people are NOT doctors and cannot be reasonably expected to anticipate all the risks and side effects of medical procedures, regardless of their popularity.

Missouri has also had the same law as Arizona SB1070, the controversial anti-illegal immigration legislation Obama is suing Arizona for, on the books since 2008, yet no court has ever challenged it. Maybe we're just better at keeping our mouth's shut and telling outsiders just where they can stow their criticism. Here, you have to Show-Me!
1 reply · active 39 minutes ago
RonIsDeceived's avatar

RonIsDeceived· 2 hours ago

There are only 4 industries for which Democrats favor unregulated, laissez-faire capitalism. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, ponography, and ABORTION!
Democrats want to regulate every good buiness to death.
BTW, a lot of Ron Paul supporters are Democrats who know that MAObama will be reelected if Ron Paul is the GOP nominee.
Julia's avatar

Julia· 2 hours ago

@ Slick Mick: awesome analogy! I love how these people make stupid arguments that have NO relation to the REASON we oppose abortion: because it is killing a human being! If we didn't believe it was human we wouldn't be fussing over it and would have no desire to take on responsibility for it's care. If someone wants to destroy a random object in their house, it's fine with me, it's an inanimate object with no soul or feelings.
Rob Meagher's avatar

Rob Meagher· 2 hours ago

Abortion is murder. Murder is illegal. A woman isn't GOD. If she doesn't want a baby, she should stay off her back!
4 replies · active 13 minutes ago
Val's avatar

Val· 2 hours ago

Dennis's avatar

Dennis· 2 hours ago

Let me get this straight...... a law that requires a patient to watch a sonogram of her own baby infringes on the free speech of her doctor and herself. The people who don't want the sonogram shown are complete and utter idiots.
Lisa's avatar

Lisa· 2 hours ago

Abortion is just the killing of a human life, there is really no other way of looking at it. Irresponsible people who get pregnant need to take the responsibility to take it through to birth. Even if the pregnancy were to have happened because of a rape, it is still a human being and deserves to live. The rapist was a brute who deserves to serve his time for the crime, but death row for the small child is just blatant stupidity as even the rapist gets to live from the outcome. There are so many people who would adopt and raise the child in a good home. Even the dog pounds don't just kill the dogs coming in as they see it as a life for someone to take and care for. Why can't we have this view with a child? It is murder, no other definition comes closer.
1 reply · active 47 minutes ago
d.stout's avatar

d.stout· 2 hours ago

There are some states and some jurist in America that still believe in the sanctity of life. That makes me want to shout. This country has been sinking deeper and deeper in the sinful belief that abortion is only the decisiion of a mother. There are so many other issues. First and foremost it is God who produces life and loves every one just the same. How dare any of us do anything less. It is God who breathed into man and he became "a living soul" Thank you Texas for having a back bone and thank you 5th Circuit Court of Appeal for speaking up for life.
Bojac's avatar

Bojac· 2 hours ago

It is a good law. If the mother wants to go ahead after seeing the CHILD then she cannot plead ignorance later when she finds planned parenthood just wanted her money.
ProundPatriotToo's avatar

ProundPatriotToo· 1 hour ago

You know what really bothers me about this whole abortion thing? I' am a 62 year old woman, and in my younger days, an abortion wasn't used as a birth control device. I am a retired military nurse and I worked all areas of hospitals and clinics. When an abortion was performed, it was because the pregnant woman had a unfortunate loss of a fetus or near to term loss of a baby for natural/ normal reasons, or the fetus would cause the death of the Mother, brutal criminal rape,etc. I am amazed that abortions are being performed for selfish reasons today; such as, I don't want it because I didn't take precautions, I want a boy not a girl, or I want a designer baby (perfect in every way). My mother said to me, many moons ago, that God gives us children on loan and they are only here for a short time under our care, guidance, and to be nurtured. Children should not be taken for granted nor brought into this world as a product that is return because of various selfish reasons. Just remember, none of us applied nor asked to be born prior to arriving on this earth. Our country is so morally corrupt. For women, like my self, who never was able to have children, the ease of women who throw their unborn away is very painful.
Val's avatar

Val· 1 hour ago

Maybe , the Mother should be neutered at the time of the abortion, this would solve any other errors on her behalf. Intelligent women take birth control, so they don't have to have a "mistake" murdered.
2 replies · active 2 minutes ago
Vern's avatar

Vern· 1 hour ago

Abortion is MURDER. Our tax dollars should not be used by the govt. to pay for the murder of unborn children. Its no wonder God will turn his back on America, the socialist commie pigs and muslim filth will rule the world. I'm glad Christ will come and take his children home this year. 12/21/2012
Doris's avatar

Doris· 1 hour ago

Abortion? Does God Care? Thou Shalt Not Murder. Throughout the Bible God has plenty to say about taking an innocent life. What life is more innocent than the unborn child? When the Bible says Thou Shalt not Murder it is meaning premediated and a deliberate act of taking a life. How hard is that for anyone to understand? It is putting one in the same catagory of those that murdered Jesus and all the prophets.
TeamEagle's avatar

TeamEagle· 1 hour ago

Here's the deal. It's already been settled that life begins at the time of conception. Therefore, abortion is the taking of one's life. Do we not have law's against the taking of one's life? Hmmmm.... I see this as a no brainer!

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