Tuesday, January 10, 2012

FBI joins search for missing Montana teacher – USATODAY.com

FBI joins search for missing Montana teacher – USATODAY.com

FBI joins search for missing Montana teacher
Updated 6h 59m ago
BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) – Authorities resumed their search Tuesday for a missing Montana teacher who left her home for a pre-dawn run and never returned.

Sidney Police Dept. via AP
Sidney High School math teacher Sherry Arnold, 43, has been missing since Saturday. Hundreds of people are assisting in the search for Arnold, who did not return home after going for a jog.
Sidney Police Dept. via AP
Sidney High School math teacher Sherry Arnold, 43, has been missing since Saturday. Hundreds of people are assisting in the search for Arnold, who did not return home after going for a jog.
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The only publicized clue into Sherry Arnold's Saturday disappearance is a single running shoe, found by a ditch along her running route in her hometown of Sidney.
The FBI and local law enforcement are investigating the possibility that Arnold, 43, was abducted from the town along the North Dakota border, which has been changing rapidly in recent years due to an oil boom.
After three days of searching by hundreds of residents, police, firefighters and others, the plan was to re-canvass areas around town that already had been searched at least once, officials said.
If nothing new in the case emerges, authorities said they would consider scaling back the search.
"At some point we feel like we've exhausted the possibilities in that area where she was last seen and apparently disappeared from," said FBI spokeswoman Deborah Bertrand.
Bertrand added that the search could take a different direction by Wednesday, potentially with searchers going to door-to-door in residential neighborhoods.
Arnold, a popular math teacher who grew up on a ranch outside Sidney, was married to another school system employee, Gary Arnold. The couple has five children from prior marriages, including two living at home and attending the same school where their mother worked for the past 18 years.
The school district has played an active role in the search by lending buses to transport members of search teams and setting up a fund to defer expenses.
Mayor Bret Smelser said the effort had covered all of Sidney and surrounding areas of Richland County. He said federal agents had met with family members, including Arnold's parents, Ron and Sherry Whited, and pledged to press hard for answers.
"The promise they made Ron and Sherry was that they wouldn't give up until they had found something or found Sherry," Smelser said.
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Robert Wood Bentley · Top Commenter · Xavier
" a town which has been changing--"-does this perhaps mean PC speak for lots of new immigrants-many illegal and many perhaps dangerous? Just asking!
Reply · 1 · Like · Follow Post · 5 hours ago

Ricci Harbuck · Zweibrucken High School
No Robert, Sidney is a quiet type of town where you dont lock your doors and totally trust your neighbors. There was another woman last year, I think that disappeared from the area.
Reply · Like · 5 hours ago

Scott Morgan · Top Commenter · Massasoit Community College
If it came out that all the jobs are going to illegals, that wouldn't bode too well for Keystone.
Reply · Like · 4 hours ago

David Kerns · All the time
Are there any large cats in this area,I hope that's not case.
Reply · 1 · Like · Follow Post · 6 hours ago

Barbara Lockwood · Top Commenter
praying for her...
Reply · 1 · Like · Follow Post · 6 hours ago

Heather Fowler
I am following this story through a running blog. From another teacher and runner I send good thoughts to Sherry, Sherry's family, and her students. May she return home soon.
Reply · Like · Follow Post · about an hour ago

Amy Grissom McCullough · Top Commenter · Jonesboro, Arkansas
Omg this is a sad world when u cannot go outside for a jog anymore. Bless her and her family and praying for her a safe return
Reply · Like · Follow Post · 3 hours ago

David Pedersen · Top Commenter
Kooks come in all races and standings, that said don't jog with out your friend's Smith and Wesson!
Reply · Like · Follow Post · 3 hours ago

Dorothy Johnson · American Academy of Dramatic Arts, New York
May our prayers with Guardian Angels protect her from all harm and evil.
Reply · Like · Follow Post · 7 hours ago

Tracy Nickerson · Top Commenter · Fayville, Massachusetts
I'm hoping for the best, but fearing the worst.
Reply · Like · Follow Post · 7 hours ago

Sandra Yang
Hopefully she's ok
Reply · Like · Follow Post · 5 hours ago

Eric Dalton · Top Commenter
She's toast.
Reply · Like · Follow Post · 7 hours ago

Marcia Clausing · School of Hard Knocks
Such a comment is really tasteless. You may think it, but to express it that way shows a true lack of compassion.
Reply · 13 · Like · 6 hours ago

Jo Anne · Kearny Senior High
Really Eric can you be any more tacky?This could be your mom, your sister, or your friend but I doubt that you have any!
Reply · 11 · Like · 6 hours ago

Robert Wood Bentley · Top Commenter · Xavier
You, sir, are a real turd!
Reply · 6 · Like · 5 hours ago

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