Sunday, January 8, 2012

Gmail - Holder is Operating DOJ as a Political Weapon -

Gmail - Holder is Operating DOJ as a Political Weapon -

Holder is Operating DOJ as a Political Weapon
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10:46 AM (2 hours ago)
to me

Dear Patriot,

When we think about the single biggest failure of this Obama administration, it's easy to focus on ObamaCare, his radical Supreme Court nominees, or the $15 trillion federal deficit. But what may be the most dangerous legacy of Obama's presidency is the radicalization of the Department of Justice.

Under the so-called leadership of Eric Holder, the Justice Department has not only lied before Congress about the dangerous Fast and Furious gunrunning programming, it has systematically targeted states for redistricting and voter protections if they fall outside the radical agenda of the Obama administration.

With his lies before Congress and his use of the Justice Department as a political tool of the radical left, Eric Holder must be held accountable! Please sign our petitioncalling for a special prosecutor to investigate Holder for his crimes!

America must rid itself of corrupt officials like Eric Holder! Sign the petition today!

Thank you,
Todd Cefaratti
Freedom Organizer

P.S. Our strength is in numbers. Please help our efforts by forwarding to a friend.


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