Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gmail - If Obama Loses in 2012, US Will Have Free and Slave States, Says Top Abortion Provider -

Gmail - If Obama Loses in 2012, US Will Have Free and Slave States, Says Top Abortion Provider -

If Obama Loses in 2012, US Will Have Free and Slave States, Says Top Abortion Provider

merle hoffmanMerle Hoffman is president and CEO of Choices Women’s Medical Center, one of the largest women’s health and abortion clinics in the United States. She has been actively involved in women’s health issues since 1971 and now serves as publisher and editor-in-chief of On The Issues Magazine.

Next to the members of the US Supreme Court that ruled in favor of abortion in the Roe v Wade case, probably no other person in the United States has been involved with the premeditated murder of more unborn children than Hoffman has.

On Tuesday, Hoffman appeared at The National Press Club where she told everyone that if any of the Republican candidates get elected and repeal Roe v Wade, that the country will end up with free states that provide abortion and slave states that do not.

Hoffman uses a statistic stating that 73% of women having abortions are doing so for economic reasons. She makes it sound like this is a fair representation of the general public, but is it? What she doesn’t say is how many of the women seeking abortions are married verses unmarried. How many of them are in their teens and are getting abortions without parental knowledge or permission? What percentages of abortions were for women who are drug addicts, alcoholics or prostitutes?

She speaks of the formation of an underground railway to help pregnant women travel from slave states to free states so they can murder their unborn child. She purposely uses an analogy of slavery in pre-Civil War America in order to invoke a reaction to all of the Republican Candidates.

If Hoffman was sincere about equating abortion with slavery, she should realize that what she and other pro-abortion advocates are doing to unborn children is no different than what slave owners did to their slaves. The very thought of that should help blacks especially to understand the injustice and inhumanity of abortion.

In both slavery and abortion, you have an innocent person who is not free to make choices for themselves. They are treated as nothing more than another’s possession, to be used and disposed of as the owner wants. Both of them are cruel and inhumane and both are wrong!

Thousands of Americans died in the effort to outlaw slavery and give an oppressed people their freedom. One hundred and fifty years later, blacks still talk about slavery and the oppression that some find themselves still experiencing. They talk about how precious the freedom from slavery and oppression is.

Slave owners use to say that they have a right to their slave’s body and the slaves have no rights. Today, liberals say that women have the right to their body and the unborn has no rights.

What’s the difference? There is none. Both are morally wrong! One was stopped. When will we put a stop to the other?

Screeminmeeme's avatar

Screeminmeeme· 3 hours ago

Lets hear more from Merle Hoffman.... In a ''Salon'' interview she said this:

"You know how many women have had abortions?" she said. "ABORTION IS AS AMERICAN AS APPLE PIE. I think it's one in three. But we'll go on TV and say, 'I just had my tits done or had a bikini wax,' but not had an abortion. If you could see that constituency rise up at one point in time -- but they don't, because there's this cloud."

Hoffman bluntly acknowledged that abortion involves killing an unborn child: "In the beginning [pro-lifers] were calling it a baby. We were saying it was only blood and tissue. Let's agree this is a LIFE FORM, a potential life; you're terminating it. You don't have to argue that abortion stops a beating heart. It does." Nor does she insist that abortion is a minor medical procedure: "I can't say it's just like an appendectomy. It isn't. It's a very powerful and loaded decision."
screeminmeeme's avatar

screeminmeeme· 3 hours ago

Hoffman sees abortion as a LAUDABLE act of self-defense against the encroaching unborn child. Referring to HER OWN ABORTION, Hoffman writes in a soon-to-be-released memoir, Intimate Wars: "With my choice I was fighting for the right of all women to define ABORTION AS AN ACT OF LOVE: love for the family one already has, and just as important, love for oneself. I was fighting to reclaim abortion as a mother's act. It was an act of solidarity as significant as any other I had committed."

Hoffman's career as a founder and owner of an abortion clinic has been lucrative. Salon describes her as a BEJEWELED MILLIONAIRE: "Impeccably coiffed -- signaling more Upper East Side doyenne than die-hard boomer activist -- she wears an enormous glittering ring she designed with the symbol of Choices, combining the caduceus and infinity symbols." The "Choices" to which the ring refers is the euphemistic name of theabortion clinic Hoffman runs. So her brutal honesty evidently has limits. The subtitle of her memoir is: "The Life and Times of the Woman Who Brought Abortion from the Back Alley to the Board Room."
screeminmeeme's avatar

screeminmeeme· 3 hours ago

Listen to Alexander Sanger, the grandson of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger who argued that feminists needed to go beyond the rhetoric of "choice," jargon he regarded as cowardly and vague. They should CELEBRATE abortion directly and unapologetically, he said. After all, the UNBORN CHILD, as an ANNOYING INTERLOPER, DESERVES TO DIE "The UNBORN CHILD is not JUST an innocent life," he wrote, but a "lLIABILITY, a THREAT, and a DANGER to the mother and to the other members of the family."

THIS is the mindset of the abortionist who is nothing less than a mass murderer.

Merle Hoffman: Enjoy your jewels and luxurious, self-indulgent lifestyle while you can. Revel in your notoriety and take advantage of that celebrity status because there's no glitter, no revelry, and nor adulation in hell.
screeminmeeme's avatar

screeminmeeme· 3 hours ago

Pro 6:16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
Pro 6:17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD................

Pro 24:11 If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain;
Pro 24:12 If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not He that pondereth the heart consider it? and He that keepeth thy soul, doth not He know it? and shall not He render to every man according to his works?
Ilene's avatar

Ilene· 13 minutes ago

I can't get over the mindset of abortionists. Then what ads insult is the arrogance and the matter of fact attitude. Liberals don't value anything but money.
And if Obama wins...we will have ALL slave states.
bruce's avatar

bruce· 10 minutes ago

NO. you will have states that allow children to be murdered and states that do not. you want to be linked with hitler, stalin, mao, then you are for murder. only difference is how old are the victims.
bmene's avatar

bmene· 8 minutes ago

another DEMOGEEK
D Paul's avatar

D Paul· 8 minutes ago

How is this any different than what Communist forces did to resistors in the Baltics post WWII? Feet were cut off and eyes poked out to name a few gruesome details?
Mattwm's avatar

Mattwm· 8 minutes ago

maybe if liberals would stop telling little girls that it's ok to have sex, there wouldn't be as many abortions. But then organizations like this wouldn't have a purpose, would they. and if a state wants to outlaw abortion, then women can move to another state, so it's not slavery.
These freaking, idiotic, terrified liberals are so ridiculous that they're hilarious. If we had slaves, at least there would be more jobs than odumbo is is creating.
MikeC711's avatar

MikeC711· 5 minutes ago

One big difference between abortion and slavery is that taxPayers were never required to pay for slavery. Regardless of my opinions on abortion, my tax $s fund over a million abortions a year ... greatly enriching the likes of this woman and many doctors who are worth many times what I am worth, but who are always willing to terminate a few more unborn to get a few more $s from me. If a woman decided to destroy her child, I believe that it is arguable that she has that right ... one thing is for sure, she has no right to have me pay for it. I am a Christian (was not always) and personally would adopt any child my children or grandchild would ever choose to destroy ... but I believe that the law of the US is crucial here and the law in the US allows a woman to destroy her child. The fact that it allows her to pull my wallet out and take my money to do it, is horrific.
Roe vs. Wade legalizes murder. Up to you if you want to be a murderer. If you are, you may not be punished here, but you most certainly will be later.

People will never kill a dog or a cat, but have no qualms about killing human babies. Because of economic reasons? Give me a break.
dont tread on me's avatar

dont tread on me· 4 minutes ago

Liberal race card. Old news. Yawn!
Jack Hotchkiss's avatar

Jack Hotchkiss· less than 1 minute ago

Were you that stupid at birth, or is this an accumulation effect?

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