Thursday, January 19, 2012

Court Forces Church to Go Against Beliefs: Your Church Might Be Next

Court Forces Church to Go Against Beliefs: Your Church Might Be Next

Court Forces Church to Go Against Beliefs: Your Church Might Be Next

Ocean_Grove__CroppedTwo lesbians asked to be married in a church-owned camp meeting. The church refused. The lesbians bought charges in the state’s department of civil rights. The department hauled the church into court.

It was a very special kind of court. It was not part of the judiciary. It was part of the executive — the same branch of government that enforces its interpretations of laws passed by the legislature.

There was no jury. It was not required. Remember, it was not part of the judicial branch.

Have you heard the phrase administrative law judge? This is a very special kind of judge. It is a judge who tries you on behalf of the branch of government that enforces the law. No jury required.

You didn’t know that? It’s time you learned.

The church was defended by a privately funded public legal organization, the Alliance Defense Fund. He argued:

“The government should not be able to force a private Christian organization to use its property in a way that would violate its own religious beliefs. Religious groups have the right to use their private property in a way that is consistent with their beliefs. That right, protected by both the New Jersey and U.S. constitutions, obviously trumps any law enacted by the state’s legislature.

“Through these events, the association connects with people who might not attend its worship services and encourages them to attend those services in the future. For example, the association begins its Saturday-night family entertainment events with a brief prayer and typically a quick promotion of its upcoming religious services and events. These are just some of the diverse ways that the association strives, in all its programs, to reach the entire community with the love and Gospel message of Jesus Christ.”

This did not persuade Administrative law judge Solomon Metzger, who ruled that Ocean Grove in fact had violated the civil rights of the lesbian couple. In his decision, he wrote,

“The respondent violated the [Law Against Discrimination] when it refused to conduct a civil-union ceremony for Ms. Bernstein and Ms. Paster. Respondent opposes same-sex unions as a matter of religious belief, and in 2007 found itself on the wrong side of recent changes in the law…

“As a religious organization that deems same-gender unions sinful, respondent is loath to be associated with such ceremonies and maintains that compelling this through the LAD violates its right of expressive association, free speech and free exercise of religion.

It got worse.

Not only did Metzger rule against Ocean Grove, but the association also lost part of the tax exempt status for that part of the property where the open air pavilion is located.

Churches are under fire. This will increase.

Some churches teach that Christians should not get involved in politics. I have news from them. So does Solomon Metzger.

james's avatar

james· 8 hours ago

If this comes to my church i will quit my church
1 reply · active 5 minutes ago
ThomNJ's avatar

ThomNJ· 5 minutes ago

Do you mean that? Why wouldn't you fight back for your beliefs?

I'd fight this judge over that ruling - that isn't a court - that is just the same as an unelected bureaucrat telling folks what to do.
We must stand against them, if it means going to jail. I, myself refuse to teach or preach anything that I know is wrong, anti-GOD, anti-JESUS CHRIST. GOD'S WORD tell us that the world would come to this point and as the last totally free country in the world, here we are. We can't hep to wonder,"What is coming next?

Who is responsible? Even though we want to blame Obama, he "COULD NOT HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT A LOT OF HELP." I can't help to wonder, "What did I do to help this atrocity, along. Did I stand up and speak out when I saw this coming or did I huddle back and keep quiet." Perhaps I thought,"Surly someone will stop this injustice to GOD," and forgot all about it, so that it has crept up on us to the point it seems to threaten to end Christianity here in the USA. It will do it, too if we continue to back off, and obey to "speak as you are told to speak, worship as we tell you to worship.""
Metzger violated the law in making a ruling based on religion. Hasn't he heard of seperation of church and state? Government hasn't the right to make any rulings on religion and marriage being a christian or religious institution government has no right to make any decisions on this. Doing so makes the government guilty of breaching this divide.
samtman's avatar

samtman· 13 minutes ago

The constitution demands the Government stay out of religion and religion stays out of Government, its the only way both will survive.
1 reply · active 2 minutes ago
ThomNJ's avatar

ThomNJ· 2 minutes ago

I understand your sentiment - but you are wrong that the Constitution demands that religion stays out of government - that is simply not true. The Constitution only demands that the government not mandate a specific state religion. (When the colonies were established, most had "state" religions.)
"Kid Richie"'s avatar

"Kid Richie"· 12 minutes ago

People must stand up to these Leftist tyrants. They will do as much as we allow them to get away with.. We must start by voting Obama out!!!
E.J. Frankele's avatar

E.J. Frankele· 4 minutes ago

This is the epitome of some idiots idea of good behavior. Did these people get the same training on the Constitution as their top dog boss?
Jack Hotchkiss's avatar

Jack Hotchkiss· less than 1 minute ago

People must stand up to these Leftist tyrants. They will do as much as we allow them to get away with.. We must start by voting Obama out!!! and ALL the lefties in congress.

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