Monday, January 16, 2012

Gmail - Liberal Left Blows Up Over Marine Video -

Gmail - Liberal Left Blows Up Over Marine Video -

Liberal Left Blows Up Over Marine Video

Move America Forward via
3:18 PM (36 minutes ago)
to me

The embarrassing video leaked onto the web last week of US Marines apparently urinating on the bodies of dead Taliban fighters has become a flag for the liberal left to rally around. Liberal commentators and politicians have been taking to the airwaves to denounce the Marines and try to portray them as monsters. Meanwhile, MAF is defending our troops.

Our own Debbie Lee, gave her reaction in an official statement.

"My sons life along with thousands of other fallen warriors was ended by these terrorists, our troops have done back to back, multiple deployments and I see our government in DC using this as a political move to discredit and dishonor all of our military.

We have to understand that these Marines were under fire, those Taliban were trying to kill them, along with other innocent people."

“Rather than blow this up into a national security issue, we should deal with these Marines with a little understanding of the tough position they are in."

Don't let the liberal left make this incident into the next Haditha. You will remember how the liberals reacted to that. John Murtha went on national broadcasts calling our Marines "murderers". The Marines were later exonerated, but the damage to their reputation had already been done, besmirched by Murtha, a former Marine himself!

They're trying to blow the incident up to epic proportions and use it as a way to attack our mission in Afghanistan and attack conservatives who say we need to stay the course and finish our mission there. Some are calling these Marines war criminals and demanding severe punishment.

On his Huffington Post blog, liberal activist and Iraq veteran Jon Soltz, who never passes up an opportunity to stab his former comrades in the back, wrote:

"There are no words to express my disgust at the video making the rounds today, of U.S. Marines...

...There is no other choice. Condemning, investigating, and prosecuting is the only thing we can do at this point..."

Prosecuting? Don't let these liberals get their claws on our troops! Stand with MAF in support of our Marines. They have made a mistake in a temporary moment of poor judgement, but that does not make them war criminals!

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