Sunday, January 15, 2012

Obamacare, Price Controls, and Theft – Patriot Update

Obamacare, Price Controls, and Theft – Patriot Update

Obamacare, Price Controls, and Theft

January 15, 2012


With the announcement by Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, that Trustmark Life Insurance Company’s recent increases in premiums for their health insurance were “excessive” comes the certain result: A few may be helped, but many will be harmed.

She declared, “It’s time for Trustmark to immediately rescind these rate [increases], issue refunds to consumers or publicly explain their refusal to do so.” Under ObamaCare’s usurpations of prior state law, any premium increases of more than 10 percent are to be reviewed and if determined to be unreasonable, made subject to public exposure and pressure to abide by the agency’s dictates as to what is reasonable.

A spokeswoman for Trustmark, Cindy Gallaher, responded to Sebelius: “We respectfully disagree with the assumptions and conclusions drawn today by the Department of Health and Human Services. Our premiums are driven by the rising cost and increased utilization of medical services.”

Those premium increases affect about 10,000 policyholders in five states, including Alabama where Trustmark has raised its premiums by 27 percent over the last year, Arizona with raises of 18 percent, and Pennsylvania with increases of 15 percent.

At present, Sebelius can only complain publicly about Trustmark’s premium increases, as ObamaCare does not yet contain the power to block those increases. The Obama administration sought such powers but failed to have them included in the law.

Post Continues on

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12 Responses to Obamacare, Price Controls, and Theft

  1. nvrpc says:

    If you are going to force Obamacare down the private companies throat and tell them they have to do, this that and the other, I have to agree with their cost increase. This will prove that Obamacare is again going to cost the middle class working people trillions of dollars. Just one more thing to stagnate the economy and make us a third world nation. Thanks Obama and the socialist democratic party. Not only do we not need Obamacare but we need to stop providing any medical care to ANYONE that does not have insurance no matter what the situation even if its life or death. The reason your medical cost is so high is because the firms have to make up their losses from treating and housing illegal aliens in hospital for months at no cost to the individual. ALL those cost are passed onto you in one form or the other. They have to be or they’ll go out of business.

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    • Captain PJ says:

      The whole notion of Insurance companies having to raise their rates was part of the administration’s plan to achieve a “single payer” healthcare insurance plan. It’s about eliminating private insurance; it’s about ekiminating freedom of choice; and it’s about the government being the only provider for healthcare insurance.

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  2. nvrpc says:

    OPPS, the easy way to take care of medical cost in this country without a 1200 page document is this. Pass a law that says, ” If you don’t have medical insurance, you will not get any type of medical care, regardless of the circumstances, and if this means you’re going to die, well, so be it”.. If it is found you produced false insurance claim ALL expenses for the treatment will come out of your pocket because the American tax payer is NOT going to pay a dime. I’ll bet these lazy S=O=B will find a way to get insurance then.

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    • Retired Marine MSgt in Marana, Az says:


      I agree, except for your statement “If you don’t have medical insurance, you will not get any type of medical care, regardless of the circumstances, and if this means you’re going to die, well, so be it”, SHOULD HAVE READ:

      ” If you don’t have medical insurance, OR GUARANTEE TO PAY FOR IT YOURSELF, you will not get any type of medical care, regardless of the circumstances, and if this means you’re going to die, well, so be it”..


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  3. Another Veteran says:

    A life-or-death situation is a little different than all the ER abuse with an upper respiratory condition or a splinter etc. Sure, if their life is in danger they deserve treatment just as you or I would in a foreign country. But, using the ER as a treatment clinic is wrong and they should be turned away-nature will cure the common illnesses anyway.
    I am sure before Obamacare was passed that Pelosi and others ran out and purchased stock in insurance companies and made millions and the insurance companies had to increase their rates to cover those who can’t or won’t pay for insurance-we all get to pay for the ones that refuse to work and that is rampant socialism, taking from the haves and giving it to those that don’t have due to their own negligence or failure to prepare.
    So it’s a money-maker not only for congress but also for the insurance companies but also the deadbeats.

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  4. Raymond says:

    A short spelling lesson :

    The last four letters in American……….I Can
    The last four letters in Republican…….I Can
    The last four letters in Democrats……..Rats

    End of lesson. Test to follow later this year.

    Remember, 2012 is to be set aside
    as rodent extermination year.

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  5. Terry Black says:

    In addition to all this our Government Congress and the Senate has gone absolutely stark raving mad!

    Search These two New News Reports -

    The Enemy Expiration Act: No different than the NAZI Nuremberg Laws

    Re: Bill HR. 3166S.1698


    Analysis: Banks Overwhelmingly Support Romney

    That story came out of the Charlotte

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  6. Patrick Duffy says:

    None of this is authorized by the US Constitution. We are living in ROME.

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  7. Tom Gill says:

    All the government does,is look down thier noses at us,then laugh at us as they steal our monies.What happened to the social security trust fund?What happened to the highway trust fund?THEY STOLE IT!!!!!They have ignored the condstitution and make fun of any one who supports,like the BS,that supporting the constitution,supports slavery.What nonsense

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  8. Hubcap says:

    By the time any law catches up with the insurance companies they’ve already made their trillions and no money is ever returned. The preiums are goughing methods that work everywhere money is collected for necessities.

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  9. Jack Hotchkiss says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Hear ye, Hear ye, Hear ye.
    To use the quote “ Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their Country”, State, City and neighborhood should be added. In order to form a more perfect Union we must band together to hold our beloved Constitution safe from all enemies foreign and domestic.
    Will you help, will you stand and will you share?
    The fight will be huge. The cost will be great. The rewards will be freedom.
    We need a State-by-State league joined at the hips to protect the US Constitution. I propose this be the start of The Arizona League.
    I’m open for input and or information.

    Respond, as you will.
    Jack Hotchkiss
    Kingman, Arizona

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