Monday, December 5, 2011

» 2nd elderly woman objects to TSA search at JFK News

» 2nd elderly woman objects to TSA search at JFK News

2nd elderly woman objects to TSA search at JFK

By AP Staff

NEW YORK (AP) — A second senior citizen is claiming the Transportation Security Administration made her pull down her pants as part of a search at New York's Kennedy Airport.

Ruth Sherman, 88, of Sunrise, Fla., told WCBS television ( ) that agents were suspicious about hercolostomy bag and asked her to pull down the waist of her pants so they could see it on Nov. 28.

"This is private for me, you know? It's bad enough that I have it," Sherman said. "That was the first time I had to do that."

The TSA is investigating the claim, agency spokeswoman Lisa Farbstein said Monday. She said the TSA has no record of any complaint by Sherman.

Sherman did not answer telephone calls placed to her home on Monday.

She told WCBS she decided to come forward after hearing about the case of 85-year-old Lenore Zimmerman of Long Beach, N.Y. Zimmerman says TSA agents made her take off her pants on Tuesday. Both searches occurred at the JetBlue terminal.

The TSA says Zimmerman opted out of a screening machine and told officers she was wearing a back brace or support belt that required a private inspection. The agency says two female officers removed the item, screened it and sent Zimmerman on her way.

"While we regret that the passenger feels she had an unpleasant screening experience, TSA does not include strip searches as part of our security protocols and one was not conducted in this case," the agency said in a written statement.

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  1. OutspokenComment by Outspoken
    December 5, 2011 @ 2:16 pm

    Okay, everyone that believes that TSA would NOT LIE about doing an illegal strip searchor actually lie about anything that they are doing, please stand to the left and raise your hand………anyone……..anyone……anyone?

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    • URKiddinMeeComment by URKiddinMee
      December 5, 2011 @ 3:20 pm

      To; “Thedove” - I see that the art of sarcasm has not been lost on you, either! LOL

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  2. URKiddinMeeComment by URKiddinMee
    December 5, 2011 @ 2:30 pm

    We gotta strip search more of these 88 year old, blue eyed grannies! Meanwhile, three burkha wearing young women were waved on though.

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    • lovemycountry2Comment by lovemycountry2
      December 5, 2011 @ 3:24 pm

      Yeah, and don’t forget the towel heads who look like they could chew off our heads. They also get a free pass because we don’t dare offend them. No wonder it was so easy for them to bomb the twin towers and kill so many of us.

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  3. Dr. PhilComment by echosoft
    December 5, 2011 @ 2:33 pm

    All government officials lie. They are not allowed to ever to tell the entire truth. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be employed for very long.

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  4. ssgkenComment by ssgken
    December 5, 2011 @ 2:42 pm

    Somehow, someway these idiots need some type of restraint placed on their over reaction to the citizens of this country. Glad I do not have to fly anymore!

    VOTE RIGHT! ! ! VOTE HIM OUT IN 2012! ! ! ! !

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    • AMVoterComment by AMVoter
      December 5, 2011 @ 3:53 pm

      Yes, I’m thankful I no longer have to fly either.

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  5. AMVoterComment by AMVoter
    December 5, 2011 @ 3:47 pm

    Did you all hear about the teen who was detained by Obama’s brown shirt tsa agents because her small purse had a design of a gun on it?

    These tsa morons, headed by the b o o b Nappy, have no common sense.

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