Monday, December 5, 2011

Gmail - He wants your thumbprint -

Gmail - He wants your thumbprint -

He wants your thumbprint

Dudley Brown via to me
show details 12:33 PM (1 hour ago)

On Saturday, I alerted you that Newt Gingrich is a supporter of a national biometric thumbprint database for gun purchasers. Here is the direct quote from Newt:

"I think we prefer to go to instant check on an immediate basis and try to accelerate implementing instant checks so that you could literally check by thumbprint... Instant check is a much better system than the Brady process." -- June 27, 1997

This weekend, your National Association for Gun Rights, working in conjunction with our Iowa state-level affiliate, Iowa Gun Owners, began using phone calls designed to alert tens of thousands of gun rights activists across Iowa about Newt Gingrich's decades-long support of gun control . . .

. . . and his refusal to return his National Association for Gun Rights Presidential Survey.

Call Newt Gingrich right now at (678) 973-2306.

Demand he quit stonewalling gun owners and return his National Association for Gun Rights Presidential Survey -- IMMEDIATELY!

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