Monday, December 5, 2011

Gmail - More Truth Emerges from the "House of Horrors" -

Gmail - More Truth Emerges from the "House of Horrors" -

More Truth Emerges from the "House of Horrors"

Jonathan Ball via to me
show details 8:51 AM (3 hours ago)
National Pro-Life Alliance

Dear Jack,

If you have ever questioned why you should keep on fighting the horror of abortion-on-demand, here is all the proof you need.

But I warn you -- it's awfully graphic.

You don't want to have children near you when you read what I have to tell you.

As each day passes, more information comes to light about the late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell's "House of Horrors" abortion mill in Philadelphia.

Yet another of Gosnell's employees, Tina Baldwin, pled guilty to charges of participating in a corrupt organization, conspiracy and corruption of a minor, when she allowed her 15-year-old daughter to work for Gosnell.

According to court documents, Baldwin's daughter was made to work 50 hours a week after school until past midnight, during which she was exposed to Gosnell's systematic murder of newborn infants.

Baldwin herself worked as a receptionist at the abortion mill, but also routinely assisted in abortions by anesthetizing abortion clients.

Baldwin confessed to investigators that she had seen Gosnell induce delivery of newborn babies hundreds of times and murder them in the most heinous way -- while callously joking about it.

Gosnell, his wife, and his staffers face various charges — including eight charges for killing a patient in a botched abortion.

Believe me, I could continue with more of the abuse of the unborn and "jokes" about the killing.

But instead I want to close with a different point.

This is an example of the most extreme destruction the abortion industry perpetrates. But, in fact, children not as far along in development need protection too.

That's why the National Pro-Life Alliance remains commited to ending abortion, and with God's grace and your continued aid I believe one day we will.

The unborn continue to need and deserve our help in every state and legislature -- both in passing state laws restricting abortion and even more importantly enacting a National Life at Conception Act to overturn Roe v. Wade and end abortion-on-demand.

That's why your continued support of NPLA is so important.

For Life,
Jonathan Ball
Jonathan Ball
Director of State Legislation

P.S. Unlike the Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry, your National Pro-Life Alliance receives no government funds. We rely solely on the faithful generosity of our supporters. Please help spread the word to expand our fight to end abortion-on-demand. And if you can, please chip in with a contribution today by clicking here.

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