Monday, December 5, 2011

Gmail - Shocking expose on Shariah's real agenda -

Gmail - Shocking expose on Shariah's real agenda -

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Shocking expose on Shariah's real agenda

Liberty Counsel to me
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Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel


Thank you once again for signing Liberty Counsel’s petition opposing the imposition of Shariah (Islamic law) in the courts and in our culture.

A few weeks ago, I came across what I believe is the definitive resource exposing the real threat of radical Islam in our nation. It’s called “Shariah: The Threat To America.” It’s a fully documented, 177-page resource on the serious challenge Shariah poses to our Constitution and our nation.

This book is modeled after the same CIA "Team B" analysis that exposed our nation’s flawed strategy of co-existence (détente) and helped inspire President Reagan’s "peace through strength" initiatives that ended the Cold War.

Just like during the Cold War when many on the Left sought out a peaceful co-existence with Soviet communism, today the Left is pushing a “co-existence” with Islam and Shariah law. Under the guise of “political correctness,” leaders across the West are rushing to support the use of Shariah law in our courts, schools, and other public places.

Just as the Cold War "Team B" report exposed the real agenda of the Soviets, this Shariah law “Team B” report exposes the impossibility of “détente” with this radical legal and cultural ideology.

I have read this book forwards and backwards. It is my top resource on the issue of Shariah and I want you to have a copy.

As I noted, my staff has secured a limited quantity of this breakthrough book, “Shariah: The Threat To America.” In appreciation of your tax-deductible gift of $30 or more, we will ship this book to you. Please go here to find out more and to request your copy:

Thank you once again for standing with Liberty Counsel against the rising tide of Shariah and radical Islam that is taking root in our society.

Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. Please note that our current quantities of “Shariah: The Threat To America” are limited. Go here to request your copy:

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Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family. Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776

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