Friday, December 2, 2011

Gmail - Take Action: Help Lower Gas Prices Today -

Gmail - Take Action: Help Lower Gas Prices Today -

Take Action: Help Lower Gas Prices Today

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Dear Jack :

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Gas Prises on the Rise Again? Tell Washington Enough is Enough!

The price of oil recently eclipsed the $101 per barrel mark and the price of gas is on the rise. Tell the politicians in Washington that enough is enough!

Isn't it time to stop relying on foreign oil - when American resources are so abundant?

Join the movement today – Show your support for offshore energy development. Tell the Department of the Interior that we need to drill here and drill now!

Over the last year, we’ve watched gas and energy prices soar with every Middle Eastern crisis while employment numbers dwindled here at home. So why is the United States ignoring the potential of its very own oil and gas reserves?

Thousands of people are signing on and sending a message to Washington, D.C. to expand offshore development and tap into the cost-saving and job-creating benefits of American energy. You can join this movement by sending your message today.

Our economy depends on the millions of jobs offshore production generates. In fact, the U.S. oil and gas industry supports more than nine million American jobs – both directly and indirectly – and generates nearly $1 trillion in economic activity every year.

That’s why the Department of the Interior needs to hear from citizens like you TODAY

Click here to submit your letter right away! Speak out now – we can’t afford any delays!

Thank you,
Consumer Energy Alliance

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