Occupy Starts, Stops with Trash
30 tons of leftover waste as a monument seems fitting somehow for a protest movement made up of the intellectual trash-bin of the country’s- the world's?- left wing. Europe is forcing balanced budgets, so one has to wonder how long the FDR-Keynesian crowd can pretend to be anything other than an historical curiosity.
When police evicted the protesters from in and around city hall in LA, hazmat teams found personal items that “astonished city workers,” according to the LA Times.
The protesters left “books and CDs, luggage and boom boxes, mattresses and dining chairs, cellphones, electric razors, a small red guitar with its neck snapped –- all surrounded by dozens of collapsed and empty tents.”
Hazmat teams had to come in to clean up the mess. Imagine dozens of Carl Spacklers squeegee-ing out the grounds of LA’s city hall.
And thus, the contrast between the Tea Party protesters and the Occupiers is now complete.
Good going to all those media sophisticates who tried to tell us that the Occupy movement was the left’s mirror image of the Tea Party.
Forget the double-standard that the media has applied to the two movements when they reported on them. The double standard just makes the media look more foolish in the end.
And you know the end is near for any political movement when TB breaks out amongst people freely-associating for political purposes- and smoking a little weed.
Pot kind of gives a different context to the idea of a grassroots movement.
Don’t get me wrong. There are Tea Partiers, who, uh, party. But outside of the Paulites, they don’t make partying part of the officially sanctioned activities.
The Tea Party folks would have just brought some sort of cheese-covered casseroles and maybe some bottled water and s’mores to a rally- and then gone home a few hours later to spend time with their families.
Occupiers brought communicable diseases.
Now that’s a type of “communism” in action; hope you can believe in.
The great thing about the mainstream media is that the coffin nails which are sealing up the pine box surrounding them are being fashioned everyday by themselves.
John Ransom
John Ransom is the Finance Editor for Townhall Finance. You can follow him on twitter @bamransom and on Facebook: bamransom.TOWNHALL DAILY: Sign up today and receive Townhall columns and Townhall.com's daily lineup delivered each morning to your inbox.
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It is also worthy of note that Ransom singles out Ron Paul supporters as dope smokers. This little sling shows Ransom is right at home in the MSM he pretends to rail against. I have attended many Ron Paul events and rallies, both in 2008 and during the current campaign. I was even made a sort of housemother to a group of 30 or so young people working for Paul in NH in 2008. I saw nothing indicative of drug. use. Not even once!
Well, I've got the "easy go" part down pat, but I haven't got to the "easy come" part yet. )-;
But, John,..........................that would imply that all the OWS twits have an internal sense of responsibility for their behavioral choice. They don't...............never have had..............and never will. Ain't gonna happen.
The "philosophy" (to attach an unwarranted capacity to think to the twits) has as its base the notion that it's (whatever "it" is) will always be somebody else's fault.
Come to think of it, that makes Obama, Maxine Waters, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, Nance Pelosi and other liberals the perfect poster children for the OWS movement......um........mob.
Precious. But I must disagree with the term "movement". This nonsense was little more than an adolescent camp out -- an excuse to contine to avoid gainful employment and an opportunity to get out of Mom's basement and get some air.
The usual Gang and story line -no more to see here -Just remember who endorsed them -
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Most of the Ron Paul supporters are enthuseiastic, that is a lot more than can be said for the supporters of most of the other candidates, who are up one day and down the next. At least we rare true to our beliefs, just as is Ron Paul.
On another note: Thanks for the "Carl Spackler" reference, John - "Caddy Shack" is one of my favorite movies.
The Left holds us individually responsible for nothing but collectively to blame for everything.
The media is carring the water for this adminstration and they will never be embarrassed, it is their ideology. Instead of complaining about the MSM why don't we start a boycott against their advertisers. The only way to stop them is to attack their pocket books and deplete their money supply. I have been doing this for a while now, but one person does not make the impact needed to get their attention. Cutting off their lifeline (advertisers) by everyone boycotting their products because they advertise in their newspapers and on their broadcast will. Always follow the money!
The following factors may increase the rate of TB infection in a population:
Increase in HIV infections
Increase in number of homeless people (poor environment and nutrition)
The appearance of drug-resistant strains of TB
Great, just great.