Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gmail - Thank You for Telling Congress to Get Serious About the National Debt - flyaway.jack@gmail.com

Gmail - Thank You for Telling Congress to Get Serious About the National Debt - flyaway.jack@gmail.com

Thank You for Telling Congress to Get Serious About the National Debt

Carrie L. Lukas, Independent Women's Voice info@iwvoice.org via bluehornet.com to me
show details 10:34 AM (4 hours ago)

Thank You for Telling Congress to
Get Serious About the National Debt

December 6, 2011

Fellow Patriot,

Thank you for signing the petition our friend Monica Crowley recommended, which tells Congress to go big on spending cuts and just say NO to tax increases when tackling our nation's exploding debt problem.

Congress has not demonstrated that they are serious about cutting the debt.

We have to show them just how serious we are about fiscal reform.

Each day, Independent Women's Voice is fighting for limited government and sane fiscal policy. And we need your help.

Will you consider making a contribution of $10, $25, $50, $100, or more if you can to Independent Women's Voice today? Your contribution gives us the much-needed resources necessary to fight the powers that be in Washington that have sent our national debt skyward.

In August, Congress could only squeeze out a paltry $0.9 trillion in cuts when the national debt was already over $14 trillion. Recognizing their inability to make real, substantial cuts, Congress delegated authority for cutting the debt to the so-called "Super Committee."

It turned out they were not so "super" after all.

Today, our national debt exceeds $15 trillion. Let's face it — Congress is not going to get serious about cutting the national debt without feeling pressure from the American people to do so.

That's where you come in.

You've already signed the petition telling Congress to get serious about cutting the debt without imposing new tax burdens on the already overtaxed American people. We thank you for that.

But now we need you to help us continue to fight for limited government and the necessary reductions in our national debt.

Can you join with us today by making a contribution of $10, $25, $50, $100 or more if you can to our efforts? We know times are tough, but this is a fight that we can't lose. We need you to stand with us in this battle.

As Monica said, "the clock is ticking and we need everyone fighting together."

I hope you'll join us today.


Carrie L. Lukas
VP for Policy & Economics
Independent Women's Voice

P.S. —Would you be so kind as to forward this email to your friends and family? Tell them about our petition that you signed telling Congress to go BIG on spending cuts and just say NO to tax increases. Ask them to join you in signing.

If we're all standing together, Congress will take notice. Will you ask your friends and family to join you in standing with us today?

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