Thursday, December 8, 2011

Life and Liberty PAC

Life and Liberty PAC

Support our efforts

Demand Congressional Enforcement of 28 U.S.C. 455 for Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan

Disbarment, Impeachment, and Criminal Referral Sought If Rule of Law Abrogated


Tell Senators and Congress To INVESTIGATE, RECUSE – AND INDICT Kagan!

YES, I want to send faxes to every Senator and every House Member, DEMANDING that they hold an IMMEDIATE, FULL INVESTIGATION WITH SUBPOENAS and ENFORCE 28 U.S.C. 455 upon Justice Elena Kagan to prevent her adjudicating cases pertaining to ObamaCare.

Obama has placed Kagan on the Supreme Court as his weapon to implement his radical, Socialist ObamaCare scheme, among other items in his radical agenda – but Kagan is ethically and professionally UNFIT to sit on the Supreme Court.

Kagan is ESPECIALLY and EXPLICITLY COMPROMISED in her unfitness to rule on OBAMACARE CASES – and MUST BE IMMEDIATELY RECUSED! The evidence is already compelling that Kagan has perjured herself about her active involvement supporting ObamaCare as Obama's Solicitor General! As a case is being developed against her, it is UNDENIABLE that under federal law, with facts already in evidence, she MUST BE REMOVED FROM HEARING OBAMACARE CASES!

We need to mobilize folks to take action RIGHT AWAY… So we've set up an easy way for you to make your voice heard LOUD AND CLEAR – you cansend "Blast Faxes" to every single U.S. Senator AT ONCE, urging that they INVESTIGATE THE EVIDENCE, IMPEACH, AND REJECT THE CORRUPT AND CRIMINAL KAGAN APPOINTMENT as UNFIT for the Supreme Court bench. For less than what it would cost you in time and telephone charges, you can send Blast Faxes to:

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GOP Leadership – McConnell, Boehner, Cantor for just $19
All 100 Senators for just $29
All 435 Representatives for just $49
All 535 Representatives & Senators for just $69

All 535 Representatives & Senators in DC and their home districts for just $129**

** It's true — Politicians are keenly interested in the issues and events in their home district offices. By flooding home district and Washington offices with faxes, your concerns are much more likely to be addressed!

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