Monday, December 5, 2011

Obama About to Give Huge Class Warfare Speech? – Patriot Update

Obama About to Give Huge Class Warfare Speech? – Patriot Update:

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Obama About to Give Huge Class Warfare Speech?

December 4, 2011


Looking to channel Theodore Roosevelt, President Obama will deliver an economic speech Tuesday and cite the importance of everyone paying their “fair share.”

Obama will travel to Osawatomie, Kansas to make the remarks — the site of the progressive Republican Roosevelt’s “New Nationalism” speech in 1910.

The White House confirmed the Roosevelt connection in a press release, stating, “Just over one hundred years ago, President Teddy Roosevelt came to Osawatomie, Kansas and called for a New Nationalism, where everyone gets a fair chance, a square deal, and an equal opportunity to succeed.”

Obama will “talk about how he sees this as a make-or-break moment for the middle class and all those working to join it,” the statement said. “He’ll lay out the choice we face between a country in which too few do well while too many struggle to get by, and one where we’re all in it together – where everyone engages in fair play, everyone does their fair share, and everyone gets a fair shot.”

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594 Responses to Obama About to Give Huge Class Warfare Speech?

  1. steve says:

    Same speach he gave while running. Worried that he is loosing his base perhaps?

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  2. rmw15 says:

    Let’s see if “honest” Abe Obama fullfills his first promise to the American citizens to be tranparent. Let’s see if he calls his concept of the ideal form of government for America what he truly believes in? Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Nazism, Leninism or Bolshevism. No, he will try to beguile the American voter with his rhetorical skills better know as dazzling them with footwork and baffling them with bullshit. At least with Harry Truman the world knew where the bear crapped in the buckwheat. With Obama he will say there is no buckwheat because the rich people has it all. The American voter has become a drone unwilling to take control of their own lives and voting the way they have been seduced into.

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