Monday, December 5, 2011

Obama’s Connection to Voter Fraud Group | Godfather Politics

Obama’s Connection to Voter Fraud Group | Godfather Politics:

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Obama’s Connection to Voter Fraud Group


Voter fraud had been a problem for centuries. Over this past year, there has been quite a bit of controversy about voter ID and voter fraud.

A number of Republican’s have advocated tightening voting laws to help eliminate voter fraud. Among the methods being advocated is the use of a photo ID. Republicans believe that photo IDs will drastically cut the incidents of voter fraud.

Democrats have been adamantly opposed to photo ID claiming that it would deter many poor and elderly people from voting. In some areas, Democrats have even pushed to remove the requirement of having a mailing address to register to vote. They claim that this would allow the homeless to vote. Personally, I see this measure as being a means to allow voter fraud by people registering in more than one location and casting multiple votes.

One organization with strong ties to the Democrats that has been associated with voter fraud and voter corruption is Project Vote, which, not surprising, is (or was) an affiliate of ACORN before the organization was forced to close its doors this past year. Interestingly, Project Vote was perhaps the only real client that Barack Obama had when he was practicing law before entering politics.

Some former employees of Project Vote have contacted election officials concerning a significant number of new faulty registration forms. Adams and others believe that this may have been planned in order to overwhelm election officials, creating turmoil and disrupting their normal operations.

According to election attorney J. Christian Adams,

“It was actually the first, and maybe one of the only clients that President Obama had when he was an attorney in private practice. And during the 2008 election, he liked to distance himself from them. He said that he really didn’t have a real serious role with them.”

However, Adams points out that in August of this year, the President launched Project Vote as a campaign to increase voter registration and participation among Democrats. Their target base consists of young voters, seniors, Hispanics, American Indians, blacks, gay and lesbians. In using the name Project Vote, Adams comments,

“It is clearly an intentional, in-your-face move. They don’t care about perceptions that most Americans have regarding these election crimes.”

Obama appears to be so arrogant in his ability to do anything regardless of whether it’s legal or not, that he is knowingly using the same name as the corrupt organization that he once defended and who has ties to his other criminal cronies in ACORN. And ten-to-one they will probably use some of the same illegal election fraud activities that got the original Project Vote in trouble.

Read more: Obama’s Connection to Voter Fraud Group | Godfather Politics

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