Tuesday, December 13, 2011

UN Calls For ‘International Climate Court of Justice’ | CowboyByte

UN Calls For ‘International Climate Court of Justice’ | CowboyByte

UN Calls For ‘International Climate Court of Justice’

Bureaucrats at the UN Climate Summit in Durban have outlined plans for the most draconian, harebrained and madcap climate change treaty ever produced, under which the west would be mandated to respect “the rights of Mother Earth” by paying a “climate debt” which would act as a slush fund for bankrolling an all-powerful world government.

Even as the tattered shreds of whatever credibility global warming alarmists had left evaporate in the aftermath of Climategate 2.0, the monstrous bureaucracy behind ManBearPig continues to lurch forward.

“Here – and, as always, you heard it here first, for the mainstream media have conspired to keep secret the Madness of King Rajendra and his entire coterie of governmental and bureaucratic lunatics worldwide – is what the dribbling, twitching thrones and dominions, principalities and powers of the world will be asked to agree to,” he writes, adding that actual climate science has not been a topic of debate at the summit.

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168 Responses to UN Calls For ‘International Climate Court of Justice’

  1. patriotrenegade says:

    End it. No $, no recognition, out of NYC in 24 hours.

    • DocDave says:

      It’s going to take more than bithin about it and expecting someone else to do something. Better get ACTIVE at YOUR local level


    • Kansas Kahuna says:

      Great idea…but will never happen with the communist seated in the oval office!

    • JJ says:

      Justice would be the U.N. being defunded and thrown out of the country and the building in N.Y. being made a homeless shelter.

      • Infidel4Life says:

        You mean like the movie “Heavy Metal”

      • Eddie Asberry says:

        That’s a good idea………

      • Charles McConnell says:

        I, agree with JJ the UN is a waste of our money.

      • OAHS says:

        You got that right!

      • AliveStillKickin says:

        A homeless shelter?….Full of OWS protestors?….Bad idea.

        • MSGT JOHN CORREA says:

          A homeless shelter? Forget that ridiculous idea. The UN building would serve us best by having our business entrepreneurs take it over to create badly needed jobs.

          In most letters that I have written to former U.S. President George W. Bush, I pleaded, I begged for him to get us out the United Nations’ corrupted country club. I begged him to save the sovereignty of our Republic; we should never surrender our liberties and freedom to any third world nation. Let them sacrifice and struggle to build their own liberties and freedoms as we did to secure our blessed freedom and individualities as Americans.

          I haven’t heard any members of the communist controlled news medias asked any U.S. Presidential Candidate if they have the guts to clear and throw out the parasite members of the United Nations, including Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton who continues to sell-out our U.S. sovereignty over to the UN. How much longer will we American patriots have to put up with American traitors in this country?

          USAF (RET)

        • dblur says:

          I totally concur, bad idea. how about making it a drug rehab center in which non-violent addicts stay until cured then two years inhouse, helping others get detoxed with job rehabilitation, then they get out no prison, no record. To continue to send people whose only crime is substance abuse to a free University for Criminal Behavior (which is what Prison is) is the very definition of insanity, as prison does not cure substance abusers, it simply teaches them to be more violent, dangerous criminals, trained to prey on others. While we are at it, get rid of the DEA, decriminalize drugs, stop the war on drugs (you cannot win a war against a substance!) and the drug cartels will go broke! make it what it is, a medical problem. take the money and risk out of abusing your body and young people will slow way down on drug use as noi one wants to be seen as sick there if there is no drama, risk or cachet associated with substance abuse, a lot of the people attracted to it will stop and fewer will start using drugs in the first place. You cannot legislate morality, but you can take the allure out of being an addict. by calling it what it is, an illness.

      • JJ.
        Not JUST a homeless shelter. A shelter for homeless vets FIRST. And not a FREE one, either. Those who are disabled and incapable will have the help they need but those who reside there and CAN work WILL WORK and EARN part of their keep. They can work for the building, first, and help maintain it. They can run their own kitchen, and work on various programs to maintain and extend the outreach to other homeless and disadvantaged. They can work for the city and help in WHATEVER capacity the city needs them to in whatever dept/area the city needs help. I would not mind if my tax dollars went for such a project. Just take the money we currently GIVE to the Marxist Crap that runs the U.N. now and use it as described above! Should be great!

      • ABO says:

        ABSOLUTELY,JJ, it’s long overdue but as Kansas Kahuna noted it’s not about to happen with Obama in the White House. Getting him out is also long overdue.

      • William says:

        Got that right!

    • Wayne says:

      Let’s get the hell out of the UN!!!! We are spending all that money and not getting anything in return. What is the matter with our lame brain Congress?

    • Nils says:

      Here here!!!

    • Patriot says:

      AGREE 100% – get us OUT of the UN and get the UN OUT of the USA. There is no need for us to support scofflaws and that’s all they are when they invade NYC: park anywhere they choose, rape, steal, block traffic, ignore our laws and then when confronted, state, “I have political immunity!” All the while, the UN DEMANDS we financially support them and their “green” agenda. NO MORE!

    • warren reynolds says:

      Agreed, who gives a shit what they think?

      • Dingbat36 says:

        Thank you for putting the objection into the correct language!! I would love to have the USA tell the UN (Useless Nuisance) to STICK IT where the sun don’t shine!!

    • Timothy says:

      I agree. Abolish the UN.

    • barbpatton says:

      agree – the biggest load of BS I have heard in a long long time – we have to end the madness – we just have to do something…….

    • James says:

      Agree. Dump the UN. It is now the tail that wants to wag the dog. The EU has just agreed to a Euro treaty that smells to become the European part of UN Agenda 21. If the UN wants to make ‘laws’ for the world, it is a serious step for all of us. If the UN wants to make a rule or treaty for it’s own members, that is up to the membership. What the UN wants has nothing to do with the rest of the world.

      • Jerry says:

        Agreed, UN is long outdated bureaucracy run by communists, their satellite banana republics and Muslim countries. USA as well as Canada should pull out and expel the HQ of UN in New York to some other place on earth.

    • The UN should be abolished, this anti-American organization is a front for dictators, world socialism and has being used by many American radical progressives to attempt a huge wealth redistribution . What really made America great is “self interest”, a belief that left wing progressives have attempted to kill in the name of altruism and redistribution , Americans need to get involved and protect the fruits of productivity for the productive sectors of society! I owe not one dime to people who put religious extremism and the senseless procreation of children they cannot feed above working to feed their own children and trying to build a workable society.

    • Windrinker says:

      Remember when the government went into Gibson Guitar with guns drawn!. (Gibson was suspected of the horrendous crime of using banned “exotic wood” in their guitars.”)

      Well….the UN deserves no less. Send troops in with their guns pointed at these bastards, and herd them out to the bus with only the clothes on their backs! Detain these cretins as we would any enemies of this country found conspiring against us.
      These are a group of thugs, many from little known countries, and Human Rights Abusers! Their intent is to suck the wealth out of this country under mandates that would be supported by a World Government. It is a first step toward getting people to accept a “World Government.”

      This is a long time dream of many countries that have long despised the wealth of Americans. But, these same people have refused to do the work it takes to create their own wealth. They prefer to steal it from others through a taxation (“world tax”) on Americans and other countries they feel are too prosperous..
      The only countries to be taxed would be those with white populations. The money would be redistributed to the black and brown countries that have “despots” for rulers (countries that have never been free and prosperous.) It is a redistribution of OUR wealth to the criminals of the world.

      We support the UN at our own peril! The theory of “keeping our enemies close” isn’t working for me. It isn’t necessary to support the life styles of these cretins, give them offices and maintain the building, and give them immunity for any crimes they might commit while in our country. I would like to give them offices alright, in a cell and I pick the cellmates and the menu…..how about Kennel Ration.

      • Budman says:

        I doubt many realize that the United States provides a major portion of the funding for the United Nations and if funding should stop, they may cease to exist as an International Organization.
        I also doubt that people know many of the delegates at the United Nations are in fact spies on our soil which would be another good reason to kick this useless organization out of this country.
        I think it is rather evident that this administration is running issues through the United Nations instead of Congress and precisely why they should be removed from control.

    • NancyJ says:

      Just the “no money” would do it! The people we have been trying to help have seen none of it. The thieves at the top take it for their own enjoyment.
      We should have put a stop to them long ago.

    • del says:

      O please…..tell ovomit and the un to go where the sun dont shine!

    • slapjack says:

      Get the USA out of the UN and the UN out of the USA, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We the people pay to much $$$$$$$$ to keep this worthless organization going. It has become a bed of liars thieves and hatred for the USA. Let the SOB’s figure things out for themselves.

    • Gray Beard says:

      Excuse me for perhaps being “Dumb,” but hasn’t “Climate Change,” been proven to be one of the biggest “SCAMS” pulled on the World???? A “Climate Court of Justice…” You’ve got to be kidding me. Yes, “patriotrenegade” you’ve got it exactly right; “End it. No $ from the United States; no recognition from the United States; and out of NYC in 24 hours or less!” Just think, no more Diplomat Parking Tickets that go unpaid!

    • oldtexgal says:

      Ditto! It is mind boggling that these parasites are still pushing the carbon tax scamwhen the manmade global warming “science” has been so thoroughly discredited! Of course, we’re talking about trillions of dollars in “wealth redistribution”! Proponents will not give up the dream of that big green piggy bank easily!

  2. Terry Black says:

    These demons and angels of Hell are absolutely psychopathic and insane!

    Bring out the “Looney-Tunes Trucks” and chain these monsters to steel poles at a “Funny Farm”!

      • Denise says:

        Just another wealth redistrabution tactic, this is nothing but a carbon cartel. We will be forced into a global form of government. Prayerfully, read your scriptures people. GOd, at this very hour is calling every person to repentance, and is offering you eternal life, it’s a free gift. The penality for sin is death, and the price has already been paid in full, by Missiah Yeshua (Jesus.)
        If you’re expecting to resolve the issues that we are facing today by elections, then just take a good look at the field of candidates, and you will realize soon enough, that real honest brokers are as rare as hen’s teeth. Please note this; those who are in power at this moment can never allow another honest election, if that were to happen there would be too many of them who would be facing charges of treason. This game is for keeps, and they will never relinquish power, and they intend to spill your blood to hang on to it.
        The way is being prepared for the rise of the antichrist. If you don’t seek shelter now, then how will you be ready to handle the miseries that are sure to visit you?

    • Kansas Kahuna says:

      Be sure to include al gore in the clean-up op!

      • Windrinker says:

        Gore needs to be the first one rounded up, put in a cell-block and fed Kennel Ration!

      • MSGT JOHN CORREA says:

        I wondered? Just how many Americans realized where in heavens name did Al Gore get the idea about ‘Global Warming.” Simple. He got it from a movie he saw called; “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea” (1961); and the ficticious theme was indeed about “Global Warming.” He and his sidekick Michael Moore created their ficticious movie that easily sucked-in the morons across this nation upon which they made millions of dollars, clearly upon the ignorant, and sadly upon innocent children. They were like the old medicine-men who sold colored water that cures all and cures nothing, except that it quenched your thirst.

        If I were crooked as Al Gore and Michael Moore, I too would have made millions of dollars; you see, I saw that very same movie in 1961 when first released.

        USAF (RET)

  3. guest says:

    Tell the U.N. To go to hell.

  4. guest says:

    Stop the FUNDING of this Org, We do NOT need the U.N. and we do not want them to stick their noises into our affairs. We handle our own problems.

  5. John says:

    Lets see if we can find a candidate for President who will proclaim elimination of most funding for the UN. How ’bout it Mr. Obama? Might be a good place to start reducing the debt you’re so willing to increase. Or perhaps you can advocate an “UN Climate Court surtax” for the wealthiest Americans

    • Kansas Kahuna says:

      Invite “O” to the top floor on the day of implosion!

    • Wayne says:

      John, if Communist Obama would only open up this country to drillng of oil we could become energy sufficient and keep billions of dollars within our own country instead of sending it to the OPEC Nations. I hope the qestion of “what are you going to do about becoming energy sufficient” is asked over and over to the Republican Candatess. This would really improve our economy. If people would only educate themselves on what is going on in this country we would definately be getting rid of Communist Obama and about 2/3 of this no good Congress. At times I think about 5% f our people are brain dead for voting in a Communist to lead a Republic.

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