Friday, January 13, 2012

Gmail - Fight Against Obama's Media Machine -

Gmail - Fight Against Obama's Media Machine -

Fight Against Obama's Media Machine
1:16 PM (2 minutes ago)
to me

Dear Patriot, is forwarding this special message to you from our friends at Western Representation PAC. Sponsorships like this help us preserve liberty and freedom in the United States of America. All personal information of subscribers is kept in strictest confidence and never shared with sponsors. We appreciate your support.

Western Representation PAC

Dear Patriot,
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It is an outrage that so many of the Presidential debates have featured "moderators" who were acting as nothing more than surrogates for the Obama reelection campaign. Can you recall a single question posed to the candidates about Solyndra, Fast and Furious, or the other major scandals of the Obama administration?

It is so bad that we have become accustomed to hostile questions like whether or not Rick Perry loses sleep over the murderers put to death in Texas, or whether or not an imaginary issue like a contraceptive ban is constitutional. The Obamamania media is back in full swing, and if we are going to avoid the most destructive four years in our nation's history (Obama's second term), then we are going to have bypass the old media complex and take our message directly to the American people!

Thankfully for us, technology is rapidly changing the way that the American people consume media. More and more people get their information from social networking, blogs, and the internet than ever before, and from our inception we have been dedicated to using new mediums to broadcast a conservative message. Our successful campaigns have integrated blogs, Facebook, internet ads, Google searches, and email outreach with well placed ads in traditional media.

There is a lot of work to be done in 2012, including adding more conservatives to the House of Representatives and sending more Senators like Marco Rubio and Rand Paul to Washington, but priority number one is the removal of Barack Obama. It takes resources to compete, and we are funded by thousands of contributions which average less than $50. Please help us take the bring the truth about President Obama, Eric Holder, and the rest of this corrupt administration by making your contribution today!

As the Republican debates have clearly illustrated, this is a battle not just against the Democrat propaganda machine but against the so called "news" media. Not only is Obama going to spend a billion dollars of special interest campaign funds, but he is going to receive billions more in free advocacy in the media. The thing about propaganda is that it only works when the truth cannot be heard. We cannot hope to match every dollar spent, but we can make sure that their lies do not persist in a vacuum. Make a contribution and help spread the truth.


Dustin Stockton
Western Representation PAC


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PO Box 50655
Sparks, NV 89435

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