Friday, January 13, 2012

‘You’ll Be Tarred and Feathered!’: Union Protesters Growing Desperate in Indiana | CowboyByte

‘You’ll Be Tarred and Feathered!’: Union Protesters Growing Desperate in Indiana | CowboyByte

‘You’ll Be Tarred and Feathered!’: Union Protesters Growing Desperate in Indiana

“For his final experiment in the conservative laboratory that is Indiana, Gov. Mitch Daniels is tinkering with a labor bill that could bring more jobs to the state, is guaranteed to bring massive labor protests to the Statehouse during the 2012 session and may temporarily shut down all other legislative business,” The Blaze reported earlier this month.

And make no mistake about it, Indiana is inching towards becoming a “right-to-work” state. However, as everyone expected, Republican lawmakers in the Hoosier state are meeting fierce opposition from Democrats and their union allies.

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41 Responses to ‘You’ll Be Tarred and Feathered!’: Union Protesters Growing Desperate in Indiana

  1. dr jon says:

    I would like for any–and I mean any–union punk to try to tar anyone in my sight–It wouldnt be a pretty picture for the union idiot

    • Neal Olson says:

      And I’ll be right behind you, but I won’t be alone…

      • littlefox says:

        Neal, what does that mean?

        • Die Free says:

          What do you mean what does that mean?

          • d rash says:

            Lets be specific here, … ALL union members are idiots. They need a union to protect there sorry butts from being bad employees. If they were a quality employee, they and the boss would know it. Without unions, employers could pay the same total amount out for wages, but the good workers would get more, and the lousy workers would get less, or fired. As it is now, the lousy ones get the same as the good ones. Hence, less incentive to be a quality employee. “Why should I work harder, as the lazy ones will still get the same as me”? Unions ONLY protect bad employees. Good emplyees do not need unions.

          • LarryFrom10EC says:

            d rash, that’s a terrible thing to say about your fellow Americans, especially since it just isn’t true. Most union members are hard working folks who take pride in their work and try to give a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay. As for the good employees getting paid more for working harder, it has always been my experience that most of the better paid workers were the bosses relatives, who were usually useless, and that included union or nonunion jobs. (I’ve worked both.) Rather than directing your ire at folks just trying to feed their families, you should be going at the corrupt and/or communist union officials who have sold out their members for their own power and gain.

  2. littlefox says:

    Clearly a threat towards a government official. Throw the thug in jail.

    • Die Free says:

      That is a good idea. If it were possiable then I would start right now

    • Sukhotai says:

      Threat against a Government Official…They are not some God’s!! They ARE a bunch of Crooks and Thieves who do not follow their constitutional oath of office to support and defend the country against all enemies, both Foreign and Domestic. Get It??? Just like the friggin Marxist Poser in DC with his hateful dislike of the very country that has allowed him the freedom to do what he has to this country. TREASON is a biggie, or at least used to be.

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