Saturday, January 7, 2012

Gmail - Free Training: Protect Your Family With A Gun... -

Gmail - Free Training: Protect Your Family With A Gun... -

Free Training: Protect Your Family With A Gun...

3:03 PM (4 hours ago)
to me
The USCCA mission:
Teach One Million People, Equip 100,000 Members,
Stop 5,000 Crimes & Save 250 Lives

Free Training: Protect Your Family With A Gun...

Hello Fellow Armed Citizen,

I've put together a
new, powerful online training
event about protection with a gun.

If you want to start 2012 off
right by upping your preparednes...

Then this is for you:

Free Concealed Carry Training
<--- Click here

We're planning on going national
with this soon.

Every gun owner who even might use his gun in
self-defense needs to see this.

Free Carry Training: How To Protect
Your Family With A Gun...
<--- Click here

Stay safe,

Tim Schmidt
U.S. Concealed Carry

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