Saturday, November 24, 2012

ASK: "What can I do for my country, not what can my country do for me." - - Gmail

ASK: "What can I do for my country, not what can my country do for me." - - Gmail

ASK: "What can I do for my country, not what can my country do for me."

12:59 PM (4 hours ago)
to me
"I must do something" always solves more problems than "Something must be done".
Hello Friends and Family,

We are urgently writing you today to ask you to get involved. American politics has showed us one thing, after spending billions in this last election cycle with absolutely no prospect of change, our leaders continue to work for the same banking system.

This communication to you is to ask you to join with us in this NON-POLITICAL campaign to make the change required to rebuild America. Our elected officials are not leaders, but puppets working for their puppet master the Federal Reserve System. A system created whereby a non-governmental, third party comprised of individuals who are not all US citizens, let alone residents, administer and control the US currency. These independent controllers of our currency were given this right to control our currency by an Act of Congress 99 years ago today.

It is apparent that none of us have true confidence that our current elected leaders can actually fix what ails America right now. We as citizens, disengage from getting actively involved because we are taught that the problem is too big for us to understand and therefore too big for us ordinary people to fix. We the undersigned know this to be fiction. Those bankers who control our currency are the same people who got America into this current mess called the Fiscal Cliff. In fact, they are the current team of bankers who, using the rules of their banking order, created all the recessions and depressions since 1913. And while We the People suffer, this elite group personally profits on all the ups and downs.

What we have to share with you today is a Call to Action that will put us on the path to fix what's wrong with America. The Federal Reserve System is the cancer that has poisoned our ability to be the America we all dream of. We were not created to sit, work and live to pay off interest to the Federal Reserve. And yet we have now bound our children and our children’s children to paying off this interest?

We need to understand that these non-elected, third party Banksters are the controllers of our nation and therefore have become the real puppet masters of our elected officials. Again, these puppet masters are the third-party banking members that comprise our current Federal Reserve System, which is an independent banking cartel.

An Act of Congress in 1913 created this cartel called the Fed and an Act of Congress today can end it. It’s that simple. The Fed does nothing but take. It contributes nothing to our world except to divide us into two classes, the real 99% and the 1%, where we the 99% live in fear. We allow this game to go on and on. Our Congress is now talking about austerity and how to fix the Fiscal Cliff that actually the Federal Reserve System created. But our leaders’ remedies do not discuss, let alone propose, to remove the cause, the cancer, that ails our country - the Federal Reserve. But we need to ask - Why is the Fed above us? Why are they untouchable?
Forty-nine years ago in 1963 American President JFK, in his efforts to rebuild our country, was ready to remove the Fed from controlling our currency. This was Kennedy's effort and vision for fighting the War on Poverty. His administration was issuing US Treasury notes interest free to finance the rebuilding of America.

People, understand, the currency in your pocket is a Federal Reserve note which you are entitled to turn into a US Treasury note of equal value if you ask the Treasury to give you one. So in the simplest form, why do we need the Federal note which has interest attached when we could have a US Treasury note interest free distributed by a US owned and controlled Central Bank?

It is that simple. The Fed is doing the job that the US Constitution says that the US Treasury was created and empowered to perform – to print the paper currency, manufacture the coins and distribute this currency to the public. So we need to ask ourselves, why do we need this independent, third party system called the Federal Reserve to continue to exist?

JFK actually got $2 and $5 US Treasury bills into circulation before he was assassinated. But for his untimely death, the other denominations would have been put into circulation. The War on Poverty would have been financed by this US Treasury interest free currency. We would be living in a different world today if JFK’s campaign against poverty would have been allowed to run its course. These US Treasury bills still exist and prove it can be done (see image below). Do not believe the fear that the bankers create that they, an independent, non-governmental, third party cartel, are the only ones who can be in charge of our money supply.

Please go to where you can sign the petition to REPEAL THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT OF 1913 and institute a US owned and controlled US Central Bank. A banking system that works for us, and one that won't charge interest on its first round of distribution of our currency into our communities.

Please go to our site and click on Sign the Petition and read our preamble. This will be the best few minutes you spend informing yourselves. We need to stop complaining about how much food and gas cost, and take control of our destiny as a collective of citizens who are mad as hell and choose not to take this deception anymore. We need to stop the interest takers, this Federal Reserve, from taking money out of our system for their private gains.

Over the next 40 days, we are mounting a campaign to FIRE THE FED and reclaim our currency. This is doable, but it requires us ALL to participate. Both we the undersigned were in Germany the year the Wall came down. Mischa was in Hamburg, the west, and Steven was in Berlin, the east. You know how many people living there from both sides of the divide as well as the rest of the world said the Wall would never come down? Almost all of those we met thought it impossible. Well it wasn't and it happened very quickly. We saw the people of Germany get involved and do what they were told they couldn’t do. This campaign can take our Wall down. The Wall of tyranny called the Federal Reserve.

Please sign the petition, donate to fuel this movement and forward every day for 40 days this encouragement to take back our country. Let's give our children a future we can all be proud of, let's reclaim our currency.

Thank you for all your efforts to get involved! 


Steven & Mischa Machat

The Wheel Party Movement
Copyright © 2012 The Wheel Party, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 398743, Miami Beach, FL 33239
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