Planned Parenthood Botches Another Abortion, 16 in 22 Months
by Steven Ertelt | Denver, CO | | 11/5/12 1:09 PM
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The Planned Parenthood abortion business has botched another abortion — this time in Denver, Colorado.
Operation Rescue today released a 911 Computer Aided Dispatch Transcript of the call that local pro-life advocates obtained. The incident is the sixteenth medical emergency documented by Operation Rescue since January, 2011.
“It is unconscionable that our tax dollars are propping up this dangerous chain of abortion clinics at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars per year,” she said. “In order to protect women, we must defeat Obama and his pro-abortion policies, before we see more of these kinds of tragedies.”
In Denver, the heavily redacted CAD Transcriptindicates that a woman was transported from Planned Parenthood using Code 2, which denotes a serious, but not immediately life-threatening condition. The transcript used medical codes that indicated the woman suffered a severe hemorrhage related to an ectopic pregnancy.
“Based on the information we have, it appears that a woman was bleeding heavily after an abortion when it was discovered that her pregnancy was actually in her fallopian tube. The ectopic pregnancy likely ruptured, causing a life-threatening condition for the woman,” said Sullenger. “It is a matter of gross negligence to do an abortion on a woman without conducting a manual pelvic exam, which would have revealed the woman’s true condition. We know from our research of abortion abuses over the years that this kind of negligence is common at abortion clinics across the nation.
Operation Rescue has documented now 16 botched abortions at Planned Parenthood in the last 22 months — with two more since it released a compilation video recently of 14 total.
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