Sunday, November 25, 2012

Obama Confessing Election Fraud? | Conservative Byte

Obama Confessing Election Fraud? | Conservative Byte

Obama Confessing Election Fraud?
Posted on November 25, 2012

A forensic profiler whose previous cases have included the Natalie Holloway disappearance and the O.J. Simpson double murder says Barack Obama is confessing to stealing the 2012 president election.

“Obama appears to unconsciously confess on multiple occasions that in his secret fury he stole the 2012 presidential election – continuing his attacks on our nation,” Andrew G. Hodges, M.D., told WND in an assessment of Obama.

“But really that is no different whatsoever than in 2008 becoming an illegal president who violated the Constitution. This knowledge comes from one undeniable fact: we have discovered a new unconscious mind that continually quick-reads situations and communicates about it – as Obama reveals.”

Hodges, who wrote “The Obama Confession: Secret Fear, Secret Fury,” previously deciphered the JonBenet Ramsey ransom note from the Boulder, Colo., murder case.

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Nottakenyan • 9 hours ago
This arrogant, egotistical, illegal, lying Kenyigar thinks he is infallible. Everything bad that happens is always someone else's fault!
What a disgrace and embarrassment to America and intelligent voters!!!
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Melissa Frost  Nottakenyan • 8 hours ago
I'm afraid he ruined us forever.
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Nadine  Melissa Frost • 8 hours ago −
NO he won''ll take time but we will come back strong ...keep the faith! I refuse to beleive in the a BAD America and remember, over half the country HATES HIM! There WILL be redemption & a way out from under this BLACK cloud!!
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Americaall  Nadine • 8 hours ago
Unfortunately during his next 4 years the takers will outnumber the makers and we will be ruined. Those who stay at home and are supported by others are having more sex, more babies than working people,, working folks are fast being outnumbered
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Poodleguy  Americaall • 8 hours ago
@ Americaall: Don't forget that we, the republican party still holds the majority in the House, which controls spending allocations. Add to that that we have midterm elections in Nov of 2014 & that the out of power party traditionally wins a lot of seats in the House & the Senate, so there is hope. If the people can push the lamestream media to come to the table & recognize that this Negro in our W/H has violated the Constitution & has committed crimes while in office & committed a treasonous act when he sent our military to attack Libya without congressional approval! So, there still is hope & I ain't ever gonna give up!
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Tommy Kissner  Poodleguy • 7 hours ago
Then why are we 16 trillion in debt? Sounds like we need to CLEAN House! TK
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noelle2011  Tommy Kissner • 7 hours ago
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Jan Dinkins  noelle2011 • 7 hours ago
Stealing the election was the primary reason.
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del  noelle2011 • 2 hours ago
dont forget ovomit the no 1 ahole of the country!
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don  Tommy Kissner • 4 hours ago
tommy i thought we just tried that where were you. we can not vote them out. just whats. you idea of getting rid of them i'm all ears
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medic2003  Poodleguy • 6 hours ago
The GOP is spineless and may as well be part of the Democrat party. There are VERY few people in the GOP that fight to uphold their oath to protect the Constitution and actually represent what the people want. If they did they NEVER would have given us John McCain Or Romney. I just wrote my GOP Senator today to tell him I am not happy with some of his voting. What liberty an constitution upholding person would vote for NDAA or ANYTHING the UN puts forth?

The Republican party is dead. They died a long long time ago. It has just taken Obama and the crap this nation is in for people to start waking up and seeing it. If you want to fix this with the GOP then you better get people who will fight to make this federal government alot smaller and do it drastically and fast no matter how painful it is. What we have been getting is shameful. If we continue with the same GOP as we have now then you are wrong...there is no hope.
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Guest FL  medic2003 • 4 hours ago
We need more and more and more people to join the Tea Party Patriots...then we will get the job done...not until. Time for the 'good-ole-boys' to retire!!!!
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medic2003  Guest FL • 2 hours ago
No because the Tea party MOVEMENT isnt a politcal party and the movement itself was hijacked by the neo cons in the GOP. The movement as it started was a good thing but it is just something for the haters to shoot at now. The TRUE tea party activists need to join together with card carrying Libertarians and Constitution party members and form a 3rd party with some teeth. The Liberty Party would be a good place to start. ALL of those people have enough common ground, namely in smaller government an personal freedom that the differences could be hammered out.

We wont get it done by staying in the Republican party. The good ole boys are too deeply rooted in the corruption that is the RNC. GOP members AND elected officials that believe in smaller government an more freedom need to defect en mass. Just my opinion. You cant fix the system as it is, we need to change it.
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Bill Lanphar  Poodleguy • 8 hours ago
so you still believe in a broken system there is hope but first you better face the facts Voting will never fix the mess we have ... sometimes I wonder what it will take to wake some people up to teh folly of Voting teh bad Guys out when all you have to vote for is bad Guys and just in case someone comes along we have Voting rigged also..
believeing in teh Vote just continues to promote this travisty.
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Robertz  Bill Lanphar • 7 hours ago
Not only will voting not fix it, but you have seen the LAST election for president that will ever be held in America. Obama will change the constitution to where HE will be king. He can't you say? He HAS already stomped it into the ground and written 934 executive orders in 4 years! About 900 more than any US president in history! Homeland security is already preparing for martial law. Our returning troops told me they have been recently trained for civil unrest in America. Freedom is over folks!
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medic2003  Robertz • 6 hours ago
It is true. Thank God we have returning troops that will not follow those UnConstiutional orders.
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Hilly  medic2003 • 6 hours ago
Don't count on that being true. Many of the returning troops have been drinking the cool-aid.
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medic2003  Hilly • 2 hours ago
I have family working in the pentagon. Some may be drinking the kool aid but alot arent.
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Ruth  Robertz • 5 hours ago
Robertz, You are soooo right ! Obama was all for overthrowing Mubarrak in Egypt and ordaining Morsi, a Muslim Brotherhood leader, And look what just happened there this week ! Morsi has thrown out their constitution and made himself a Pharoh they are calling him....He claims it is just temporary because of the uprising conditions....But if you believe that one, I'll sell you the Brooklyn Bridge....Also, Look how one of the ONLY Republicans who was worth his weight in salt got literally screwed out of his office in Florida, Rep. Allen West ! They were afraid of West because he exposed over 80 members of congress for the communist that they are, He also. Exposed the fact that Obama is selling off many of our military planes, ships and artillary to pay down the debt, this is part of Obamacare....In other words...Making this country like a sitting duck if we would get attacked....This is to take place just after the first of the year...Obama has already removed/destroyed ALL our missles in Eastern Europe and some in Asia, West revealed this, but I know it to be a fact, because I have military family stationed in Germany and Korea....We aren't even going to be able to help Israel like we could if and when Bibically prophesized the day Russia and China march upon them......If you think Obama doesn't know this...Think again....And ALL of this info has been out there, West has said it many times as did the movie Obama 2016.....So Why didn't Romney use this against Obama in the debates ! NO Spine ! The only thing that will save us now is what Sarah Palin said the night before the election, as do myself and other Christians, II Chronicles 7:14
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patriotforrevo  Ruth • 5 hours ago
Well, we have a mooosie in the WH now, by fraud I might add.
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medic2003  Ruth • 2 hours ago
Romney works for the same globalist puke Obama does. Thats why he didnt use it. Allen West, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, people like that have been telling us an people refuse to listen.
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flash  Ruth • 3 hours ago
Obama stated that he(meaning himself) was too polite, but what he meant was Mitt Romney was too polite. Mitt was foolish to trust the Secret Service, being that they work for Obama. There should of been no way for a tape of Mitt at that Dinner party . The Mother earth news had a direct shot of Mitt., When Mitt was in England the Secret Service are trained to run blockades, but yet the News Media showd how Mitt had to walk the streets. Shame on the Secret Service for selling out especially when Mitt had a meeting in Poland and the Newmedia was already there waiting. When Mitts wife was on that plane and it almost burnt up, where was the engineers to do a safety check. I know when our former President Bill Clinton went to see Barbra Strisand house, she told the Secret Service to wait out side. Nancy Pelosi had better protection with the Local Police when in Hawiia/ noone could get anywhere near her, unlike Mitt Romney. Who knows what the Mormon faith is really about? I know I would'nt vote for Rand Paul, he is good as an account, but not as a Vice-President or President.
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beagal  flash • 2 hours ago
"Who knows what the Mormon faith is really about?"
As a fellow member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with Gov. Romney, good sources to check are, and

The Thirteen Articles of Faith (Of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

1 We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.

2 We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression.

3 We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

4 We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

5 We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.

6 We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.

7 We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.

8 We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.

9 We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.

10 We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.

11 We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

12 We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.

13 We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

Joseph Smith.
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jag57  Ruth • 39 minutes ago
The Republican, Establishment, elite, didn't want Colonel West in Congress, and rigged the redistricting, to make it very difficult for him to be reelected; then the voter fraud was rampant. In 2016, I would like to see a Rand Paul, Allen West ticket, with either one at the top. I've never met Rand, but I have known his dad, Ron, since 1990, when he was speaking at a Sound Money Conference, in St. Louis, then in San Jose, Costa Rica. I believe he is my age.

I believe there will be slaughters of many of the useful idiots, called rebels, that were led into the uprisings that brought Obama;s Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qeada to power in his Arab Spring, I look for it to start soon, in Egypt. Pincher strategies have been used to seize power, for many centuries, and they always turn out the same way. Look what happened in Libya, already, and I don't believe it is over.
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don  Robertz • 4 hours ago
your unforturely more right than wrong. hell they don't need to change the constition. they just make what ever laws they need to push their agenta. to them threr is no constition. an why not ? cause not enought really cared. you see WE have let this once great county down by not caring any longer
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patriotforrevo  Robertz • 5 hours ago
ammo up!
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USAops  Robertz • 4 hours ago
If this is what he tries to do, he will not be around long.
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RockfordJohn  USAops • 3 hours ago
Don't count on that, he will have all our a$$es before you know it and NO one will do a damn thing! All we do on these ''forums'' is complain to ourselves to make some of us feel good. (most of us don't)! This ''bichen'' has been going on since he stole the first election and it HASN'T CHANGED ONE THING!!!!!!!! So we can continue to talk to ourselves or organize and DO something!!!!
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sparky says  USAops • 41 minutes ago
You haven't seen anything yet this so called president is hell bent on being a dictator
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jag57  Robertz • an hour ago
I believe, what you are saying is, when a Communist gains power, they have no intention of relinquishing that power. You must be following the history of so many 3rd world countries that have fallen to dictators; some with the help of American "Presidents."
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Azlecitizen  Bill Lanphar • 5 hours ago
To quote some one in the past, (don't remember who), we don't need to worry about who votes, it's who COUNTS the votes!
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krdave  Poodleguy • 6 hours ago
Poodleguy, You have the right general idea, but do you think the lamestream media will ever change their mind until it is way too late, or that any of them are worried about crimes committed in office? The democrats and media are in partnership to sink America.
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cactusbob  Poodleguy • 4 hours ago
We also have a newly-elected Speaker of the House who said ObamaCare WILL be defunded - and then said it won't. Now he's sounding like he will agree to higher taxes, and/or allow amnesty, and other noises that provide no threat to Obama's plans. Boehner will sound tough, but I'm afraid that's all posturing. We need leaders who will lead from strength, not compromise.
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Hilly  cactusbob • 3 hours ago
They need to change that title to "asskisser of the house". Or maybe "traitor of the house".
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Hilly  Poodleguy • 6 hours ago
I have completely and totally lost all respect that the repubicans will do the right thing. We need to get rid of the "establishment" repubicans and elect people hand picked by the tea party if we want to see any real results.
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don  Hilly • 4 hours ago
ah tea party people lost big time. where ya been?
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Hilly  don • 3 hours ago
I've been licking my wounds, but I haven't given up. It's such a shame that people who want lower taxes and smaller govt. lose out. It's a shame that people who want the U.S. constitution to be the law of the land lose out. It's a shame that people forget about the men that fought and died that we may have those rights that some hold dear.

It's a shame that the American people have become such sheep that they don't care about the total garbage our children are taught in public schools, and graduate not knowing how to read, write, do basic math, etc.
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sparky says  don • 36 minutes ago
The tea party is stronger now than before you sick piece of so called humanity
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GENE  Poodleguy • an hour ago
As long as beohner, cantor and mccarthy are l,2,3 in the house, obama can do no wrong. Makes me sick.
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del  Poodleguy • 2 hours ago
Old bug eyed soros owns mediamatters which is the propagandea crap of the MSM. It is his thoughts and ill gotten gains that bought the horror story in the white house, pelosi, hillary, and our almost ruined country
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Jo Anne White  Poodleguy • 2 hours ago
The Republicans have their job cut out for them now in a big way and I fear that they won't hold as a party through out the rucus that is coming down. Any way that you size it up the Republicans will be blamed for whatever happens. The people do not want this mes. They want this Government to agree and get to work fixing this economy and especially fixing the job situation and the over all national security that is not looking so healthy right now. The Republicans could not even recognize that in order to win this past election they had to stop our country from being sold out to the Soros folks . Our votes going to Spain. The lack of voter identification through out this entire nation. Especially ID for those who vote absentee. They did little to nothing to fix those major problems during the past 4 years of the Obama administration.The Republican party also has failed to do what should have been done to promote the Latino people in the party. Their failures are now our nightmare. It is way past time that Americans recognized that it is all about the all mighty dollar. It isn't about the vote or the people or right or wrong now. It is the money.
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sparky says  Jo Anne White • 20 minutes ago
They bought the votes with our tax money to stay home and forced many Libertarians and Republicans to stay away from the polls .With their constant crying and lying that we were trying to suppress the vote of the 47%..They haven't done 1 thing for the working class except for the unions,NOTHING FOR SMALL BUSINESS AND VERY LITTLE FOR BIG BUSINESS EXCEPT FOR OBAMA MOTORS.AND THE FAILED GREEN HOAX
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boone471  Poodleguy • 2 hours ago
The republican party are blow job boys for obama thats all they are and thats all they will be knob suckers for obama and the demorats.Spineless rats that is what the republican party is.
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don  Poodleguy • 4 hours ago
good luck on that. they now think to win they need to go left an thats what their going to do.who is going to prosercute him? 80% OF JUDGES lean left. over 50% of people are left leaning. all your left with is hope an its fadeing fast. you can't stop his exsecative orders. face it we can not stop anything he wants you tell me whats left we can do. short of revolt nothing. only way to get a revolt is tell the takers that your going take somethig away from them.face the facks we are toast
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Nadine  Americaall • 7 hours ago
But there will come a time shortly that the tax payers $$ won't be enough to sustain the takers. Then watch them squirm when their hand outs diminish & dwindle! IT will all crash & burn!
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Jan Dinkins  Nadine • 7 hours ago
Sounds like "Hunger Games".
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medic2003  Jan Dinkins • 6 hours ago
The Hunger Games is SOOOO a government protest. I didnt think Id like it but after I watched it, I talked with my kids and explained to them what it was REALLY about and that if COULD happen. People have GOT to wake up.
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flash  Nadine • 3 hours ago
No these takers will riot, as they said they would do if Obummer did not get Re-elected. It will be one big blood bath when these food stamp radicals don't get what we can no longer give. The people or Nations that think they can destroy Isreal ,will doing us all a favor when they think they are greater than God and can take away the Promise land from God's choosen people. They the Ten great Nations will be smashed like a rock!
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lou  Americaall • 8 hours ago
Kni&&ers have been that since the 1950's
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Nellie CA  Americaall • 5 hours ago
Especially when the average Refugee that comes here has 6 kids and they believe in having a baby every 2 years. If they had 11 kids in 20 years in a Refugee camp what is going to stop them from having more kids every year. The agencies who bring these people here don't care about who supports them. Why hasn't the UN given these people birth control or something to stop the birth rate in these UN camps. Why would a mother and father want to have kids they expect the world to support. Because they can and they will continue and more Welfare in our country. More votes for the government who will support them.
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