Friday, November 2, 2012

Las Vegas Review-Journal Destroys Obama

Las Vegas Review-Journal Destroys Obama



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 1 Nov 2012 520POST A COMMENT

In one of the most blistering denunciations of Barack Obama ever penned, the Las Vegas Review Journal published an editorialtoday that excoriated Obama not only for his ineptitude in the Benghazi attack, but also his duplicity afterward and the cooperation of a supine press:

The Obama administration sat by doing nothing for seven hours that night, ignoring calls to dispatch help from our bases in Italy, less than two hours away. It has spent the past seven weeks stretching the story out, engaging in misdirection and deception involving supposed indigenous outrage over an obscure anti-Muslim video, confident that with the aid of a docile press corps this infamous climax to four years of misguided foreign policy can be swept under the rug, at least until after Tuesday's election … The official explanation for why Obama administration officials watched the attack unfold for seven hours, refusing repeated requests to send the air support and relief forces that sat less than two hours away in Italy? Silence.
The RJ also charged Obama with impotence as he flew off to Las Vegas instead of dealing with the attack.
Prompt and strong action from the White House on Sept. 11 might have saved American lives, as well as America's reputation as a nation not to be messed with. Weakness and dithering and flying to Las Vegas the next day for celebrity fund-raising parties are somehow better?
The RJ pulled no punches about the Obama Administration‘s efforts to destroy our economy and accused Obama of continually flat-out lying to the American people.
This administration is an embarrassment on foreign policy and incompetent at best on the economy - though a more careful analysis shows what can only be a perverse and willful attempt to destroy our prosperity. Back in January 2008, Barack Obama told the editorial board of the San Francisco Chronicle that under his cap-and-trade plan, "If somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. It's just that it will bankrupt them." He added, "Under my plan ... electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." It was also in 2008 that Mr. Obama's future Energy Secretary, Steven Chu, famously said it would be necessary to "figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe" - $9 a gallon.
Yet the president now claims he's in favor of oil development and pipelines, taking credit for increased oil production on private lands where he's powerless to block it, after he halted the Keystone XL Pipeline and oversaw a 50 percent reduction in oil leases on public lands.
These behaviors go far beyond "spin." They amount to a pack of lies.
The RJ concluded:
To return to office a narcissistic amateur who seeks to ride this nation's economy and international esteem to oblivion, like Slim Pickens riding the nuclear bomb to its target at the end of the movie "Dr. Strangelove," would be disastrous. Candidate Obama said if he couldn't fix the economy in four years, his would be a one-term presidency.
Mitt Romney is moral, capable and responsible man. Just this once, it's time to hold Barack Obama to his word. Maybe we can all do something about that, come Tuesday.
The fiery wrath of proud Americans is back.


Showing 80 of 520 comments

    The wheels are coming off of Obama's bus and the bus is resting on him now. 
    Why resting?  We the People deserve to have that bus drive over and reverse a few times.  Maybe the tread action will rub a few neuron synapses and we'll get a spark of intelligence.
    (Edited by author 1 day ago)
    Tell it like it is. Let's run this freaking idiot over and over again like the "bump" in the road he is.
    I notice BENGHAZI-GATE ain't going away any time soon.
    Americans are very forgiving but they will never tolerate
    being blatantly lied to by a deceptive arrogant president.
  • READ MY LIPS  you will know when the facts come out after the election
    According to the polls, close to 50% of this nation still stupidly believe in their Prince of Fools, lies and all.  One has to wonder if this once great nation has gone beyond the point of no return.  What a sad day this is for our country.
    especially when his incompetence (or complicity) led directly to the death of Americans.
    Sadly, some people are just not listening, and think everything bad they hear about Obama is lies. They think we are the haters, and morons. I think if Obama bit the head off a cat on live tv, there will still be some that think it is staged, and will stick with him. They are the morons.
    "led directly to" deaths?? I truly believe he not only knew, but the sick ba$tard was complicit in the 'execution' of this heinous plan and then WATCHED it unfold. There's a special place reserved for him in he11!
    Martha Raddatz (you remember her, right?) has just reported for ABC News that an unnamed "senior U.S. intelligence official" has offered an alternate timeline.....
  • WMN04KEN07
    Wow! Telling it as it is! Good for them. Mia Love is way up in the polls and if she is carryig the day, perhaps that is an indication that Nevada will sensibly vote Romney/Ryan. It is in their best interest to do so.
    Obama is not loved or revered in this country. Even the libera media has noticed he cannot draw crowds anymore. So don't believe everything you hear this president will lose by a landslide and if he and his minions try voter fraud the electorate will rise up and go thru very single absentee ballot that was cast see if they were from citizens of the state and not dead people,felons, pets or illegals. We are in no humor for Obama to do vote fraud this time.
  • WMN04KEN07
    I'll volunteer to count where ever I am needed. Mitt is closing strong and I am feeling very confident.
    You clearly aren't a Christian with that mouth .... and the others who speak the same pathetic language you do.  YUK !
    And who are you to judge. Are you Jesus?? Are you God?? Who are you to judge me. And what pray tell did I say that was so offensive, oh one who thinks they are better?? That Obama is a freaking idiot. Well, in case you haven’t noticed, HE IS!! That is not my opinion, that’s a fact and I have more than ample facts and figures to support my position. What do you have to convince me he is not. Left wing talking points?? Liberal media bias??
    Was it me calling Obama a bump in the road?? Hey, I was just using Obama own words in reference to violence in the Middle east and people being killed. Here is what he said, in case you are not up on current events, which appears to be the case, “President Barack Obama referred to recent events in the Middle East, including violent attacks on embassies and the terrorist murder of a US ambassador and three other Americans, as 'bumps in the road'. Were you aware he said this. I think not because if you did you would not criticize me for using satire to make a political point.
    So, Mr. or Mrs. High and Mighty, before you want get into it with me about my beliefs and anything else you consider to be pertinent, do make some attempt to have your facts or opinions straight and be able to defend what you say and do try to use your brain for more than a hat rack. Before evaluating whether one is a Christian or not, it is written in Matthew 7:5 ,“You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.”. My judgment will come when I stand in front of our Lord and it is not your place to judge others. The same will be true when our Muslim president stands before God as well.
    What do you think about that!!
    My political and religious beliefs are irrelevant.  The disposition of your soul is your business, not judging, not going to address but aren't you "judging" President Obama's Christian intentions?   Hmmmmm...... P.S. Nice quotation of scripture, the plank / log goes both ways Mr. or Mrs. Christian....get yours out before you 'get into it' with others, including politicians. Cheaters and liars come in all forms, big and small....from little fudging on your income tax return and's important not to dog others when you aren't any better. God doesn't care who it is sinning, they're sinners .... on the left and on the right Mr. or Mrs. Conservative radical. How do you like that ! geesh......
    You're not God, God is!
    Why are you a proud mother of 7?? I bet I can tell. Don't believe in birth control, right?? The more brats you have, the more welfare you get. Keep popping them out to stay on the ol government dole?? How much you take from the government to support youself and those kids?? Or should I say from the hardworking taxpayers of this country.Typical liberal Democrap.
    Listen up, you can come off as smug and religious as you want. The fact is that Obama is the worst president this counrty has known and more than likely will ever known. I have FACTS to support this opinion!!!
    If  you want to debate me, get off you freaking high horse and support what you say with FACTS!! Otherwise, take your left wing BS to a site where other liberal idiots like you live and die by the word of your real savior, OBAMA!!
    I find it totally hypocritical of you to attack me in your first response  about being a Christian, yet when I reply to you and your beleifs, you say that it is irrelevent. This is exactly what I mean. You are a HYPOCRIT.
    You say one thing and when it comes to someone taking your own words and turning the rhetoric back on to you, all of a sudden it's irrelevent. What a loser.
    The plank is out of my eye and I can see Obama for who he is and it definently is not a Christian and  I have seen it from day one. I can also see from your replies who and what you are.
    You believe that you can come here and spout off religious condemnation to others when you are a total hypocrit and loser. Go get a life and stop sponging off the rest of the rest of us,loser. Also, try thinking for yourself sometime instead of listening to the left wing lapdog media. You may find out that if you do, your eyes will be opened to the real light of the world.You no more than a CINO ( Christian in name only)
    Sorry proudmother but I have to agree with colorado on this...when Americans are referred to as "bumps in the road" by our own president, he reaps what he sows, and what he sows is the disrespect and hatred of  American
    Proud mother of 7, I feel sorry for your children.
    You can't fix stupid.
    My BIL is in Vegas this wk. I told him to get me Romney stuff I can wear so I can taunt socialist Canadians.
    Most of the real socialists I know up here pretend he doesn't exist, he's like 'Mittfoot'.
  • TOMYJ1
     Not even with DUCT TAPE ...
    Speaking of stupid...Nevada has one of the highest unemployment and foreclosure rates but Obama still leads in the polls. If Nevada goes for Obama I will NEVER go to Vegas or spend another dime in Nevada! Elections have consequences but there is no cure for stupid!!!
    The Great Senator from the State of Nevada.....Harry "hide your children" Reid. 
    Loads of union workers at the casinos...and load of illegals who vote
  • You are absolutely correct.  I have lived and have seen what Las Vegas has become.  You really can't fix stupid.  The economy is at its worst, especially there and yes, the stupidity never gets better.  I have seen numerous people move out of state, our family included, to find work.  The best move we have ever made.
  • DIXT
    There's always Atlantic City!  And I've been told they're FRIENDLIER there
    Have not been back to Vegas since 2005 and won't ever be going back unless real change happens on Nov. 6th.  Obama, Pelosi, and Reed, hands down, the most corrupt and destructive administration in American history. 
    The truth is the unemployment rate is 4% in American's with a college degree .... 8% in those without a college education.  I wish people would ignore spin and find out the REAL TRUTH.  FOR ONCE .....P.S. There is still a huge shortage of RNs in healthcare....the employeers here go overseas to recruit, transfer and house newly recruited RNs for YOUR hospitals and medical facilities ..... LOTS of unfilled positions. So it's ALL a bunch of political lies. And the US buys that B.S.
    Reid won Nevada I think by vote fraud,. Angle was four points ahead of him and he beat her by six points busing people to the polls. Hmm wonder how many were citizens, also how many dead people, felons voted. It is time to rid this great nation of all the corrupt politicans.Some need to have their pensions taken away.
    Its the unions....there's thousands of them here working for the casinos and construction, we have alot of illegals getting free everything....I live in Vegas and it's one step away from being California.  We have the worst schools, the worst graduation rate, the worst drop out rate, high crime rate and we have Harry Reid...need I say more?
    "You can't fix stupid" ... THE single most overused and abused sentence in U.S. history. 
     Hey, it's your ideology, pretend mother of 7.
     Mommy's a sleep around socialist hack!
    Do any of your 7 children have the same last name?
    But it's a fact!!! It is obvious that you are not the brightest buld in the box and you cant be fixed. Otherwise you would not have so many kids and your liberal opinions wouldn't suck. As Forest Gumps mama used to say. Stupid is as stupid does".
    I just love your reply using your own unemployment #'s. Pray tell where the figures you relay come from?? Tell me!!!
    So the government and all the other economists who have put the unemployment # at or above 7.8% for over 47 months are all wrong, well, because the mighty Motherof7,says so.Hallelujah
    ( me jumping up and down waving my arms all over the place)...da recession, it be over!!!
    You are about the most pathetic liberal idiot that I have ever seen post on this board. These are the most idiotic #'s to ever be relayed. What a BOOB!!!
    The numbers you posted on the unemployment rate for college/non college educated are incorrect. You can pretend that you are informed, but we get a lot of pretenders here, so we are used to their nonsense postings.
    The true rate of unemployment in this country is also well over 8%. Because this Obama-managed depression has gone on so very long, we are at a point in the "counting" where millions of unemployed are just assumed to have "given up" and are no longer looking for work. Those citizens do not get counted by our government. 
    That is the only reason the unemployment rate is said to be under 8%. The number of out of work Americans has certainly not decreased-- just the way they are counted, due to the extraordinary length of this nonrecovery.
  • and she is stuck on stupid !!!!!
  • PALIDIN911
     But didn't Obama look good today in New Jersey in his bomber jacket with the patches on it.  Just kidding of course.  You can't look good in a bomber jacket and have a pencil neck.
    was that laughable or what? he's such a POS
    Bet he wears it after he's disthroned, too.
  • Who would wear it after him.? They need to burn it like they did witches.
    Will he really need the jacket in GITMO?
    Totally. You need to wear a cod piece like Bush did to look really really manly.
    Did it work for you, or did you still look girly?
  • Obviously, GWB is still living rent-free in your head, probably right next to Sarah Palin.
  • RONL11
     Michael, Bush would look like a God send right now, or Sarah. Either is better than the POS we have now
    I do look girly since I'm female.
  • CHANG59
    Could always get Rolling Stone mag to airbrush him like they did Algore
    Wednesday is gonna suck.For you.
    Your gender is not an issue to me.Your politics,however,are.I can't wait till wednesday.
  • PALIDIN911
     Between the two, I think most people know who the real man is.  Bush would not have let those people in Libya die.
    You're secretly in love with him...aren't you.
    It will take a whole lot more than a bomber jacket to make Obama look like a man.  Did you see the images of Reagan jumping on his horse, Allen West riding his Harley... and Obama on his bicycle with his cute little helmet?  I'll never be able to replace that image!  Remember when he 'tossed' the first pitch? Not enough testosterone, or completely whipped by his domineering wife!
    (Edited by author 22 hours ago)
    If Obama would strip half naked and let the media film him in all kinds of sporting escapades, that might give him the edge he's seeking on Tuesday.  After all, it worked for Obama's narcissistic Russian friend, Vladimir Putin.
    That's true.  I wanted to vomit when I saw him on that bicycle. " Oh God...a gay President.  China & Russia must be shaking in their boots."
     My sentiments, exactly!  Thanks for posting.
     His wife throws more like a man then he does!
  • Gay guys ALWAYS try to stay skinny.
     It's kinda like a vegetarian wearing a butchers jacket.....
    Now THAT'S focusing on what really matters .... real intelligent.
  • PALIDIN911
    Don't tell me, tell the Obama image team that his big boy pants don't seem to fit.
     Pretend mother of 7.
    Hey I have an idea, go back to HuffPo.
     His mommy pants were stained with the cream of some young guy!
    we will be writing books and creating documentaries about husseins' failures for a century to come. what an abysmal fkin failure
    And time to fully expose his radical communist czars working in the shadows.  The corruption within this administration will fill volumes.
    Let me just say that if the Dems put forth a minority candidate again in the foreseeable future be wary.  Too many folks gave this guy a chance so they could appear non-racist.  How's that working out for ya?  Gee, it doesn't seem like the other side has any problem with racism.  When you have 98% of the vote locked down in the black community because you look like the guy then I'll submit that is where the racism is.  Remember this the next time the Dems put forth a minority as their Presidential candidate.  They are grooming that mayor of San Antonio as we speak.  Be wary of wolves in sheeps clothing.  Now just in case you want to call me a racist I''ll tell you here and now I'd vote for Allen West, Mia Love, Condeleeza Rice tomorrow.  My favorite supreme court justice is Clarence Thomas.  I don't give a rats patootie what color their epidermis is, I care about the gray matter between their ears and their ideas instead.  I'm funny that way.
  • DJH8
    Did you just suggest the American people work together to assassinate the President of the United States?
  • Where do you see anything even remotely alluding to that?
    no, he was clearly using a metaphor, figure of speech type of thing. unlike the thousands on twitter who are being literal about actually assassinating mitt, regardless of whether or not they have the guts to actually TRY it, and are just talking sh%t.
    nobody around here wants to see O assassinated. we want to see him brought up for treason for colluding with the terrorists. and his cabinet investigated and possibly prosecuted over a multitude of things such as fast and furious, etc etc etc.
  • CHANG59
    Yeah, we would like to see that, but the Dems will circle the wagons and the Republicans do not have the balls to push it. Wish they did though
Hating Breitbart







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