Sunday, November 18, 2012

Obama Supporters 'Not Responsible Enough To Own A Firearm,' AZ Gun Store's Sign Declares | CNS News

Obama Supporters 'Not Responsible Enough To Own A Firearm,' AZ Gun Store's Sign Declares | CNS News

Obama Supporters 'Not Responsible Enough To Own A Firearm,' AZ Gun Store's Sign Declares | CNS News

Obama Supporters 'Not Responsible Enough To Own A Firearm,' AZ Gun Store's Sign Declares

It was reported over the weekend that the owner of a gun store in Arizona is telling Pres. Obama's supporters he doesn't want their business.
Cope Reynolds, the owner of Southwest Shooting Authority, a gun store located in Pinetop, Arizona, took out a full page ad in a local newspaper that read: "If you voted for Barack Obama your business is not welcome."
The New York Daily News reports that Mr. Reynolds also posted a sign on the store's front door:
"If you voted for Obama, please turn around and leave! You have proven you are not responsible enough to own a firearm."
It is not known how Reynolds will identify Obama supporters and it doesn't seem likely that one would admit to having voted to reelect the president if they wish to purchase a gun at his store.
In an emailed statement, Reynolds wrote: "Obviously, this is nothing more than a political statement. Of course, it would be impossible to enforce. If they don't say anything, we'll never know. They could purchase whatever they wanted, and they would probably get a big kick out of thinking they are rubbing it in our face as they walk out the door."
Despite Mr. Reynold's personal attempt at "gun control," it has been widely reported that gun sales are on the rise though the reason behind demand varies from source to source.  One theory suggests that citizens are stockpiling arms out of concern that President Barack Obama will tighten regulations on assault weapons, even ban them outright in his second term. is not funded by the government like NPR. is not funded by the government like PBS. relies on individuals like you to help us report the news the liberal media distort and ignore. Please make a tax-deductible gift to today. Your continued support will ensure that is here reporting THE TRUTH, for a long time to come. It'sfasteasy and secure.
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    OreillysLoofah  2 minutes ago
    WARNING: Drudge is now linking to this article. And if you want to know why Obama won just read the mentality of these posts. Those with an IQ over 75 should not waste their time with these fools.
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      OreillysLoofah  2 minutes ago
      WARNING: Drudge is now linking to this article. And if you want to know why Obama won just read the mentality of these posts.
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        GenJohnStarkReturns  2 hours ago
        As a business owner, I've been charging more to work on cars with Obama bumper stickers since 2008. Needless to say, none of their cars or Priuses have entered my service shop. (yes, I designate cars and Priuses separately)
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        2inthehat  2 hours ago
        The worry about gun control is not as simple as Obama just coming down on gun rights, its more insidious than that. Its coming from the American Secretary of State cooperating with the United Nations to severely curtail, or end completely, our 2nd amandment rights. Don't believe me? Look it up, you may be surprised. Dick Morris has written a number of pieces about it.
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          KenBowser  2inthehat  2 hours ago
          Thats called the un small arms treaty. It hasn't been ratified by the senate and won't be if you call your senator. There were 51 senators against it last year and it needs 67 to pass. Get on the phone. There is very little any president can do to regulate guns without congress.
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            ScottMc  KenBowser  an hour ago
            There have been some ways around Senate ratification kicked around, but I don't know how feasible they would be without a Lawyer who actually specializes in US Treaty law. You had better believe that anything he tries will be tested.
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            Lance Olson  KenBowser  11 minutes ago
            All Harry Reid has to do is not bring it up for a vote and because Obama signed it, it becomes law! You can bet Reid will not let it see the light of day! So get ready for ugliness because I will not obey any foreign UN Law and there are millions just like me...And by the way, we are the ones with the weapons!
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            SuchFools  2inthehat  2 hours ago
            Dick Morris is an idiot. He proved what an insane little liar he is back in the bad old Bush days.
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            XB99Z  2inthehat  2 hours ago
            Dick Morris is a moron who can't get anything right...LOL.Romney Landslide........yeah that worked out well dick.
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              2inthehat  XB99Z  2 hours ago
              The only moron here is you. Anyone who knows anything about American eloctoral politics knows that every single "rule" about reelecting an incumbent was broken in the last election. No president has ever been reelected with the absolutely staggering level economic and foreign policy incompetence as your amateur-in-chief. You just proved the shop owners point by brandishing your ignorance so boldly. Go back to your mom's basement.
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                ozlanthos  2inthehat  19 minutes ago
                Actually Romney lost because of the way the GOP treated the only real candidate in the race Ron Paul! What do you want to bet that MILLIONS of voters that supposedly didn't vote this time around were actually Ron Paul write-in votes that weren't counted? Either way, Romney lost because he cheated. He and his people cheated us in the media, cheated us in the debates, cheated us in the primaries, caucuses, and the RNC...After all of that, did you really think we would reward Romney by voting for him?
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                  XB99Z  2inthehat  2 hours ago
                  Dunce. You posted garbage without thinking. Next time use your little right-wing brain for once...if you have one, most of your kind don't. P.S Obama LANDSLIDE.
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                    Susanna Gordon  XB99Z  2 hours ago
                    Landslide? Are you serious? Your side generally has to cheat to win, and they did. It is incredibly demoralizing to see how stupid and uninformed Obama supporters are. I can hardly wait to hear what you have to say in four years, or say, after we are attacked by Iran. Or have you noticed Obama has ignored Iran for three years?
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                      spuy767  XB99Z  2 hours ago
                      I don't think that landslide word means what you think it means.
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                        wri7913  XB99Z  2 hours ago
                        Wasn't a landlslide. We all know the Black Panther Party kick out the Republican observers in the Philly downtown precints. Surprise.... all those precints posted 98% votes for Obama. I'm surprised the UN observers or Republicans didn't call shenanigans. But meh, not my call.
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                          ozlanthos  wri7913  14 minutes ago
                          The GOP didn't call shenanigans because A) They cheated the entire way through this election cycle to get Romney nominated, and B) they did A, because if they had let the choice of the AMERICAN PEOPLE face Obama, Ron Paul would have won and ended all of their little crony games when he ended those of the Democrats!
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                          Ruth  XB99Z  2 hours ago
                          This gun owner doesn't want to sell to Obama-lovers because he is afraid they may shoot themselves? But I suggest you, xB99Z go buy a gun and play Russian roulette with it, ok?
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                            MeHi Mbdexp  XB99Z  an hour ago
                            Are you really stupid, or just play one on the net? Hope you are one of the Hostess employee.
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                              jim  XB99Z  2 hours ago
                              Hey xLGBTzero, I think I hear your boy friends from Queerty calling you. Please stay there until you can get your head out of their britches and that thing out of your mouth.
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                              bpante  2inthehat  12 minutes ago
                              Democrats cheated, I don't believe Obama really won. The only one I see even questioning the polls is Allen West.
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                              Susanna Gordon  XB99Z  2 hours ago
                              Morris probably forgot to factor in the massive cheating that always surrounds the democratic candidates.
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                                homebrook  XB99Z  2 hours ago
                                Your argument is nothing more than an ad hominum attack and as such is entirely fallacious. Morriss' election predictions are irrelevant to the subject. Perhaps you should take a course in logic.

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