Troops are beginning to refuse to follow unlawful orders
Marine Sgt. Gary Stein
BREAKING NEWS: It’s starting to happen. Troops are beginning to refuse to follow unlawful orders, such as taking away weapons from U.S. citizens or orders to kill Americans.
Excerpted from the complete article below:
….Stein’s new trouble started over a recent discussion on his personal page in which he said he wouldn’t follow orders from the president.
The discussion centered on an investigation and possible charging of troops for accidentally burning copies of the Quran, the Muslim holy book, in Afghanistan.
“I said I wouldn’t follow the orders,” Stein acknowledged. “But what I also said —- and what wasn’t included in the complaint that was sent —- is that I said I wouldn’t follow unlawful orders, such as taking away weapons from U.S. citizens or orders to kill Americans.”
Once they begin to understand that Obama/Soetoro is an unlawful and ineligible President and Commander in Chief, they will begin to stand down from all orders as they realize that the authority of the officers above them originate with the unlawful CinC, so that all orders become unlawful – thus exempting them from the protections of the Geneva Convention should they choose to follow them into battle.
The enlisted oath calls for upholding and defending the Constitution FIRST!
All the more reason to spread the word about the findings of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse: The POTUS is ‘living a lie’, and is a usurper of the Office of POTUS.
By: Mark Walker
Posted: March 5th, 2012
Freedom of speech and military order may be on a collision course at Camp Pendleton over a Marine’s Facebook page that is highly critical of President Barack Obama.
The Marine, Sgt. Gary Stein, said Monday that he is under investigation by base officials for posting comments on his personal Facebook page that say he would not follow orders issued by the president.
Stein, 26, of Temecula, is also the founder of an Armed Forces Tea Party Patriots Facebook page, which prompted Marine Corps officials to warn him in 2010 about his political activities.
Stein said officials indicated on Monday that he may be charged with violating a provision of the Uniform Code of Military Justice addressing “good order and discipline in the armed forces, or conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces.”
“I’ve had better days,” Stein said after meeting with his commanders. “They’ve read me my rights and said I made disloyal comments about the president, and are now questioning whether I can even run the page.”
A Marine Corps spokeswoman said Stein has not been charged with any violation and had no immediate information about the investigation that Stein said is under way.
Two years ago, Stein was counseled by base officials to be cautious about any blatant endorsements of candidates, the tea party or using his uniform in any way to influence an election.
Stein, a staunch opponent of Obama who does not believe the president was born in the United States and calls his birth certificate a fraud, first launched the tea party page as a protest against Obama’s health care legislation.
That page has nearly 10,000 followers, and most of its comments are anti-Obama.
Stein’s new trouble started over a recent discussion on his personal page in which he said he wouldn’t follow orders from the president.
The discussion centered on an investigation and possible charging of troops for accidentally burning copies of the Quran, the Muslim holy book, in Afghanistan.
“I said I wouldn’t follow the orders,” Stein acknowledged. “But what I also said —- and what wasn’t included in the complaint that was sent —- is that I said I wouldn’t follow unlawful orders, such as taking away weapons from U.S. citizens or orders to kill Americans.”
That part of his posting has since been removed, Stein said.
He said he believes that the complaint started with a senior enlisted Marine based at the Marine Air Ground Combat Center at Twentynine Palms.
Stein, a native of Bullhead City, Ariz., said he respects the office of the president, “but at times I do not respect the decisions and policies of the president.”
He said his commanders began questioning him last week.
“They were talking to me about like a father would to a son, but today it turned and they read me rights,” said Stein, who works as a weather forecaster at Camp Pendleton in its operations division.
A veteran of one combat deployment to Iraq, Stein said he’s also being questioned for posting a video about a Marine recruit losing his job at an area hardware store.
Stein said the recruit needed time off work to complete some pre-enlistment training, but was instead told he was being dismissed.
“That’s now also come up as an issue,” he said.
Stein said he will fight any attempt to muzzle him.
“I think we have a disease in the military that says because we don the uniform, we lose our First Amendment rights,” said Stein, who is married and has a 4-year-old daughter. “I think they are being squashed right now, and I think some people are taking some orders and regulations out of context.
“I’m prepared to fight to the end.”
When he got in trouble two years ago, Stein vowed “not go off on wild tangents like I did before.”
Gary Solis, a military law expert, said Stein could well be in trouble for saying he would not follow a command from the president.
But the matter could also be a test of social media policy and how far troops can go in expressing their views on such sites, said Solis, a former Marine Corps judge and prosecutor who teaches and writes extensively on military law.
“We’re in new territory with regard to that,” Solis said. “But what it probably comes down to is (whether) he made his comments while identifying himself as a U.S. Marine. As a private citizen he can say anything he wants, but First Amendment rights can be circumscribed in the military.”
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Comments (70)
One should not say it it on paper or out loud. One can discuss this stuff among close friends but if the order does come there should be mass disobedience
Sharon, another example of our brave soldiers that don't cower to the enemy...
you guys need to pull your head out of your anus our president is our president vetted by our government so if you don't like or care for him vote against him but get a real life and stop the birther BS you make me sick you are less than you could be because of this pack of lies you spread!!
But Dale, is it lies on our part or on HIS part. I say Obama is a lie from the start.
Before a president can become Commander in Chief, Congress must declare war and give him the position. Read the Federalist Papers.
Remember, they took an oath to defend this country from enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC! Barack Hussein Obama is an enemy of the Constitution, and should be treated as such. Kudos to all the Marines, and others in our armed forces who will not follow unlawful, and immoral orders.
I was lead to belive. Militery have the right not to follow a unjust order .. Killing
Americans or disarming them sounds unjust to me
Americans or disarming them sounds unjust to me
The President may be the President but he has no right to kill American citizens OR, as the NDAA allows, hold an American citizen indefinitely without trial. Unfortunately, we are not out protesting this gross injustice to our rights, we are following like lemmings over the cliff. We can only hope that if this or any President begins to use these powers, which directly violate the Constitution, we ALL voice our protest including our troops.
Whether or not mr. obama was born in this country is not the issue. Whether or not mr. obama is a natural born citizen for the purpose of presidential eligibility is the issue and he is not. His father was not a US citizen, so, according to Vattel's law of nations, according to the writings of our founders, according to Minor v Happersett and according to non-binding SB 511, mr. obama is NOT a natural born citizen. In addition, he has committed multiple acts of treason against these United States and has submitted a forged document through the web-site of the White House claiming it to be the truth. He has allowed an officer with an otherwise spotless record to serve time in military prison for objecting to serving under his command in a cavalier manner. He has turned over the COMMAND of our troops(arguably the CiC's primary duty as president) to a foriegn entity(NATO) and has not made provision for our troops to be held to account only under the UCMJ while so serving.
Whether or not mr. obama was born in this country is not the issue. Whether or not mr. obama is a natural born citizen for the purpose of presidential eligibility is the issue and he is not. His father was not a US citizen, so, according to Vattel's law of nations, according to the writings of our founders, according to Minor v Happersett and according to non-binding SB 511, mr. obama is NOT a natural born citizen. In addition, he has committed multiple acts of treason against these United States and has submitted a forged document through the web-site of the White House claiming it to be the truth. He has allowed an officer with an otherwise spotless record to serve time in military prison for objecting to serving under his command in a cavalier manner. He has turned over the COMMAND of our troops(arguably the CiC's primary duty as president) to a foriegn entity(NATO) and has not made provision for our troops to be held to account only under the UCMJ while so serving.
Instead of making it his primary duty to protect and defend the US Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic, he has made it his clear goal to "fundamentally transform" this nation. this is a violation of his oath of office as the president of this nation should be doing everything in his/her power to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law during theiur tenure in that office.
This man needs to be removed from office and tried immediately.
This man needs to be removed from office and tried immediately.
The POTUS serves at the pleasure of the United States Marine Corp. Let us not forget that.
Join oathkeepers if you have not done so ready
Larry a. Snyder
Maj USAF ret
Former E4
Vietnam nam / desert storm
Now a deputy sheriff
Join oathkeepers if you have not done so ready
Larry a. Snyder
Maj USAF ret
Former E4
Vietnam nam / desert storm
Now a deputy sheriff
Any soldier the doesn't follow orders should be tried for treason! This idiot is a freaiIn soldier not a polItIcIan.
"Semper Fidelis distinguishes the Marine Corps bond from any other. It goes beyond teamwork—it is a brotherhood that can always be counted on. Latin for "always faithful," Semper Fidelis became the Marine Corps motto in 1883. It guides Marines to remain faithful to the mission at hand, to each other, to the Corps and to country, no matter what. Becoming a Marine is a transformation that cannot be undone, and Semper Fidelis is a permanent reminder of that. Once made, a Marine will forever live by the ethics and values of the Corps".
"NO MATTER WHAT" is what it says...seems like the Marines have a few traitors in its midst who should not be trusted to guard AMERICA. They told America what they are capable of and what they will and wont do for AMERICA. I wouldnt trust these Marines, seems they do not have AMERICA'S best interest in mind and wouldnt mind selling out AMERICA. WOW and they claim to be MARINES !!!
"NO MATTER WHAT" is what it says...seems like the Marines have a few traitors in its midst who should not be trusted to guard AMERICA. They told America what they are capable of and what they will and wont do for AMERICA. I wouldnt trust these Marines, seems they do not have AMERICA'S best interest in mind and wouldnt mind selling out AMERICA. WOW and they claim to be MARINES !!!
Semper Fidelis distinguishes the Marine Corps bond from any other. It goes beyond teamwork—it is a brotherhood that can always be counted on. Latin for "always faithful," Semper Fidelis became the Marine Corps motto in 1883. It guides Marines to remain faithful to the mission at hand, to each other, to the Corps and to country, no matter what. Becoming a Marine is a transformation that cannot be undone, and Semper Fidelis is a permanent reminder of that. Once made, a Marine will forever live by the ethics and values of the Corps.
This is good news! After all, troops are trained to follow the "chain" of command. And, how can they do that practically, (in all good conscience) when the chain has been broken by a bogus link - aka, the unconstitutional non natural born citizen [so-called] "president."
The above articles are slanted in the ways of political civilians with axes to grind. They have that luxury. I would like to point out that American citizens are 'disarmed' everyday for a variety of good reasons. I'd also like to remind that "soldiers" (plural?) are not "beginning to refuse orders." That's merely inflammatory wording and plain journalistic lying. As for the rest...The military operates in a democracy and defends a democracy, but is not a democracy. Folks, don't be fooled into believing there will be any "test" of social media free speech. This individual will be clamped down on and rightfully so. He volunteered, fully knowing what he was giving and getting, with no duress to volunteer. If he cannot now muster the self-discipline to exercise the regulations he volunteered to live under in protection of a higher ideal, he and those like him need to man up, go to their superiors, explain their position, and take what comes. Semper Fi, Semper Paratus, Follow Me.....these words either mean loyalty, or they mean nothing. And for those who betray those the fires with them.
NO you should not be obeying ANY orders coming from the White House BECAUSE Obama IS NOT THE President. You should only be required to follow LAWFUL orders. You have taken an oath to protect our Nation from ALL enemies Foreign and Domestic.
Why are they waiting to do this now that the elections are around the corner? When they re enlisted Obama was in office, if they did not want to follow the orders then he should have gotten the hell out. So what happens to all the children of military people that are born overseas? What happens to a child of an American soldier serving in Japan. married to a Japanese? To me this is just pure bull.
All this post shall be send to the DOD so they can respond, how come it is only published in a Tea Party newspaper or Republicans news media. The GOP Conservative Tea Party, Religious people, yes religious my foot, you call yourself religious? You have call this man monkey, said he is a product of his mothers sex relation with a Dog, you wish him and his family ill thoughts, wow, VERY GOOD EXAMPLE FOR THE FUTURE GENERATION. You forgot about Nixon did you? How many vacations did Bush take to his ranch not to Camp David? If you are in office you should be able to take vacation to your home. How come you don't critize all this congressman that got all this companies pushing money down their throat so they can lobby for them?
I spent 21 years in the military and i learned 1 real good leason, you have to follow the orders of your commander in chief no matter what you think of him. Not to do so violates the UCMJ. The reason behind this is that the military is a dictatorship. Do not take me wrong i have all the respect in the world for the job our military has to do. It is a tough job to have to follow the orders of a socialists.
When we took that oath to defend this Country against enemies both foriegn and domestic, how about telling me when the domestic applies? I say it applies today and to half of Congress and half of the Senate and Panetta and Obama, Pelossi, Biden, Clinton ETC... Sgt. Stein has more guts than 10 men because he is standing up for the Cosnstitution and the oath that he took and I am proud of him. He has taken it upon himself to draw a line in the sand and protect this country against a rogue government and thats more than I can say for 90% of the rest of Americans. When you get in front of Congress and you tell them that the president does not have to get ok from Congress to send our troops to war then we know what is happening in this government, tyranny in the halls and no way to stop it but marines and soldiers like Sgt. stein standing tall, Thank you Marine, Battle. my Brother..
I haven't read his site or post but as a former Marine I remember my oath, the same one my son just made as he enlisted in the Army. We gave an oath to defend this country and our Constitution against ALL foes foreign and domestic. I almost stopped my enlistment when I got to that part needing to quickly decide if I could stand against people at home if it became necessary. In boot camp and at every point after I was taught and expected those under me to obey all lawful orders and to refuse unlawful orders. Joining the Marines isn't giving up our country or Constitution but instead about knowing who gives our orders and when the orders are lawful or unlawful.
I sand with you SGT. I will not kill Americans unless I am fired upon, but only in self-defense. Please allow me to say what you cannot say. We call him "Obama the Benghazi butcher”. And that is the nice thing I have to say about the SQUATTER that sits in MY White House.
Keep up the fine work and THANK YOU for your service.
Keep up the fine work and THANK YOU for your service.
I sat here thinking about your post for the longest time. Our trust in other citizens to be honest and true has been broken. I don't see a way to rebuild that trust and honesty any time soon, sad. I have come to the conclusion that revolution will only get millions of people killed. An uprising or dissent will drag out more of what you spoke of.
Arresting Obama the Benghazi butcher will take hundreds of thousands of keyboard commandos, couch potatoes and younger then I am patriot’s. I have tried to raise attention, to point out the many dangers we face, share the next move Obama the Benghazi butcher will take. Other then a few folks my efforts are exactly like pi$$ing into the wind. I will continue to share all that I discover but with my expectations for removing Obama the Benghazi butcher and his subjects much lower. I will defend me and mine and encourage God to take his course as to the judgments on the USA. Reality demands wisdom should replace bravado.
Should others want to sink back into their couch and become a bird with his head in a hole in the ground I’ll encourage that. At least they will be out of the way.
When you see that sign above the razor wire fence that says FEMA detention camp 666 kiss you’re a$$ goodbye.
Arresting Obama the Benghazi butcher will take hundreds of thousands of keyboard commandos, couch potatoes and younger then I am patriot’s. I have tried to raise attention, to point out the many dangers we face, share the next move Obama the Benghazi butcher will take. Other then a few folks my efforts are exactly like pi$$ing into the wind. I will continue to share all that I discover but with my expectations for removing Obama the Benghazi butcher and his subjects much lower. I will defend me and mine and encourage God to take his course as to the judgments on the USA. Reality demands wisdom should replace bravado.
Should others want to sink back into their couch and become a bird with his head in a hole in the ground I’ll encourage that. At least they will be out of the way.
When you see that sign above the razor wire fence that says FEMA detention camp 666 kiss you’re a$$ goodbye.
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