Thursday, December 8, 2011

Gmail - Breaking: Unions' Strategy to Re-elect Obama Revealed -

Gmail - Breaking: Unions' Strategy to Re-elect Obama Revealed -

Breaking: Unions' Strategy to Re-elect Obama Revealed

Conservative Byte Alerts
1:07 PM (6 hours ago)
to me

Dear Fellow American,

If you believe in limited government, lower taxes and the free market, I have an important warning for you.

A conservative hero is under attack for taking a courageous stance against public unions in an attempt to rein in spending in his state. Union members and sympathizers have launched an effort to remove Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker from office. In just 3 weeks, they've collected nearly all the signatures they need to force a recall election.

With 10 electoral votes up for grabs, Wisconsin is a key battle ground state. The outcome of the Walker recall will predict whether Wisconsin will go red or blue in 2012. That's why I recently formed Alliance for a Stronger Wisconsin to educate the general public about elected officials and candidates who believe in pro-business and lower tax policies and limited government.

Barack Obama is counting on winning Wisconsin again in 2012 and the same unions that are financing the Walker recall effort are ready to spend even more money to help him. Mark my words: if the unions succeed in recalling Governor Walker, they'll deliver Wisconsin to Obama. America can't afford to take this chance.

This is an all-hands-on-deck effort. The unions have deep pockets and they are willing to spend whatever it takes to destroy Governor Walker's agenda. So will you follow this link right now to make a contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to defend Governor Walker's pro-business, small government agenda?

Unions have created a special working class in this country and for too long we've allowed them to hold us hostage. This is America and we operate on a free market economic system. We pay for what we use, we don't take handouts! Unfortunately, momentum is swinging in favor of the unions after they won three major battles in November: overturning an Ohio law that would have radically reduced bargaining power, recalling a state representative in Michigan, and thwarting Right to Work legislation in New Hampshire.

If Governor Walker is recalled, we'll feel the consequences in all 50 states. The national unions will interpret 4 consecutive legislative victories as a mandate to push their jobs-killing, economic-crippling agenda. We cannot let this happen.

That's why I'm asking you to follow this link right now to make the most generous contribution you can afford to defend Governor Walker's conservative agenda, educate the general public on what his policies really mean, and prevent the unions from dominating the 2012 political dialogue.

Thank you in advance for your support.


Peter M. Horkan
Founder, Alliance for a Stronger Wisconsin

P.S. If the national unions and their far-left sympathizers succeed in recalling Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, they'll hijack the 2012 elections and put their puppets into office at all levels of government, in all 50 states. Worse, they'll deliver Barack Obama a second term. We cannot let this happen. That's why I'm asking you to make the most generous contribution you can afford to defend Governor Walker's conservative agenda today.

Paid for and authorized by Alliance for a Stronger Wisconsin Andy Lamb Treasurer

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