Monday, December 12, 2011

Gmail - Obama Economic Statistic that Will Shock You -

Gmail - Obama Economic Statistic that Will Shock You -

Obama Economic Statistic that Will Shock You

3:34 AM (7 hours ago)
to me
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Dear Fellow Conservative,

In 8 years, President Bush added $5 trillion to the national debt; in less than three years, President Obama has nearly matched that spending, adding another $4.4 trillion.

Imagine what this number will be if we give Obama four more years!

Defeating Barack Obama in 2012 is essential, but it's only one piece of the puzzle. Electing a conservative majority in both chambers of Congress is critical to putting America back on the right track. We need a veto-proof Congress that will quickly act with the new president to cut spending. That means holding onto control of the House and winning back the Senate.

Maintaining control of the House begins right here in my district. Political experts on both sides of the aisle consider my opponent, Jim Matheson, one of the most vulnerable members of Congress. If we win here, it's a virtual lock that Republicans will maintain control of the House. But if we lose, we'll be handing Nancy Pelosi back the Speaker's gavel and the key to thwarting a new president's fiscally responsible agenda.

The stakes truly couldn't be higher. We have to defeat Jim Matheson. But to do so, my campaign must raise $25,000 between now and the end of the year—and we only have a few days to do it! That's why I'm asking you to follow this link right now to make a contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to my campaign.

Think about what the $4.4 trillion Obama and Pelosi have spent to date has gotten us. The $787 billion "stimulus" didn't create jobs or spark the economic recovery Obama and Pelosi promised. Designed to help out American auto makers, the $3 billion "Cash for Clunkers" programs benefited the Japanese and Korean auto industries instead. And let's not forget their hallmark health care legislation. Obamacare will cost the federal government nearly $1.5 trillion and here's the kicker—it's actually driving the cost of health care up!

Of course Jim Matheson, who votes with the liberal agenda 93% of the time, voted for all three of these expensive, jobs-killing bills. Talk about killing the American dream! If we can defeat Jim Matheson, we can defeat the Obama-Pelosi agenda and get America's fiscal house in order.

So will you help my campaign raise $25,000 by 12/31 by following this link right now to make the most generous contribution you can afford?

The stakes are high and time is running out, so please do not delay. I'm counting on you to help me defeat Jim Matheson and halt the Obama-Pelosi agenda. Thank you in advance for your support.


Cherilyn Eagar
Candidate for Congress

P.S. America needs more than just a new president, she needs a veto-proof Congress—and my district holds the key. Will you help me defeat Jim Matheson, one of Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi's biggest allies, by helping my campaign raise $25,000 before the end of the year? Please follow this link right away to make a donation of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more. Thank—Cherilyn

PO Box 901483
Sandy, Utah 84090
Authorized and Paid for by Friends of Cherilyn Eagar

Contributions to Cherilyn Eagar for Congress are not tax deductible.

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