Tell Congress: No more bailouts of Europe!Inbox X
show details Dec 1 (1 day ago) |
December 1st, 2011
Dear Liberty Activist, According to the Bloomberg new service, Barack Obama just declared that the American people are "Ready to do our part" to bail out Europe.
And you and I know what that means:
Billions of dollars of your tax money are going to prop up the socialist economies of Italy, Greece and Spain!
Americans for Limited Government is gearing up to stop this nonsense and I need your help.
Please make an online contribution of $20, $30, $50, $100 or whatever you can afford to ALG's Stop the European Bailout campaign. We are launching a massive advertising and grassroots lobbying blitz to stop this bailout nonsense and we need all the help we can get.
You see, Obama and his cronies in Washington bailed out the Europeans once before, and they think they can get away with doing it again.
In 2009 President Obama and Nancy Pelosi's Congress sent $ 108 billion to the International Monetary Fund to bail out the Europeans and other debtors, mostly banks. And now that the Europe's socialist states are facing an even greater economic crisis, they are preparing to fund more and bigger bailouts of the European Banking sector.
A recent news report says the International Monetary Fund is looking to create a $800 Billion European bailout fund with the American taxpayers "contributing" at least $136 billion.
$136 billion of YOUR money to help Greek civil servants retire at age 50! And the total tab could be much larger.
Please help me stop this insanity right now.
I just met with Representative Cathy McMorris Rogers who is heading up opposition to this latest bailout in Congress. She calls this scheme "Euro-TARP" and says it will have a "major impact on the future of our economy and our sovereignty."
I promised her that Americans for Limited Government would back her up and lead the grassroots charge against this bailout. Now I have to deliver.
Please make an urgent online contribution to help fund this Stop the European Bailout campaign. I need to pay for ads, collect petitions and mobilize the American people like never before.
In 2009, President Obama rammed the first bailout through very quickly and with little publicity. So, we need to move fast. This proposed bailout could come before Congress at any time.
The last thing our fragile economy needs is for the politicians in Washington to spend billions propping up the socialist economies of Europe.
Help ALG stop this bailout. Make a generous donation today.
Thank you in advance for all your help!
Sincerely, Bill Wilson Americans for Limited Government Click here to unsubscribe from receiving Liberty Action Alerts. Click here to update your email address. 9900 Main Street, Suite 303 |
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