Friday, December 9, 2011

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You Are "Hugely Influential"

Heritage Action via
12:17 PM (2 hours ago)
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Heritage Action: Scorecard Determines "Conservative Bono Fides" Having trouble viewing this email?
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Scorecard: "Conservative Bono Fides"


Thanks to you, Heritage Action’s Legislative Scorecard is making a difference in Washington. A beltway newspaper called our scorecard a "hugely influential cheat sheet for determining conservative bona fides in Congress."

Here are the votes we announced would appear on the scorecard this week:

"YES" on the REINS Act, which would require Congress to vote – up or down – on all new major regulations. It passed the House, 241-184.

"NO" on Richard Cordray, nominated to run the Dodd-Frank "Consumer Financial Protection Board." His nomination failed in the Senate, 53-45.

"NO" on Caitlin Halligan, nominated for an important federal judgeship. Her nomination failed in the Senate, 54-45.

"NO" on Mari Carmen Aponte, nominated as ambassador to El Salvador. Her nomination stalled this week in the Senate, and Harry Reid continues look for votes.

We are conservative, fair, and unapologetic. We do not grade on a curve. The Washington Establishment is taking notice. Another beltway newspaper call it "the scorecard for conservatives."

When you call and email your Members of Congress, remind them of Heritage Action and our Legislative Scorecard. Together, we can hold Members of Congress accountable to conservative principles.

Thank you for all that you do,

Tim Chapman
Chief Operating Officer
Heritage Action for America

P.S. 2012 is shaping up to be a monumental election for the conservative movement. In order for us to continue influencing conservative principles in Washington, your support is needed.

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Heritage Action for America | 321 D Street NE | Washington, DC 20002

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