Saturday, December 3, 2011

Obama Manipulates Numbers to Get Unemployment Headline Under 9% | Conservative Byte

Obama Manipulates Numbers to Get Unemployment Headline Under 9% | Conservative Byte

The words audacity, lie's, infantile, imbecilic, educated idiot, tunnel vision, manipulating, thief, life stealing, spoiler and oh so many verbs I've never been able to use to describe one person until Obama came along. Here is one individual that all the above words apply to.

But let us be fair. His training was by a Marxist-thinking world. He was also trained as an (union) organizer.

Sending Obama to the White House to lead our Country was equivalent to convincing a slaughterer house chicken feather pluckier to build an electronic empire using only his lifetime of experience as a chicken feather pluckier.

With all that said; you think (maybe) we should began gathering the voters that think as we think for the 2012 primary and national elections? If not, let the first sentence of this memo be the description of us!!

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