Sunday, January 8, 2012

Gmail - The Evidence for Life After Death -

Gmail - The Evidence for Life After Death -

The Evidence for Life After Death

Human Events
8:08 AM (5 hours ago)
to me
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Dear Fellow Conservative,

Is death the end? That's the ultimate question that has concerned mankind from the beginning of time. And in the blockbuster book, Life After Death: The Evidence,Dinesh D'Souza shows why the rational side of this debate is actually the side that believes in the afterlife — while those who deny it are the ones clinging to blind faith.

Life After Death makes three distinct and eye-opening arguments for life after death: one from neuroscience, one from philosophy, and one from morality. Each of these arguments is decisive by itself; collectively, they offer a convincing case for the afterlife. And while D'Souza does not attempt to prove life after death beyond a reasonable doubt, he proves his case by "a preponderance of the evidence." He also shows why it is good for us to believe in life after death even in the absence of complete certainty.

Exploring the afterlife with Dinesh D'Souza

  • Science and the scientific method: its little-noted but all-important "blind spot"

  • The remarkable implications of the Big Bang Theory on the origin of the universe

  • The one way to give a natural explanation of the fine-tuned universe — an explanation that, not surprisingly, some leading scientists have enthusiastically advanced

  • Near death experiences: They don't prove life after death, but they do suggest it is possible

  • How atheists who insist that life after death is a religious concept may be surprised to discover that it is also a philosophical idea widely discussed in the fifth Century B.C.

  • Why even the four-dimensional world of space and time envisioned by Einstein may be part of a larger multidimensional world, several of whose dimensions are hidden from us

  • The two most widely held contemporary theories of materialism — and why each fails to account for crucial and incontrovertible facts

  • Reincarnation? Why some people hold so tenaciously to this idea — and why it ultimately must be rejected by reasonable people

  • How several of the greatest ideas and institutions of Western civilization were shaped by a firmly held vision of transcendence and life after death

  • How the concepts of eternity and life after death, far from being hostile to life and civilization as the atheists allege, have in fact shaped some our greatest and most beneficial social and political ideals, ideals that are shared by religious and secular people alike

  • Four concrete facts in the accounts of the resurrection of Jesus Christ that have to be accounted for by anyone attempting to deny the resurrection

Soundly argued and deeply absorbing, Life After Death: The Evidence is also a ringing affirmation of how life after death can give depth and significance to this life, a path to happiness, and a reason for hope.

And now, for a limited time, we at Human Events are making Dinesh D'Souza'sLife After Death: The Evidence available to you absolutely FREE — just for trying us at zero risk.

It's the periodical that the peerless Ann Coulter, our legal affairs correspondent and a key participant in our weekly editorial meetings, proudly considers her editorial "home" — and where you can her trenchant, biting satirical columns.

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Human Events is written and edited by gutsy people who will rescue you from the sticky tar pit of political correctness that passes for contemporary reporting... not girlie-boy editors afraid of sticking to their guns!

That means by reading Human Events, you can count on learning the news the liberal media try so hard to keep secret!

For example...

In a recent issue of Human Events we reported on those "thousands of acres" Obama speaks of as ready for oil drilling in U.S. waters... virtually none have been found to have any oil! In other words, Obama has no intention of opening new drilling anywhere in the U.S. — no matter how high the price of gasoline soars!

Human Events also reported that Obama's "economic stimulus" was simply a gargantuan gift to the states — to make sure pampered government workers did not share the same painful fate as private sector-workers who lost jobs by the millions.

Human Events revealed that ObamaCare is so brilliant and so wonderful that trade unions and companies friendly to the president are fleeing it by the thousands. In fact, Obama's health care plan is so desirable that 20% of the exemptions have gone to Nancy Pelosi's posh district in San Francisco!

There's so much at stake today. America is facing its biggest financial crisis of modern times and liberals just don't get it. Never has it been more important for you to get the truth — and not just the P.C. pabulum dished up by the mainstream media.

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