Monday, January 9, 2012

Mitt Romney Admits He Doesn’t Know What the Constitution Says | Front Porch Politics

Mitt Romney Admits He Doesn’t Know What the Constitution Says | Front Porch Politics

Mitt Romney Admits He Doesn’t Know What the Constitution Says


And this is the guy ahead in all of the GOP nomination polls. This also tells us that those Republicans who want Romney to be our President don’t know and don’t care what the Constitution says.

The media and GOP establishment want Mitt Romney and Republican voters are falling for it. We have Rick Santorum saying he agrees with Ron Paul and now we have Mitt Romney turning to Ron Paul for Constitutional questions. I think we know who is the most knowledgeable and trusted candidate.

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  1. Jonathan Sampson

    Look on the bright side, of all running mates he knew exactly who to turn to. Ron Paulin 2012.

    • GFM2012

      Jesus, I don’t know how in the f^&k I am suddenly getting emails from this wacko Paultard blog, but get me outta here! What a bunch of mindless, robotic turds!

      • Bud

        Sounds as though you have perfectly described yourelf.

      • Martin Ridens

        Pretty sure there is a nice little button at the bottom of that email if you want to unsubscribe but believe me, there are plenty of folks who don’t seem to like Ron Paul for some reason around here.

        • Charles

          For some reason ? are you kidding ? The man is living in 1912 and not 2012. He think isolationism in the twenty first century can work . Ron Paul think Iran having Nuclear weapon is no big deal . And for a presidential candidate to say the US was to blame for 911 ? Will it is just political suicide . Can you say senility ?

      • Vicki

        Trust me, Jesus is listening to your every word. He’s not happy.

      • Maynard Merrell

        GFM2012: I agree with Bud and the others, and I’ll add: You are probably an indoctrinated college ass hole with horse turds rolling aroiund inmside your empty skull. I hope I’m around when the blue helmeted socialist/communist police throw your ass into a ditch, toss you a shovel, and say, “Now Dig! This should teach you to have been patriotic to your country!”

    • Frenchy

      Since when , Georges Stefanopoulos is a ” journalist ? ” The left media made hin like that , for me ? is a Clinton hack !!!!!

    • Willy

      Anybody that runs for an office should have to pass a test on the basic fundamentals of the constitution.

  2. Patrick Henry

    Oh shut up already, Romney was being a little facitious. Of course Romney understands the Constitution, he mentione it often when discussing issues.

    • D. Gourley

      Agreed…Enough already with the Romney hits…We like him…

      • We?
        MIT ROMNEY, Watch Mitt Praise Ted Kennedy for His Role in Passing RomneyCare

        That’s the precursor to Obamacare, the worst legislation ever perpetrated on the US.
        Get it straight, YOU like him.

        • Let’s just make it simple. The Constitution isn’t about what the States or federal government can do, it’s about what they can’t do to us. Example: they can’t infringe on our right to free speech because it is our right. They can’t make guns illegal because the Constitution listed that right.
          Obviously this jerk of a condom/monitor doesn’t know this.

          • Bob Calton

            You are partially correct. The constitution as it was originally written tells what the Federal Government cannot do, as well as 18 or 20 numerated responsibilities (the number depends on who’s list yo are looking at.) It does not say what the states cannot do. It says that all powers not inumerated in the constitution are reserved to the states. Unfortunately, most of the checks and balances contained in the constitution as originally written were wiped out with the 16th and 17th amendments. Much of this is the fault of Woodrow Wilson, as well as Teddy Roosevelt and his cousin FDR.

          • John

            Actually that is the Bill of Rights that lists what the government can’t do which is redundant to say the least. The fact is, if the constitution doesn’t GIVE the government a certain power they don’t have it. Although the bill of rights was written with good intentions, by specifically saying spelling out what the government can’t do they’ve forgotten that they couldn’t do it anyway. The Constitution says what they CAN do, not what they can’t. No where in the constitution does is give the government the power to limit free speech or take our guns and so on, so there was never a need for the bill of rights. All the bill of rights does is get the government asking, where does it say we can’t do that? The real question is where does it say you can.

          • R.Cook

            The Fourteenth Amendment most commonly used by liberals to move their agenda forward. It is pretty clear on one point. Section 1:
            “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States.”
            This guarantee of freedoms should negate the following law passed in California and some other states.
            Recently California passed legislation that bans the open carrying of a handgun in public even if it is not loaded. Florida, Illinois, Oklahoma and Texas also ban the open carry of handguns in some instances.
            The Second Amendment lists both the “right to keep and bear arms”.
            In the English language “bear” has several meanings besides the name of the large animal that graces the California state flag.
            To bear definition: to carry, transmit, transport, have a characteristic of and exhibit.
            It seems pretty clear to me that laws banning open carryare in direct violation of the Second and Fourteenth Amendments. The Second Amendment does not say; you may bear arms except in a public place, on your car seat or list any other place where the Second Amendment does not apply.
            Unless I have been asleep, I have not heard of the Second Amendment being repealed or rewritten or the dictionary’s definition of the verb “to bear” changed. If politicians or the courts can change or interpret the English language at their whim, our country is in very serious trouble. When they actually, for all intent and purposes, remove words from The Constitution, the situation has become critical.

      • Willy

        No thanks, I want nothing to do with O&R Care, or an OBAMA with a different name.

    • Roy

      Some one else thinks ROMNEY might know the consititution?????????

      • Steven Jokinen

        Such an easy question for such a scholar as he. But he was clearly put on the spot!!!!! He has no trouble answering any other question.

        Looks like he did not know, but there was good news (as Jonthan Sampson said) Ron Paul was a Constitutional Lawyer when in Congress he spent a lot of time debating such issues as Mitt knew.

    • Laura

      Come’on….they’re in the middle of a Presidential debate and you think Romney is choosing not to answer a question, stumbles over it and offers to turn it over to Paul because he actually “Knows” the answer? Seriously??

    • Martin Ridens

      They all mention the constitution and pay lip service to it then completely ignore it with their statist policies. I’m tired of having the two versions of statism fight over who gets to loot us for the next 4 years.

      Ron Paul 2012 – The R3volution.

    • Romney did wrongly state that John Adams wrote the Constitution. You can see the clip in this NH debate:

      (At section point 1:05 into video)

      Gouverneur Morris was the penmen of the U.S. Constitution, and John Adams did was not a signer of the US Constitution, but was a diplomat. John Adams did sign the Declaration of Independence as a delegate from Massachusetts. It does not bolster confidence in his understanding of the Constitution.

      • My apologies about my comment concerning Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney’s attribution of John Adams as the writer of the U.S. Constitution. As I re-watched the clip a few times, I realized that he was referring to the Massachusett’s Constitution – which John Adams did draft. Just wanted to pass that along quickly.

    • Martin Ridens

      Patrick Henry – you should be ashamed to be using a name like that. Patrick Henry thought our Constitution gave the federal government way too much power because he cared that much about personal freedom and liberty and you have the nerve to come on here using that name and defending a rabid statist like Mitt Romney. Shame on you!!


      Sure, . . Romney MENTIONS the Constitution for political benefit, . . But he never talks about what’s really IN IT ! . . Wonder why ?

    • Tsiyr

      I am not for Mitt, but I have to agree that was a tongue in cheek remrk Mitt made there. And cleverly done since RP is running in second place in NH. Not R.S..

      Which by the way, Paul took it well too, as he is not that stupid not to know what Romney was doing, as was the audience who did laugh. Just as I did.

      I more so think the question itself was the stupid one. And no doubt was honestly aimed at the Catholic up there mostly. Trying to get him to say something else than he did cleverly say. Meaning their little ploy to start an argument didn’t work. Hehehe



    • Frenchy

      Yeah , but he missed on this one

  3. Tom

    Does it really matter? Whoever becomes the GOP / Tea Party candidate will do a better job than King Barack!

    • Bsfurg

      +i heard where som e call him Qween Obama l ol i loved it

    • Martin Ridens

      It matters immensely Tom. This country has been on a slow road to tyranny through the statist policies of both parties for a very long time. Our founders warned us those in power would tend to want more power, more control, and more of our money. Take a look at a graph of government spending over the last 20 years – just google it. The regulations these guys come up with are growing exponentially. 14 years ago when I started talking about this stuff everyone said I was hallucinating when I talked of infringements on our civil liberties. But today we have laws like those contained in the NDAA where an American citizen can be put in a military cell, with no charges, no phone call, no lawer, and no trial for the rest of his life. It wasn’t that long ago we saw an American citizen killed by this government based on nothing more than them saying he was a terrorist.

      I fear for my children Tom. If we can come this far in 14 years and our rate of acceleration is increasing then I wonder what it will be like for my grandchildren. Will they be able to think for themselves? Will they be able to find and do the things which make them happy? Or will they be told how to think, told what to do, and told how to behave then do it or be shot. It is that serious and I for one would appreciate it if more people started understanding.

      • John

        You are absolutely right. It is a scary road we’re going down and the nanny states seem to be growing. What we can eat, what we can drink, can’t spank your kids, can’t offend anyone!!!! It’s sick.

    • Bama Bill

      I don’t like anyone that makes mistakes, especially when they have “Spun” their statement. Mitt attacked Newt with an add that had four points, all of which were NOT correct. I say, “He who throws mud, looses ground”. I would NOT vote for obama or Mitt.

      Why don’t they discuss Pelosi keeping the senate in session until after midnight to pass her bill approving a huge price increase for the drug companies?

      How about each of the seven times social security was raided, a democrat president signed the bill? The dems always want to buy votes, and the Republicans are not much better. Have they called our attention to who stole the money from the social security fund? HELL NO! they just wrote earmarks to get some. PIGS at the trough. Most of them. Term limits, damn right! And put them all on Medicare and social security. Then see how fast things get fixed!

      • Tsiyr

        The problem with that attitude is, no vote for whoever wins the Republican nomintion is a yes vote for Obama. Even if an independent runs, as that moron Trump is threatning to do if his pick does not win, is also a vote for Obama too. Or is this what he was after all the time???? As he could have continued to run on the republican ticket himself. So why didn’t he? Yet is now talking about running on another ticket. Seems mighty suspicious to me why he backed out, then turn right around and run as an indepentdent after all. Better wake up people if that happens, an ignore that dude real quick.

      • Willy

        They are all rich, that wont hurt ‘em.

  4. Catherine Ledyard

    “This also tells us that those Republicans who want Romney to be our President don’t know and don’t care what the Constitution says.”

    That quote tells us that whomever wrote this article doesn’t know and doesn’t care what the truth is.

  5. JoeE71

    This article was INCREDIBLY deceptive; just like it was out of the Mainstream Media playbook. Wow! He never said he doesn’t know what is in the Constitution. That some idiot would think this was serious is beyond words. Shame on Front Porch Politics and FPP for writing such CRAP!

    • Rudy Simchak

      Really enough already. A little humor and tongue in check remarks. come on people. lighten up already. Too many so called “debates” they all are grandstanding.

    • Roy

      Hi JoeE71 Some times the truth Realy Herts

    • Laura

      He just doesn’t know it well enough to apply it.

      I watched the entire debate, there is no deception here. He stumbled because he wasn’t able to answer it because he wasn’t able to apply constitutional law to the question and then answer.

  6. Bsfurg

    Then mabe he better get his ass arund and read it.. what the heck af a thing to admit… he eosnt deserve the WH

    • GFM2012

      You are right… He oesn’t deserve it. The 80 year old deserves 2 terms. Right… Our President being helped into the bathroom and fed with a spoon…

  7. Tom M. East Tawas, Michigan

    Romney has control over what he said and as a good leader turned the question over to be answered by another for his input. I would have done the same thing if asked of me.
    I am disappointed that Front Porch Politics twisted what really occurred into a discussion like this…Perhaps not Front Porch Time to provide Journalism in more worthy areas.
    Anyone is far better than our POTUS that has failed America in every event, project or plan. America has been downgraded and not just our credit rating since the last election.

    • Janadele

      Mitt Romney understands the Constitution of the US better than many. His enemies can find nothing of substance to hold against him and so resort to twisting facts and presenting misconceptions.

  8. Lee

    Wow, what a misleading article regarding a truly gotcha, no purpose question. You people are amazing in the lengths you will go to try to make a mountain out of a molehill.

  9. Charley

    LOL Rommney knows what the constitution states

    so does Obama and he said, it is to restrictive.

    I bet Mitt feels the same way about it.

  10. Obama equates to the most collective poverty, so if you enjoy servitude over freedom then he is your candidate. The only candidate which represents liberty and freedom is Ron Paul. Will he be nominated? Only an educated public could cause such an outcome and that is the missing ingredient to saving our Republic. Why would anyone think Romney et al would support the Constitution even if he understood it, since the Trilaterialist and like groups control the Presidency and fiercely promote a one world government. Hope you all can wear your chains lightly should anyone but Paul be our next President.

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