
Donald Ferguson via
2:13 PM (18 minutes ago)
to me

Dear Jack,

You did it!

But now an even bigger fight lies ahead.

The U.S. House of Representatives has taken an important first step to restoring job growth and restoring Congress as our only legislative body by passing the REINS Act 249-161 Wednesday afternoon.

With your support, American Tradition Partnership has been an early and active advocate for the REINS Act.

We’ve been working closely with Sen. Rand Paul and urging our nationwide grassroots support network to phone, fax, e-mail and write their lawmakers in support of this critically needed reform.

If passed, instead of the current regime of “regulation without representation” where political activists with federal employee badges write their own rules, major federal regulations that impact Americans must go through a transparent, accountable rulemaking process.

The question now is will Democrat senators join the House and the majority of voters who support the REINS Act?

Will Democrats like Max Baucus, Ben Nelson, Maria Cantwell, Claire McCaskill and others vote with job creators and their constituents, or will they side with the D.C. establishment and special interests who are choking off job growth?

That will require a tremendous fight, and bringing the REINS Act this far has nearly tapped out our resources.

I need you to go here and chip in $10, $25, $50, $100 or even $250 to bring our REINS Act fight directly to Senate Democrats.

Thanks to your phone calls and contributions, we put enough pressure to make 17 House Democrats vote with 232 House Republicans in favor of the REINS Act.

That’s about nine percent of the Democrat caucus.

But we need more in the Senate.

We need 60 votes in the Senate to overcome any Gang Green filibuster.

That means we need all 47 Republicans – and 13 Democrats.

If we bring this fight to Harry Reid and Senate Democrats and get a recorded vote we’ll get one of two things:

We’ll pass the REINS Act in Congress...

...or we will force Democrats to take a recorded vote on a popular bill they WILL be held accountable for.

We win either way.

But getting the REINS Act through the House was a tremendous fight that required a lot of effort and resources.

We can’t take that fight to Harry Reid and Senate Democrats unless I hear from you right now.

So please go here and chip in $10 or more right now.

We’ve been working with Senator Rand Paul since Day One.

We are ready for this fight.

We are ready to take the REINS Act directly to Harry Reid and Senate Democrats.

But I can’t do anything until I hear from you.

So please go here and chip in $10 or more right now.


Donald Ferguson
Executive Director
American Tradition Partnership

P.S. You did it! The House passed the REINS Act yesterday. But now an even bigger fight lies ahead.

Now we must bring this fight to Harry Reid and Senate Democrats and get a recorded vote. We’ll either pass the REINS Act in Congress or we will force Democrats to take a recorded vote on a popular bill they WILL be held accountable for.

But bringing the REINS Act this far has nearly tapped out our resources. I need you to go here and chip in $10, $25, $50, $100 or even $250 to bring our REINS Act fight directly to Senate Democrats.

UPDATE: I told you last week about the Protect IP Act and the SOPA Act, which would give Obama the power to shut down individual websites. ATP is fighting to kill both bills. Thanks to your calls and support the bills are held up in the Senate and House Judiciary Committees, but still alive. Thank you!!! ATP will keep fighting until both bills are killed.

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