Thursday, December 8, 2011

Gmail - First They Sent Them Guns, and Now Money? -

Gmail - First They Sent Them Guns, and Now Money? -

First They Sent Them Guns, and Now Money?
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5:35 AM (8 hours ago)
to me
View This Email On The Web

Dear Patriot,

In light of last weekend's Fast and Furious document dump by the Obama administration, we've been making a big push this week for our Prosecute Eric Holder petition. Not only did Holder lie to Congress about when he first learned of Fast and Furious, but the most recent documents show he also lied when he said that top-level DOJ officials did not participate in the botched gunrunning operation!

We also learned this week that in addition to ATF letting over 1,000 guns walk across the border, the DEA also sent tens of millions of dollars (if not more) in laundered money to the Mexican cartels! The US government is smuggling weapons and cash to the very criminals who are wreaking havoc on our borders!

This is such an important issue that directly affects the safety and security of this country that we're pushing to make this our most successful petition yet. Please sign this petition to hold Eric Holder accountable for his involvement in Fast and Furious as well as his involvement in its coverup.

If you've signed the petition in the last 14 days, please forward this email to just three friends and ask them to join you in standing up to Eric Holder. If everyone who reads this email signs the petition - or gets a friend to sign it - then we will reach our goal of making this the most successful petition yet!

Thank you,
Todd Cefaratti
Freedom Organizer

P.S. Our strength is in numbers. Please help our efforts by forwarding to a friend.

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