Thursday, December 8, 2011

LIES: Analysis of Obama’s ‘New Nationalism’ Speech | Conservative Byte

LIES: Analysis of Obama’s ‘New Nationalism’ Speech | Conservative Byte

LIES: Analysis of Obama’s ‘New Nationalism’ Speech

President Barack Obama has gone on record numerous times denying the innovation and success of the free market. During Wednesday’s episode of the Glenn Beck Program on GBTV, Glenn noted that while at the Fox News network, he was advised to never call the president a “liar” under any circumstances. The logic being that the public would prefer to hear that the president “misspoke” rather than believing he could lie.

Well, tonight, on his own network, Glenn did just that — call Obama a liar — and he backed up the assertion with historical facts and figures.

Airing a clip in which the president repeatedly tells an audience, and the greater American public, that capitalism has “never worked” — not in 1920′s, the 1950‘s and 60’s, nor in the 1980′s — Glenn took major issue with Obama’s “fairy tales about history” and proved the president wrong by pointing to the historical instances that made each of those decades Obama smeared as a “failure of the free market,” an actual success.

Citing presidents Calvin Coolidge and Warren Harding‘s efforts to undo the Depression caused by Woodrow Wilson’s progressive policies as a launchpad, Glenn explained how tax cuts and dramatic reduction in the size of government implemented post-Wilson, gave way to the auto-industry boom of the 1920′s.

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198 Responses to LIES: Analysis of Obama’s ‘New Nationalism’ Speech

  1. True Patriot says:

    The Liar-in-Cheat said it again. He is ending up with the pinocchio theory. He’s lying again. What’s new? This is a great leader that leads from behind. You know what that means to America? Bend over and grab your cheeks like bend-over Biden (Bite Me the real “barbarian/terrorist.) Obamo-homo is jeapardizing our liberties as usual and scolding us for being a free country. In an earlier article a Federal Judge sentenced the former Governor of “corrupt” Illinois to 14 years in prison. This is one of the stiffest penalties a federal judge can give somebody. As for the former Governor before Blagojevich, he got sentenced to 6 months in the federal pen. This is the history of Chicago and Illinois. It has been corrupt since the 1920s. This is how Odummo is as so-called president. I believe he hasn’t worked an honest job a day in his life. He’s scolding hard-working, honest Americans for working honestly. Of course, he lies, and says this hasn’t worked. What he says is nothing but a crock of BS!! If any Americans believe him they are “stupid.” Go to website:

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